<<<I will defend Terry Gilliam to the death because I really think he's one of the greatest filmmakers of all-time, and long after he's gone, his reputation will grow and grow until he is up there with the likes of Kubrick
I totally agree.
<<<But I cannot get into The Brothers Grimm. I can always find enough positive elements in a Gilliam film, even the ones I'm not particularly mad about (e.g. Jabberwocky, The Fisher King), but Grimm doesn't even feel like a Gilliam film. The script is all over the place and the Weinsteins interfered so much that it's virtually unrecognizable in his body of work. There are flashes of Gilliam's brilliance but mostly it feels like a Weinstein film, and a bad one at that.
Maybe it's not the best Gilliam, but none of his movies are real bad. And I enjoyed this more than Fisher King anyway. Well, I also really like fairytales-