Religious message

I had real high hopes for this movie. And I was intrigued right up to last 10 minutes. Then I felt ripped off. Never mind that the aliens had wings like angels. That was bad enough. And the tree. Whatever. But, right after Nicholas Cage sends his son off in the space ship and he drives to his parents house and his his sister and parents are there. His Dad who earlier in the film you figure out is religious. And they all hug and wait for the world to end. The Dad says "This is not the end." Nic says I know. Very clear here that whoever wrote this script and made this movie had a very clear message regarding life after death. A very clear religious message. I just wish there had been a warning before I watched that this is clearly a biblical warning to all of mankind. I would have not wasted 2 hours of my life. Also, I read an article written by a scientist regarding this movie. He says that it would be pretty much impossible for a solar flare to destroy the earth like that. Says that by the time a solar flare gets here through the coldness of space there would not be enough heat to set everything on fire. Solar flares hit Earth all the time. That's what makes the Northern lights. And at its worse flares interrupt satellite transmissions. The script writers could have come up with something a little more plausible. Very disappointed.


mcintyre-15,so you wanted a movie about the end of the the world to have a plausible event causing it? You probably don't even see the stupidity of that,do you? You quote a scientist saying a solar flare could not destroy the earth like that.Well for that we should be thankful because if it could we wouldn't be watching the MOVIE,we would probably all be dead!
Also for your information, solar flares do not hit the earth,the radiation caused by the flares collides with our atmosphere. You see mcintyre,I am an Astronomer and I enjoy watching Science fiction movies. That is the point,the science doesn't have to be accurate because it is a MOVIE!!! Get it!


Nice piece of fiction! No biblical truths here whatsoever. This was fiction pure and simple! For those that are ignorant (mind you I did not say stupid), just ignorant of biblical truths then it's quite possible you could be confused by a movie such as this. Do not confuse this movie with any type of religious message, particularly the Christian faith, there is NONE.

So if you want to know the truth, study the Bible, choose not to be ignorant, and then when you watch a movie like this you'll understand what I'm saying. Just be careful if you respond to this post, better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt! :)

Absolute truth is an objective reality that exists independent of what anyone thinks or feels about it.


Yes, its religious propaganda, and ill-informing brain-scramble. Just one example: Determinism isn't about purpose, it's about causation.


'Knowing' is religious, ill-informing brain-scramble. To chose just one example: Determinism is about causation, not purpose.


The fact is that the world is on the edge of being chastised by fire. How God will do this is unknown, but however, He performed the "miracle of the sun," to prove the messages at Fatima, Portugal in 1917 to be authentic. The sun appeared to be crashing down to earth. Afterward the ground that was drenched by rain was completely dry. This punishment will not be the end of the world, therefore, unlike the movie there will be survivors here on Earth.


Oh, I get it now. The nice kind space-aliens save the little children and the cute bunny wabbits from that homicidal psychopathic scumbag god.

Makes you feel all warm & fuzzy inside as 8 billion souls (plus a googol or two of other innocent life forms) get burned to a crisp by the god-cultists.



I'm confused about this so-called ambiguity. Either the movie is about religion, and the vengeful God says I'm going to be killing all these people on various dates, but you have to work out which ones, and then I'm going to kill you all anyway - presumably with some reference to the Noah's Ark story - or it's about time travelling telepathic philanthropic aliens who choose a couple of kids (or more) to save after mischievously taunting them and their ancestors for no apparent reason. Surely you have to be in one of these camps, in which case there is no ambiguity. Seems a rather silly storyline in either case. But then again, I see things in black and white...


The OP of this thread claims that the in the film, the world is done in by a mere "Solar Flare" which is NOT even close to what is hinted at in the film, but this is probably due to bad editing. Rather, the Earth is hit by a Super Coronal Mass Ejection. That's a horse of a different color by far. A Coronal Mass Ejection of sufficient size could, in theorycause the kind of disaster we see at the end but the idea that NASA's Sun observer satellites wouldn't have noticed it kinda silly. Nick Cage himself should have picked up on it if he was really a cosmologist at MIT.

Be that as it may... We have been hit with small CMEs in the past and they've just oh, say.. knocked out the power grid for the entire Northeast. We've been lucky so far. The sun regularly ejects these giant blobs of itself but the Earth is only vulnerable if we are at our closest point in orbit or sitting right in the path of the ejection. It would have to be the whopper of all CMEs and just in the right place at the right time to end our world. That is what we see at the end - the destruction of the Magnetosphere which normally keeps us safe from such things.

Here's a little info for those who want to know what a Solar Mass Ejection is and why it is NOT even close to being the same thing as a little ole solar flare:

Here is more info from NASA and it is not difficult to understand:

Here's a link to some Science geeks figuring out just how accurate/inaccurate the film was, and this too is easy to understand and kind of fun:

Best wishes


So because this had a 'religious' message to it, you feel like it suddenly became a bad movie and you wasted 2 hours of your life? I find that a bit strange. I watched Ghandi, and I didn't feel like I wasted hours of my life just because I'm not Hindu. I've watched movies where the lead character was obviously not a 'religious' person....Scarface, Bonnie and Clyde, Untouchables (Al Capone), etc. and I didn't feel they were bad movies or that the director had some plot to attack my Christianity or that I wasted hours of my life. I have watched movies about Vampires and the occult and movies with satanic themes, like some of these found footage movies (The Devil Inside, Devil's Due, etc.) but I didn't feel offended or angered by the Satanic themes or that I had wasted hours of my life. So clarify...just because you have some thought that this movie conveyed some sort of religious, even Christian, theme you feel that the director was seeking to cram religion down your throat, or what?


sinners in the hand of an angry god
