Atheists, if I told you....

Let me run a little what if with the atheist readers:

If I told you that there is no hell and all you had to do to get into heaven was switch your non-belief in Jesus/God to a strong faith/belief in him as God, would you do it for eternal life?

Little what if scenario "features":
-You change your non-belief in God to a strong faithful belief in God/Jesus in exchange for "free eternal life in heaven"
-You change nothing else in your life

I'm not saying this is true or anything else. Some christians believe that all you need is strong faith of God/Jesus existing to get into heaven, no strings attached/all sins are wiped clean when you die as long as you believe.

I'm not trying to convert or get into a philosophical debate here. Just wondering if it eternal life was this easy, would you do it?



As an Atheist the answer will be no, We have nothing against going to heaven, we just know it doesn't exist. not even probably, we know for sure it doesn't. so saying yes to your question will just be lying to oneself. personally I would love to believe in a God and Jesus and heaven and hell but unfortunately just because I want something it doesn't make it true.


How can you know for sure it doesn't exist? Of course, there is no evidence that Heaven exists, so you might say the normal inclination is to believe it doesn't exist. And the chance is does exist is pretty slim. But to say you know for certain? How do you prove something doesn't exist?


Let me weigh my options. Either go to nothingness where I just cease to exist or go to place of bless ruled by a egocentric and jealous dictator? I think I'll stick with my atheism.


That's a lame and selfish reason to convert. So no.

Here's a slinky, go play.


To Ostermjr: You telling me this wouldn't change my belief; physical proof of the existence of your god would.

I'm not saying eternal life in Heaven wouldn't be nice, but without proof your Heaven is no more real than any other religion's afterlife.




Memory says, I did that. Pride replies, I could not have done that. Eventually, memory yields.


And I say again, if I told you that all you had to do to get into heaven was to follow a leprechaun to the end of the rainbow, would you do that for eternal life?
