Atheists, if I told you....

Let me run a little what if with the atheist readers:

If I told you that there is no hell and all you had to do to get into heaven was switch your non-belief in Jesus/God to a strong faith/belief in him as God, would you do it for eternal life?

Little what if scenario "features":
-You change your non-belief in God to a strong faithful belief in God/Jesus in exchange for "free eternal life in heaven"
-You change nothing else in your life

I'm not saying this is true or anything else. Some christians believe that all you need is strong faith of God/Jesus existing to get into heaven, no strings attached/all sins are wiped clean when you die as long as you believe.

I'm not trying to convert or get into a philosophical debate here. Just wondering if it eternal life was this easy, would you do it?


Atheism is a brain disorder rooted in rebellion.

I don't respond to God-haters. It's not worth my time.


I didn't know brain disorders (?) could be developed when someone disagrees with someone else's claims of their god being the one and only. Are you an atheist to Thor, Pan, Shiva, Isis? Or are they byproducts of the evil Satan?


"Atheism is a brain disorder rooted in rebellion. "

Care to provide evidence to support your bullcrap?

Didn't think so.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free" - Goethe


Atheism is a brain disorder rooted in rebellion.

Attacking again?

I don't respond to God-haters. It's not worth my time.

But what a snivelling coward you just showed yourself to be to everyone. If you haven't got the moral and intellectual courage to respond to those who you insult, then you truly are a pi$$-poor example of a Christian.

I can't think of a single Christian I've ever met who is as intellectually and morally bankrupt as you just showed yourself to be.

Religion - the original can of Ever-So-Much-More-So.


Some would say the brain disorder lies with those who believe in something that plainly does not exist.


Atheism is a brain disorder rooted in rebellion. I don't respond to God-haters. It's not worth my time.

- Hilarious! Jesus indeed did teach us not to cast our pearls of Godly wisdom before swine. Of course, He does want us to love all regardless.

Pascal: "Atheism shows strength of mind, but only to a certain degree." Unbelievers who persistently endeavor in an honest, rational effort to search for the truth are commended by Pascal, to the exclusion of those who are merely dismissive.

Anselm: (The atheist) understands the claim that God exists, yet he does not believe that God exists. Thus, he is a fool.

God: The fool says in his heart, "There is no God".



There are many problems with the reasoning in Pascal's Wager, as well as the unsavoury theological assumptions it makes. Like most arguments for the existence of God, it seems more about reassuring existing believers than converting non-believers. This is because in order to convince a non-believer, a theological argument must both prove that the god it argues for is the One True God and disprove all other possibilities.

(The atheist) understands the claim that God exists, yet he does not believe that God exists. Thus, he is a fool.

A theory that suffers from the same fallacious logic as Pascal's wager. A person can understand the claim that people have seen Elvis in McDonalds yesterday, but it doesn't mean he is a fool for not believing it.

God: The fool says in his heart, "There is no God".

See above.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free - Goethe


Every reason God is illogical and sick

1. He gave man the ability to have sex, made him to want sex 24/7 between the ages of 13 and 70 but cursed him with death and pain when he did have sex.

2. He wants mankind to believe his existence so much, he damns all non-believers to hell, however he makes no attempt whatsoever to prove his existence by performing a miracle (something he apparently couldn’t stop doing in the dark ages) during the non-believer’s life and instead waits 70 odd years to judge them instead of just showing himself to all of man just once every hundred years.

3. He created man, a fragile and easy to damage being, only to create diseases, blood thirsty animals, anger, pain itself, old age and the subconscious desire to commit violence against others. In what world does that make sense?

4. If Adam and Eve spawned the entire human race, and he is supposed to be the one true God, why have different nations all heard of different Gods? Don’t just say “well they’re heretics” because they aren’t believing in different Gods just to insult and sin against the main one.

5. He tells us not to commit violent acts when he will damn us to eternal agony if we do something that doesn’t necessarily have to harm others, it just has to be wrong from his point of view, even if it does no harm to other human beings or animals.

6. He told Abraham that the only way to prove his love for God was to murder his own son; that makes no sense.

7. If Adam and Eve spawned the whole human race, we should all be deformed abominations, we have seen the result of inbreeding with our own eyes, unlike God’s proof he exists.

