Benjamin Button scene - why?!

Did anyone else wonder why this scene was included?

I thought it was terrible and made me think of Will Ferrell-style humor.

It didn't seem to fit with the rest of the film and there were plenty of amusing parts without it.

Did it strike anyone else odd that it was included?

Really loved the rest of the movie though... :)



I thought it was very clever and funny, because it's something everyone can relate with, but hardly notices that they can. It was very well done and probably hard to portray.

That particular scene showed one of those daydreams you have when your mind has absolutely nothing to hold on to. The fantasy lost its "grip" the moment he forgot the concept of Benjamin Button. He imagined himself old, then younger and then old again. Then he thought that the concept was getting older but just smaller and the ridiculous romantic scene began where also odd things were said "you can just nestle in my arms and die".

I thought it was great because it shows those brief totally random daydreams everyone sometimes has and usually quickly forgets, and the way the random thoughts were chained also felt really typical.


I loved the scene. Its brilliant that he hadn't actually seen the film and only vaguely knew what the story was about, and how that vagueness literally looked in his fantasy.




it was a funny scene and had a meaning to it, he was younger inside than he looked or something like that


That was like Simple Jack in Tropic Thunder, wonderful!


I thought that scene was hilarious, I haven't laughed so hard at a movie in years at that...just wondering if you saw Benjamin buttons...I probably wouldn't have thought it was very funny if I hadn't seen that movie...


You have to understand how crazy the imagination can get, and that's what this scene demonstrated, I believe.


not as bad as the fight out scene in the elevator. It felt like family guy chicken fight scene lol.


Couldn't agree more! It felt really out of place with the rest of the film.
