A very overrated comedy!

I've watched this movie 2 times in the past and I think it's an overrated, I didn't even laugh once. It just looks like a stupid boy movie about a nerd with a very boring life and very bad acting story and cinematography. Its way to over rated;this movie might as well be called life of a boring nerd!


Many people don't like this movie because of it's pacing and subject matter. I think it is hilarious and original.


My sons watched this in their teens. I caught a few minutes in passing as I was doing other things. Found it pointless and boring.

I watched it again in its entirety a few years later... and I suddenly 'got it'. Couldn't stop laughing.

Drove my wife nuts over the years throwing out quotes and re-enacting bits from this movie.

I think you get it if you were raised in a rural or semi-rural community where people aren't especially 'worldly'.