8. Why does he always just sit back and watch Osama Bin Laden and Adolf Hitler do what they dedicate their lives to? It was said when they began making medicine that God would be angry and unleash his wrath because diseases were his creations and medicines killed those creations, but when man kills other men (also God’s creations) he does nothing.

9. If we don’t spend EVERY Sunday praying to and worshiping him, he damns us to hell.

10. If you’re gay (something you cannot help) he damns you to hell.

11. If you desire vengeance against someone who wronged you first (doesn’t matter who they are or what they’ve done) God will damn you to hell, even though God himself has committed wrath on numerous occasions.

12. The Bible says violent acts must not be committed, yet some people still see fit to beat their children if they do not pray, torture non-believers to death (like Torquemada) and even crash planes full of POSSIBLE non-believers into buildings, also full of people who MIGHT not believe.

13. If you kidnap a small child, rape, torture and murder them after holding them captive for twenty years and confess your crime to a priest, God will not punish you.

14. God says drugs are bad, yet he also saw fit to put them on Earth in the form of plants, made them easy to obtain and the only reason they shouldn’t be taken is because of the damage they do, damage he created them to do.

15. He banished Lucifer from Heaven only to put him in charge of Hell. Something that makes no sense.

16. If he was able to flood the world and get rid of evil, why can’t he do that now?

17. The bible says he was able to do all kinds of wonderful and unbelievable things during the dark ages, why can’t he do any of those things now.

18. Why does he allow believers to be targeted by genocidal maniacs, who he apparently took care in creating?

19. The bible says bad things do not happen to good people who do good things, but if you spend your whole life doing nothing but good and just happen to come across a sadistic psycho, you will suffer a whole world of pain anyway.

20. Religious fanatics say god takes special care when creating each individual person, so that means he makes gay people on purpose, but still wishes to punish those who are gay for being gay.

21. He prevented wars and intervened during battles in the dark ages, but isn’t doing that now.

22. If he controls who has power, why does he give bad people political power and rule over millions of lives.

23. He created earth in seven days, but is apparently planning to destroy the whole thing just because a few little details didn’t work out exactly how he wanted them to.

24. When he allows something terrible to happen to innocent people, his excuse is that he simply works in mysterious ways, or it has something to do with a big plan he has for all of us. Which is stupid.

25. Why create life only to also create death.

26. If Satan was stripped of his powers, why was he able to take the form of a snake and convince Adam and Eve to have sex?

27. The bible contradicts itself repeatedly, it says you must not commit violent acts, if someone wrongs you then you must commit violence against them, don’t be violent or God will violate you.

28. The bible says an eye for an eye and the world will be blind, but revenge isn’t really taking out each others eye and what about the few who have given others no reason to take out their eye in the first place.

29. Why did he give animals the need to kill?

30. If God says violence is bad, why does he wait for a person to commit millions of violent acts before punishing them?

31. The bible says he will punish evil and save the good, that doesn’t explain the Holocaust, the Spanish slaughter of the native Americans, crusades, the crimes of Torquemada, Ivan the Terrible, Vlad the Impaler, Caligula, Stalin and 911, slavery in America and Rome, sex trade, dictators, random murder for fun, crime lords and corrupt judges.


Stalin and 911

while I agree with your post, I find it funny that you're mentioning Stalin and 911 together, like they belong in the same category. Let's look at it from a body-count perspective: Staling committed genocide several times. He decimated whole cities with his 'cleansings'. In the Ukraine, around 6-8,000,000 were killed by famine in only one instance, a famine orchestrated by Stalin. He kept a whole nation trembling in terror for 29 years, driving artists and intellectuals to an early grave, killing good people for the most ridiculous things. His total body count: around 60,000,000.

911 was traumatic, I know, but how can you compare? I know you really aren't, but you know, I needed to get this off my chest.


clerical error


Every reason God is illogical and sick

- So, you either believe that God exists and is "...illogical and sick..." or you are an atheist arguing that God does not exist because of the various areas that you dislike about life.

1. He gave man the ability to have sex, made him to want sex 24/7 between the ages of 13 and 70 but cursed him with death and pain when he did have sex.

- He offers marriage exclusively between one man and one woman, when practiced, there are no sexually transmitted diseases.

2. He wants mankind to believe his existence so much, he damns all non-believers to hell, however he makes no attempt whatsoever to prove his existence by performing a miracle (something he apparently couldn’t stop doing in the dark ages) during the non-believer’s life and instead waits 70 odd years to judge them instead of just showing himself to all of man just once every hundred years.

