This is a masterpiiece! I am wondering why others don't feel the same way?
In my opinion, this has always been an incredible masterpiece.
First off, I could not really read the entire comic book on my own in my youth- it was too different, too complex and weird to make it though. Hard to imagine but that was how I felt. In my immature and child mind, I could not fathom this universe. I just wanted more Superman and Batman and did not get the mashup.
It was not until Zack Snyder's amazing film, I could unravel and understand the wondrous complexity and writing and now after subsequent iterations (tv show and now animated movie) after iterations, NOTHING has come close to Zack Snynder's masterpiece.
I don't get why his other films like Justice League are nowhere near the calibre of Watchmen, but this is one of the best comic book movies ever made.