A very overrated comedy!

I've watched this movie 2 times in the past and I think it's an overrated, I didn't even laugh once. It just looks like a stupid boy movie about a nerd with a very boring life and very bad acting story and cinematography. Its way to over rated;this movie might as well be called life of a boring nerd!



I can understand people not liking it.

Personally I love it, but I'm damned if I can put my finger on exactly why.

Part of it is Jon Heder's brilliance as the uber-dork, a lot of fun to watch.

...then whoa, differences...


Yes TerraFirm. If you love it no-one can take that away from you. That's why any art is personal


You're an idiot with no sense of humor. That's why.


OP, is right. This movie is not funny. Watched it when it came out, didn't make me laugh. Watched it yesterday in HD, still didn't make me laugh.


This movie is not funny. Watched it when it came out, didn't make me laugh. Watched it yesterday in HD, still didn't make me laugh.

It is your opinion btw not a fact. Anyway, if it didn't make you laugh the first time why torture yourself and watch it again?


Because I'm now older and wiser. And some movies deserve a second chance if everyone likes it except you. Happy?


Yes ecstatic. And that was very mature of you to give it a 2nd chance. I actually do that too.


It's a time-period movie. The school and the activities portrayed are very close to the real deal when I was in school in the late 80's early 90's. Younger people probably won't get it. When the bully beats up Fred the geek at his locker, a young lady walks by with the funniest duck walk. We had a girl in school that walked just like that. People in the 30-40 year old age group can relate to something in ND.


Rather than over rated I'd say it was under rated ... I have just watched it for a second time and found it funnier ... Rather than laugh out loud it's more a silent smile type of funny ... A little like Fargo or The Big Lebouski ... Poor comparison I know but I think you know what I mean ...

I swallowed a bug ... River


Personally I love the fim and find it hillarious, but still:

I wouldn't argue with someone calling the movie "overrated"
I wouldn't argue with someone calling the acting "bad"
I wouldn't even argue with someone calling the writing "bad"
But anyone calling the cinematography "bad" needs to take a closer look...

The cinematorgaphy in this film is straight-up brillian! Not to over-state the fact but IMO Munn Powell's 1st time effort on this film was pretty much as good (or better) than most of the 77th Academy Award nominees for that same year.

If you are not a fan of static-shots then fair enough, but it certainly couldn't be called "bad cinematography" by any standard I have ever encountered.


I I didn't insult the cinematography I just don't find this movie funny I don't know how it's funny. And just because I don't find this movie funny that doesn't mean I don't have a sense of humor like people on YouTube and said to me.


Your initial post read "very bad acting story and cinematography" that's what I was referring to.

It's up to you what you find funny or not funny, I have no argument with that.

I appreciate that quote by Sir Frances Bacon which reads "Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not; a sense of humor was given to man to console him for what he is."

Some of us when we growing up were geeks & outsiders just like the imaginitive guys who wrote this film. I guess in laughing at Napoleon Dynamite we laugh simply because it consoles an awkward long-lost part of ourselves.

Flippin Sweet...


The steak in the face was funny ? I think some people simply don't care about the 90's therefore this dumb humor does not work for them, it is stupid humor which is usually funny to simplistic humans.


it is stupid humor which is usually funny to simplistic humans.

What is simplistic is watching a movie you clearly find dumb and then spending time on a message board whining about it.


I would rather say, what is simplistic is defending nonsense as art, grow up and get a pair and welcome to the real world.


I've watched this movie 2 times in the past and I think it's an overrated, I didn't even laugh once. It just looks like a stupid boy movie about a nerd with a very boring life and very bad acting story and cinematography. Its way to over rated;this movie might as well be called life of a boring nerd!

Well since you sound kind of boring - you didn't laugh even once??? Not once? Then it is obvious why you wouldn't understand how just because you don't like it doesn't mean other people don't.

Couldn't you tell from the "unfunny" trailer that you wouldn't like it? Why did you watch it?

Lastly it's fine you didn't like it but it doesn't mean it's overrated.


I watched it for first time a decade ago when my mom rented it from blockbuster total access but I didn't laugh once and my mom and sister didn't like it and a couple of co workers of mine didn't like it either. I'm just so curious why NOBODY is smart enough to respect my opinion. Just because I don't find it funny doesn't mean I have no sense of humor. Is that too hard to understand?


my mom and sister didn't like it and a couple of co workers of mine didn't like it either.

Your mom goes to college!


Are you just quoting a line from the movie?


It's hard to respect your opinion because you are claiming it is overrated. Like I said, it's fine you don't like it. But it doesn't mean everyone has to dislike it.


I don't understand how people can find this movie funny and why people immediately put up a big fuss when other people like me don't like this movie and accuse us of not having a sense of humor.


I also agree it's not the funniest movie out there. I was kind of joking because you said you didn't laugh even once.

I get you were kind of just trying to make a point. So I understand why it would frustrate you that we all gave you a hard time.


What do you have to do and how many times do you have to watch this movie to find it funny?


Grandma just called. She said for you to stop ruining our lives and eating all our steak!


I don't think this movie is overrated because...

First off, it seems like most people hate this movie, judging from everything I've read and heard over the years. So that doesn't quite do justice for the term "overrated".

Second, its a good movie. Its original enough for me, a nice break from conventionalized patterns of comedy. The humor is just too subtle for people raised on the F-word and toilet jokes and all that crap. ND is proof you don't need that stuff for a laugh.

Third, my POV on this movie is legit since I went to see Aaron Ruell and Efren Ramirez on stage at Central Washington University, 2005. First they played clips from the movie, and a couple girls right behind me just SCREAMED with laughter, (I remember it was the scene where Kip drives the van over the bowl) so believe me when I say it hits the right note with people.