- He provided the miracle of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ. He doesn't not have to prove His existence to exist, see "Pascal's Wager" and "Anselm's Ontological Argument". Better still, see "The Bible": The fool says in his heart, "There is no God."

3. He created man, a fragile and easy to damage being, only to create diseases, blood thirsty animals, anger, pain itself, old age and the subconscious desire to commit violence against others. In what world does that make sense?

- Originally, He created Paradise i.e. Eden, but man sinned by the one act of disobedience, eating the forbidden fruit. By that sin, "...diseases, blood thirsty animals, anger, pain itself, old age and the subconscious desire to commit violence against others" was unleashed into the world. Jesus committed one act of obedience, death on a cross, to secure salvation to all who believe in Him despite the depravity of the world.

4. If Adam and Eve spawned the entire human race, and he is supposed to be the one true God, why have different nations all heard of different Gods? Don’t just say “well they’re heretics” because they aren’t believing in different Gods just to insult and sin against the main one.

- This is revealed in Genesis. Cain murders Abel, turns his back on God, and goes out into the world to develop and survive without God. In the process, his descendants develop other religions. They either hear about God and reject Him, or haven't heard and believe in the false religious cults that developed.

5. He tells us not to commit violent acts when he will damn us to eternal agony if we do something that doesn’t necessarily have to harm others, it just has to be wrong from his point of view, even if it does no harm to other human beings or animals.

- That is His right, He is God and knows better than us how to discern good from evil. We don't have to like it or agree with Him, but that doesn't make Him wrong either. God doesn't have to align with our version of logic to exist or be ultimately logical in His choices and actions.

6. He told Abraham that the only way to prove his love for God was to murder his own son; that makes no sense.

- To the unbeliever or someone who doesn't consider the bigger picture it makes no sense, it is crystal clear to those who consider the central message and theme: be willing to sacrifice anything for God. He provided a ram for Abraham's sacrifice, it was for a testing of faith, God clearly never intended for Abraham to actually kill his only son. The point is to put God first in everything, and remember that all things originate with God and should never be idolized or valued above Him.

7. If Adam and Eve spawned the whole human race, we should all be deformed abominations, we have seen the result of inbreeding with our own eyes, unlike God’s proof he exists.

- God doesn't make it clear in the bible that they were the only 2 people. However, if they were, the purity of their bloodline would suffice until generations develop over time who could intermarry without deformity.

8. Why does he always just sit back and watch Osama Bin Laden and Adolf Hitler do what they dedicate their lives to? It was said when they began making medicine that God would be angry and unleash his wrath because diseases were his creations and medicines killed those creations, but when man kills other men (also God’s creations) he does nothing.

- God does intervene, but not perhaps in the way that we would like Him to. He allows horrible atrocities with full control over every soul killed to testify (in part) against man's desire for self godhood. Only God is God, we are not.

9. If we don’t spend EVERY Sunday praying to and worshiping him, he damns us to hell.

- This is a fallacy, not true. Salvation is not attained by doing, but by believing and responding to His love with good works. Works i.e. church attendance, helping others, living sacrificially etc. are a result of the salvation already received. One also can achieve eternal life by simply believing ex. the thief on the cross next to Jesus. However, in most cases we have an opportunity to respond to His love by doing good things for others in this life.

10. If you’re gay (something you cannot help) he damns you to hell.

- No, God loves gay people. The sin of homosexuality is not any worse than any other sin. It's just sin, gay people can choose not to have gay sex and God will accept the believing gay person. Some can even "pray away the gay".

11. If you desire vengeance against someone who wronged you first (doesn’t matter who they are or what they’ve done) God will damn you to hell, even though God himself has committed wrath on numerous occasions.

- God says to allow Him to avenge you on your behalf, rather than taking out your on revenge on someone who has wronged you. God's wrath is righteous, seldom if ever is man's wrath.

12. The Bible says violent acts must not be committed, yet some people still see fit to beat their children if they do not pray, torture non-believers to death (like Torquemada) and even crash planes full of POSSIBLE non-believers into buildings, also full of people who MIGHT not believe.

- God is ultimately in control, regardless of man's disobedience to His commands. People are free to sin, to choose not to follow God's commands.

13. If you kidnap a small child, rape, torture and murder them after holding them captive for twenty years and confess your crime to a priest, God will not punish you.

- This does not align with the bible at all. Priests are not the pathway to God, Jesus is the only High Priest, attorney if you will, who argues on our behalf to God. Therefore, the only provision for salvation is belief in His shed blood for the forgiveness of sins, a human priest from any religion has no power whatsoever to absolve anyone from their sins - only God can do that. Many child molesters pay dearly for their sin on this life - but they do have an opportunity to repent and believe - as do all sinners - which is all of us.

14. God says drugs are bad, yet he also saw fit to put them on Earth in the form of plants, made them easy to obtain and the only reason they shouldn’t be taken is because of the damage they do, damage he created them to do.

- I don't see in the bible where He says "drugs are bad". However, any drug abuse is obviously not desirable. He allows for choices so that we as independent beings have an opportunity to choose the good over the evil. Whether you believe in Him or not, this fact is undeniable: we all have a choice to make.

15. He banished Lucifer from Heaven only to put him in charge of Hell. Something that makes no sense.

- Not in the bible as far as I can see. He does put Satan - Lucifer - "in charge of our world", thus giving us an opportunity to believe in Him or not. Lucifer is the god of this world until Christ reclaims it and banishes him from it.

16. If he was able to flood the world and get rid of evil, why can’t he do that now?

- He can, but He chooses not to. He said that He wouldn't ever do it again afterwards, it's in Genesis. He also says that He will destroy the world with fire the next time, and create a new heaven and a new earth from the old.

17. The bible says he was able to do all kinds of wonderful and unbelievable things during the dark ages, why can’t he do any of those things now.

- He can and does do "...all kinds of wonderful and unbelievable things..." now, you just have to look for them.

18. Why does he allow believers to be targeted by genocidal maniacs, who he apparently took care in creating?

- Because sin is still prevalent in our world, Ultimately, he will avenge them.

19. The bible says bad things do not happen to good people who do good things, but if you spend your whole life doing nothing but good and just happen to come across a sadistic psycho, you will suffer a whole world of pain anyway.

- Ultimately, good prevails for those who believe.

20. Religious fanatics say god takes special care when creating each individual person, so that means he makes gay people on purpose, but still wishes to punish those who are gay for being gay.

- He loves gay people, He loves all sinners, that's why He died for them - because they are worth dying for. That includes gay people. However, He does not approve of homosexual behavior.

21. He prevented wars and intervened during battles in the dark ages, but isn’t doing that now.

- Yes He is.

22. If he controls who has power, why does he give bad people political power and rule over millions of lives.

- To reveal that man is not God, in part. He provided Saul, a poor leader, to be king over the nation of Israel before appointing David to show them that they didn't need a political leader.

23. He created earth in seven days, but is apparently planning to destroy the whole thing just because a few little details didn’t work out exactly how he wanted them to.

- He is God the creator of everything, that is His right. He does plan to create something better in its place, so I don't see the problem here.

24. When he allows something terrible to happen to innocent people, his excuse is that he simply works in mysterious ways, or it has something to do with a big plan he has for all of us. Which is stupid.

- What appears to man as foolishness sometimes is the very wisdom of God. You are free to call God stupid, He can obviously handle it, I choose to call Him wise. His question to you: "Where were you when I created everything? You think that you really understand wisdom better than I, God?"

25. Why create life only to also create death.

- Why not? Originally, they were created to live eternally in Paradise, but their sin condemned them and us all with them, to die once and then be judged.

26. If Satan was stripped of his powers, why was he able to take the form of a snake and convince Adam and Eve to have sex?

- It is implied that they were having sex before Satan deceived them. He was not a snake at first, God turned him into a snake as a punishment for deceiving them. Nowhere does Satan "convince Adam and Eve to have sex", God already commanded all life to have sex: "Be fruitful and multiply".

27. The bible contradicts itself repeatedly, it says you must not commit violent acts, if someone wrongs you then you must commit violence against them, don’t be violent or God will violate you.

- When you read it in context, this all becomes clear and there is no contradiction.

28. The bible says an eye for an eye and the world will be blind, but revenge isn’t really taking out each others eye and what about the few who have given others no reason to take out their eye in the first place.

- It's just saying that the punishment should fit the crime. It also says to love mercy and walk humbly with God, and that he who is without sin can cast the first stone. Since all have sinned, no one can cast stones.

29. Why did he give animals the need to kill?

- Why not? Killing isn't necessarily evil. I kill a fish and eat it, this is acceptable and not immoral.

30. If God says violence is bad, why does he wait for a person to commit millions of violent acts before punishing them?

- It depends on the situation. Some receive immediate punishment, others, later. He has reasons, some revealed, some not. He does not owe us an explanation, He is God. However, he will likely provide you with answers, but you must ask Him in faith.

31. The bible says he will punish evil and save the good, that doesn’t explain the Holocaust, the Spanish slaughter of the native Americans, crusades, the crimes of Torquemada, Ivan the Terrible, Vlad the Impaler, Caligula, Stalin and 911, slavery in America and Rome, sex trade, dictators, random murder for fun, crime lords and corrupt judges.

- Yes it does, think about it. All wrongdoing will be repaid, but not perhaps in the time or way that we believe is best. God knows better than we do about these things.

If you don't like the way God does things, reach out to Him in humility and let Him answer you. He will, when you come to Him from a sincere and humble heart.

More importantly, believe in Him and share His love with others.


A lot of flimsy logic in here, mostly in that your only way to prove parts of scripture true are by quoting other parts of scripture, which is a scientifically invalid way of arguing anything (one tests a hypothesis - for that is what the Bible is - not against itself but against observable fact). And when you wrote "pray away the gay", you lost any claims to being a serious thinker.


While I'm pretty sure from your post that we agree on fundamental principles, I find it a bit unhelpful when atheists base their reasoning on false assumptions or misquotations. Since I'm bedridden a the moment, allow me to answer every single of your points, because you took the time and deserve more than a one-liner.

Here goes.

1. Wrong: I know people aged 80 and up who are horny as hell.

2. Re-Hell: hey, at least the Jews are spared this. Only with the arrival of gentle Jesus do we start hearing about the flames.

3. Viruses are HIS way of telling you to be less of a sissy. Possibly (why would that make any less sense...)

4. No all monotheistic religions believe in the same God. Think of it like a lot of mankind (basically the part possibly not going to Hell, sorry Buddhists) uses Windows OS. Buddhists use DOS and Hindus use Linux. Muslims use Windows 8, Christians Windows 7, and Jews Windows 98... surprise, they're all *beep* And everyone resents people who've updated or dumps on those who haven't.

5. That's what being a toddler feels like. If any part of religion represents the human condition, that's it.

6. It's called following by example. Didn't God prove His love by brutally killing his own son? There's no better flattery than imitation, especially among psychopaths.

7. About inbreeding... If there were that many instances of inbreeding, think how much smarter we must have been back then. It's really heartbreaking...

8. Because those people still obeyed the 3 first commandments, which God apparently likes more than the rest.

9. That's right, and don't you dare work on the sabbath or your arse is headed straight for the oven!

10. No it's ok to be gay, you just have to keep it to yourself and negate your uncontrollable sexual desires and live in misery until you die. That's not entirely different from what God has planned for heterosexuals, in all honesty.

11. This depends on which version of the OS you have installed in your brain, and to be honest, the manuals all contradict themselves a bit, almost as if they'd all been written by a group of semi-literate clueless idiots in a desert, but that would be to much of a stretch.

12. Again, the manuals contradict themselves. The jurisprudence segment of the Old Testament implies heavily that children are their parents' property so that answers part of your question.

13. We call this the Catholic Clergy (but then again, some Rabbis top the circumcision off by putting the baby's penis in their mouths, and instances of rape in Buddhist monasteries have been widespread, so let's not heap all the praise on one organisation)

14. That's for trying to eat plants when he bloody well gave us animals and fruit!

15. Again, that one makes perfect sense. If you hate an underling and really want to punish them, you don't fire them: you give them the worst job you can imagine. The corporate world enforces this one like nobody's business!

16. Global warming, increased ocean temperatures and chances of a hypercane and superstorms... we're basically doing that for him. He must be pleasantly surprised (for once).

17. The Bible says nothing of the Dark Ages, this is all BC stuff, not counting the odd miracle here and there in the old T. You've been reading bad digests of the OS manual.

18. Well God created them in his image... maybe it's those people who function as he initially intended.

19. See point above. Good is a complicated concept in the manual.

20."religious fanatics say" is when I stopped reading and skipped to 21. Fans of anything suffer from mild brain disorders and I place little stock in their analytical skills. This is particularly true of fans of Twilight.

21. Again, what makes you think what's going now isn't exactly what he wants? From up there it must be the equivalent of a few hot bimbos fighting over you and who can worship you properly.

22. Again the OS manual contradicts itself: we're free to choose, I mean not really but it's on us!

23. No he created the world in 6 days. On the 7th he did nothing. Absolutely nothing. No fine-tuning, no revisions. Nothing. He sat on his big cloudy ass and did nothing. Nooooooooothing!

24. HIS excuse is not that he works in mysterious ways, OUR excuse is that he works in mysterious ways. Maybe he just got angry is all. And again, "good" is a tricky concept in the Bible. Or it was a clerical error. Like when you put the wrong socks together in a pair after doing your laundry... Give the guy a break: from a cosmic perspective, every human disaster is but an odorless fart.

25.To give life meaning.

26. You need to phrase these thing properly. The Snake did not convince Adam and Eve to dance the horizontal mambo: he got them to eat an apple that made them think of having naughty open-air sex. Actually, they probably made that up. Spend a few days with a half-naked person of the other sex and eventually you'll make up the most shameless lie to get your rocks off.

27. Ok, the manual has mistakes, I've said that again and again, but - because you insist on misquoting it - you've forced me to do what I never thought I'd have to do: say something in its defense. To the big book's everlasting credit, IT THANKFULLY NEVER SAYS THAT GOD WILL RAPE YOU!

28. No. Gandhi said that. The old testament judicial segment explains exactly what kind and what degree of vengeance is lawful. It's terribly specific. You should read it if you're ever stuck in an empty bus for 5 hours with no access to the internet.

29. So there wouldn't be too many of them, because many of them are a lazy horny bunch.

30. Again, he never says violence is bad. It's more nuanced than that. Read the manual.

31. Read the manual, read the manual, read the manual, read the manual, READ THE MANUAL!!! Because guess what, in that segment I keep referring to God not only CONDONES SLAVERY, he very helpfully legislates it.

Hope that helps.


No. Because I require more evidence than "because I say so" and surely wouldn't worship a deity known for his slaughter of millions through history as well as present day.

You cannot force someone to believe, no matter what temptations you offer.


Ben Willis, if you don't believe in any deity, you can just stop there. No need to mention about that deity "slaughtering" millions throughout history. I just don't see the point since you don't believe any deity exists. Unless, if you actually believe that a deity exists but then even if the slaughtering did happened (imho not wantonly done and with good reason), you'll still have to consider that that deity made you, so who are you questioning him back?


"No need to mention about that deity "slaughtering" millions throughout history. I just don't see the point since you don't believe any deity exists."

It's a sound hypothetical line of enquiry. Why DO people follow and worship an alleged god who slaughters millions and leaves the sick and suffering to their fates?

It says more about the followers rather than the god in question.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free" - Goethe


Yes, that's better uther8. My short answer to your question is that for the followers, perhaps they don't just want to be fair weathered followers. Perhaps they trust GOD through good and bad.


You hit on a side point to the whole thing.

I'm dreadfully sorry (not really) that I can't bring myself to worshiping a deity that torments, kills and eternally tortures for the smallest slights right to the fact if you're born in the wrong part of the world. My morals do not allow me to honor such a deity that to prove to some devil that someone is a devoted follower will destroy everything in that follower's life to win a bet.

Abuse is abuse whether done by man or god. Your earthly father should not abuse you if he loves you, nor should your heavenly father if he truly loves you.
My morals and standards prohibit me from worshiping such a deity


"My morals and standards prohibit me from worshiping such a deity"

I suppose it's like respecting Hitler because he made the trains run on time and resurrected the economy...

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free" - Goethe


Just do as the church did, turn a blind eye, I guess


No Ben Willis, the believers do work to turn things around and pray.


"No Ben Willis, the believers do work to turn things around and pray."

Tell that to the Jews. In WW2 the church effectively turned a blind eye to the holocaust.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free" - Goethe


Bingo, when times got tough, the church folded.

Granted that yes, had they fought Hitler's oppression the church would have been destroyed as a central consolidation, but the religion would survive.

Instead, in God's holy righteousness, they turned away and took no action. In some cases actually aided in that oppression.


Tell that to the Jews. In WW2 the church effectively turned a blind eye to the holocaust.

They prayed a lot to their god, though. Few atheists in concentration camps. And he didn't help either.

Perhaps they trust GOD through good and bad.


Life's too short to be trusting people who are asking you to abandon your god given reason to trust what they are telling you is god's will.

Now, as for good and bad and god's involvement in it: if you take god out of the equation, it actually starts making more sense. Like the cycles of idol-worshiping and punishment in the OT.

You might ask yourself: why did god suspend his punishment of Israel after the terrible transgressions committed by Ahab and Jezebel? Why did he let it prosper for another century? Why were the Israelites constantly re-lapsing into idol-worshiping? You'd think they'd at least start being a little afraid of the true god after the first few catastrophes. No?

Answer: Idol-worshiping had been Israel's (and Judea's) true religion up until the 6th century BC. When the bible was edited in the spirit of monotheism, in the the last decades of Judea's existence, they attributed all the bad things that happened to those kingdoms to idol worshiping, and invented a monotheistic past that never really was. Just one example.

So I will not trust any of the peddlers of various conflicting ultimate truths out there. If god really existed and cared, he could just talk to me, directly.

All ideologies lead to 1984


dol-worshiping had been Israel's (and Judea's) true religion up until the 6th century BC. When the bible was edited in the spirit of monotheism, in the the last decades of Judea's existence, they attributed all the bad things that happened to those kingdoms to idol worshiping, and invented a monotheistic past that never really was.

Monotheism exists since the time of Adam and Eve. Descendants after that eventually swayed from the truth but GOD sent prophets, scriptures and calamities to remind the peoples. Once reminded, again after some period, people again strayed and again GOD sent messengers to remind them and this keep going on until the last prophet.


You'd think they'd at least start being a little afraid of the true god after the first few catastrophes.
Maybe because it's not human nature? People will keep doing whatever they like until something happens to snap them to attention -- then they'll go back to doing whatever they like.

The skills needed to produce a right answer are the same needed to recognize one when you see it. In short, you're screwed.


I dunno, building and rebuilding in volcanic/earthquake prone/hurricane regions seems a bit mild compared to God, creator and destroyer of all, all powerful, etc, etc popping in to plague/destroy/show anger with people. Given how quickly people that witnessed this stuff swayed from it is kind of telling


human nature

So, god created us with a faulty nature, because he really enjoys hands-on chastisement, and what's the point of hurricanes, plagues and famine if you can't test them on your human ant-farm, am I right?

All ideologies lead to 1984


All these tests are for us to be stronger, dedicated etc. or in just one word, better. Isn't that what evolution is all about? If everything is spoon-fed and happy-go-lucky naturally, imagine what will happen to us. We'll never learn and understand.


All these tests are for us to be stronger

How does a hurricane make one stronger? How does an erupting volcano make us better?


Tsk tsk rapkyn...stronger in education and experience. The fertile soil from the volcano activity also help to feed future societies etc etc etc. Sorry for not making this any clearer.


stronger in education and experience.

Being dead doesn't make you stronger...fertile soil from volcano activity? Have you ever studied vulcanology? Ash falls results in spoilt soil which becomes sterile because of oxygen deprivation, existing pasture species and crops and most soil micro-organisms will die.


The living will learn. That is all I have to say and I could have sworn that the plus side of volcanoes is fertile soil. Could I have been wrong all along?


Could I have been wrong all along?

Yes, absolutely.

All these tests are for us to be stronger, dedicated etc. or in just one word, better

If you wanna make a case for improvement, you need to show results. There are none. The only thing we improved is our technology.

If everything is spoon-fed and happy-go-lucky naturally, imagine what will happen to us. We'll never learn and understand.

No danger of that with your religion, either.

In reality there is no improvement, and there is no understanding. There's just the crap that happens in life, and you and other cheap demagogues trying to profit from it. That's all.

All ideologies lead to 1984


If everything is spoon-fed and happy-go-lucky naturally, imagine what will happen to us. We'll never learn and understand.

Quite ironic finding that so much in religious texts have been found to be inaccurate or flat out false.


[quote If god really existed and cared, he could just talk to me, directly.

- He does exist and cares for you. He is talking directly to you, but you have to be listening - hearing - to receive. It means suspending criticism of Him and letting God be God.


And letting Harry Potter be Harry Potter, and Aslan be Aslan, etc?

Give me a break.

Of all the gods humankind has created, money is the only one that's real


That's one of those famous chestnuts to explain why there's no direct evidence for god, or any god. But at the same time they'll feverishly shout down someone that says something they don't like using the same response as to why he said such.

Weird how god has the same beliefs and opinions his followers do no matter who or how extreme they are

Panzer vor!


So much has been said on this, all I can do now is tiredly nod in agreement.

Of all the gods humankind has created, money is the only one that's real


Actually, many Christians and Catholics helped the Jewish people during the Holocaust. "Schindler's List" isn't fiction, it really happened.


Actually, many Christians and Catholics helped the Jewish people during the Holocaust. "Schindler's List" isn't fiction, it really happened. -burned-alive-by-christians-in-kenya/

The holocaust really happened too. Guess which Christian formulated that? Hitler.

"I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.."

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free - Goethe


Not sure what the point you're trying to make in response. People of every stripe both took part in the final solution and helped the Jews. The fact remains that the Catholic church turned a blind eye to the whole issue. I can't really blame them, the urge to live is rather strong, and doing anything other than ignoring the problem would have got the church cleared out.
It's amazing though how many good Christian places turned away Jewish refugees;

The MS St. Louis was a German ocean liner most notable for a single voyage in 1939, in which her captain, Gustav Schröder, tried to find homes for 915 German refugees, after they were denied entry to Cuba, the United States and Canada, until finally accepted in various European countries, which were later engulfed in World War II. Historians have estimated that, after their return to Europe, approximately a quarter of the ship's passengers died in concentration camps.

And this mess;
And this;

Panzer vor!


If you believe you can claim to know how God wants to be worshipped, then you have to grant the Nazis the benefit of the doubt as well. Same for Jihadists.


This would require that I believe there is a heaven, so no. And why would anyone want to live forever?

**** --------------- ****
It's all in the reflexes!


If I told you that there is no hell and all you had to do to get into heaven was switch your non-belief in Jesus/God to a strong faith/belief in him as God, would you do it for eternal life?

But, people who don't believe in gods feel that way because there is no evidence, or rational sense, behind the concept.

What you're proposing would be like you asking them to "believe" an unknown/unseen color (say, something called "Quarkmere") is the most pleasing color in the world.

How could they really "believe" that, when there's no proof the color even exists and they cannot experience it?

Basically, you could bribe people (which is basically what your proposition is) into saying something, but I don't think it's possible to bribe them into actually believing something.


For some religious people, they seem to think that anyone can just swap their beliefs like the snap of the know, because people are shallow


For some religious people, they seem to think that anyone can just swap their beliefs like the snap of the know, because people are shallow
Mmmm. And, a lot of those Xtreme Christians (or fundamentalists of other faiths) are the same crowd who believe people can just voluntarily change (or choose) their sexuality. So, I guess it all goes along with the same blunt thinking/guessing/imagining.


What you're proposing would be like you asking them to "believe" an unknown/unseen color (say, something called "Quarkmere") is the most pleasing color in the world.

Oh, man...I cannot wait until Star Wars comes out in Quarkmere!


Jesus, if he existed, which he probably did, was probably a good man. Every religion has its basis, however, since he, according to religious people, defied the laws of physics, I cannot find myself in a scenario where I would accept that he was the son of a god. His god is a bit nicer than the Jewish god, though, not to mention the Islamic god.

Eternal life sounds like eternal suffering. Look around you. If this 'eternal life' was in some presumed paradise I would probably get bored. No. I want to die and let my energy be transferred into the earth from whence it came; my cells reproduced through generations, thus in essence giving me some form of immortality, albeit not consciously. This is what I find beautiful and the core of it is that it is with the scientific method a proven fact - not based on faith.


No. I wouldn't believe you and would dismiss you along with all the other religious crackpots and freaks.


If eternal life was proven and guaranteed, and all I needed to do was believe in God, well then it wouldn't be that much of a belief, would it? Do you believe in the Waiter and that he's gonna bring you a cup of coffee? It would be more of a knowledge.

Also, I wouldn't wanna live in Heaven, so no, I would still try my best to not believe in God, even if he was, as you say, proven and real. Because, seriously, living forever? Isn't that like the ultimate curse? Think about it - you can read every book ever written, an infinite number of times. Because it's eternity. Whatever you do, it will have absolutely no meaning compared to the endlessness of your temporal imprisonment. Not to mention that it would take but a thousand years for you to completely forget your real life altogether.
