MovieChat Forums > Carrie (2002) Discussion > Are people really that mean?

Are people really that mean?

Are there innocent people like Carrie who get treated really bad by bimbos and jackasses and she didnt even do anything to them? Thats really cruel.

In my school people are so nice, even if you don't know how to play baseball they will still say that you are a pro.

If Carrie was at my school she woulda never gotten bullied by all those worthless bitches.


My school is on a poorer side of town...the highschool is called "so hoe" by everyone. I basically was the Carrie of my middle school. the people here are stupid! mean! in august...i start highschool. somebody pray.

I don't want any more QUACKS running around in my head talking about my TOILET TRAINING!- Nuts.


I had it happen to me in school, so yes, it does happen. I had a very mild birth defect, which is now corrected in infants but when I was born 55 years ago Dr.s were of the opinion that they had to wait until the child was around 13 or so - I was totally tortured for it no matter where I went.

And I have found as an adult it can even happen among supposed adults. I worked in a place that had a group of bullies whose ring leader, for reasons passing understanding, was the "pet" of the CEO. I got on her wrong side when I made it clear that I did not appreciate her meddling in my job, about which she knew nothing - that ended up being a huge "political error" and I ended up having to leave the job.

"As the Philosopher Jagger said, you can't always get what you want."


I can tell you from my days in high school in the 80s, yes people are cruel for no reason. HIgh school is hellish, why do you think so many people go Carrie and start shooting people when they cant' move things with their minds. The book actually is a great exploration of what drives some people to do those things. If you have a high school where everyone is nice, check the water, the school board is spiking it with something.

Ignoring isn't the same as ignorance, you have to work at it.


Haha. The sad thing is, I most definitely wouldn't be surprised if my high school's water was spiked. I was never picked on too much even though I am definitely the kind of person who would have been targeted. I think it might have helped that I helped a lot of the cheerleaders and sports guys pass math and such. That might have garnered some protection for me. It also seems that at my high school the bullying wasn't quite so obvious as in Carrie; it was more behind the back type stuff. I always tried to defend people too when they're being picked on at school.

I do remember that sometimes in elementary school the girls were pretty cruel; I remember being made fun of because I didn't have any "cool blue jeans."

"Also, I can kill you with my brain." - River Tam


When I was in school you may as well have called me Carrie, minus the telekenetic powers of course. It almost that bad for me, which is probably why I related so well to the book. I was fortunate enough however to finally escape all that in my senior (last for those outside the states) year of high school. The kids that picked on me the most graduated for the most part a year before I did and the few that were left were so few they didn't dare try anything on their own. Also unlike Carrie I had the support of my Mother and I learned to fight back.

Why must close-minded people always open their mouths?


Are there innocent people like Carrie who get treated really bad by bimbos and jackasses and she didnt even do anything to them?
For the love of God YES! I know from whence I speak. I was the Carrie of my high school (minus the cool psychic powers...and I didn't go to my prom)

Wonder Twin Powers, ACTIVATE! Form of...a Frost Giant!


Sadly, yes. There are many people like that in the world. Horrible, isn't it?

Kids and teenagers are cruel, very cruel. Especially to others who seem "weird" or "odd", and don't exactly fit in with everyone else.

When I was in middle school, there were some mean kids, but in high school, I guess they grow up, and pretty much everyone was nice to everybody. No doubt though, there were people who just thought they were better than everyone.
Those people are now drug addicts, have a few kids, or have no jobs or going to school.


I grew up in New Zealand, and all I know is that I was shy and awkward etc., but I was never picked on. Even when I sucked ass in P.E. people on my team would still be nice to me... There was this one kid in my class who was overweight, was ginger, and had glasses - the epitome of a nerd basically - but it's just so 1990s to pick on someone like that and they never bothered. So I don't know if there's a difference with kids over here, but I was really fortunate to have survived with the way that I was :)




Yes of course people are this mean. When I was young I thought all people were actually good inside. Boy did I learn I was wrong thinking that...

From 1-6 grade I was frozen out by my class. (I went in classes divided in 1-3 and 4-6 in the same class.) I was sort of unsocial and had problems getting friends so I was a perfect victim. In 4th grade it all reached another level...

I was beaten up, teased, called every word in the book and I had absolutly none who would help me. It was all from teased in the shower room to kicked down in the corridor or being threatened with death. (Whenever the question "Who in this class do you want to kill the most?" came up I was the first pick.) The bullies who were larger and older than me probobly had a great year. Every night I would lay in my bed crying myself to sleep since I knew that the next day I would have to go back to school and face more torment.

I still remember some incidents more than others.

When I got beaten up and kicked in the corridor I actually went to the teachers for help. The teacher said something like "Ok Im going to talk to them" and naive as I were at the time I thought that it could actually work out. What happened was that the teacher walked around the building not finding the bullies and went "Ah I cant find them, lets forgett about this and drink my coffe instead"

Ever since that day I have never had faith in a teacher again which is very unfair since I have had a lot of really great teachers. I just cant trust them.

But the worst of all was this class leader. He wasent a bully at all actually. He never did anything to me. Except for watching all the torment I went through. He was in complete controll since he was the largest and strongest guy in the class. If he would have told his friends to stop bullying me they would have done it in an instant. He never did he just watched it all not doing anything.

I dont know what actually kept my from killing myself. I guess it was the fact that I still wanted to live despite all this.

When I left for 7th grade I was scared to death about all the new bullies that I would meet. It dident start really good. At the first day we were introduced to the "Anti bullying team" of 9th grade students who would help people to get social and to stop bullying and I saw the leader of it. It was the class leader from my 4-6 class... I wanted to raise and shout out to everyone how he had ignored my through a whole year of torment. Of course I dident... Then I got to meet my new class. To my suprise I ended up with a really nice class, none bullied anyone. I was shocked that school could be like this.

All was well for a week until I was standing outside a classroom with my new class waiting for my teacher to come. Suddenly two of the worst bullies (6th grade when I was in 4th) approached me. I thought I would be safe with a good class and all but NO... They came up to me and I was scared to death. They just picked up where they left and I thought that the living hell I had been going trough for 6 years would just start up again. But I never saw them again through the whole year. I still dont know why, perhaps it was a miracle. The 3 years went by pretty good (I have to add that all the years of bullying had made me a very unsocial person. I just dident know how to behave in social situation since I had never been in many)

One day though... I was working in a cafeteria (we have a week in sweden when you try out a work) and suddenly the cheif bully came up with his friends. Several years had past but I got as scared as I was when I was 10 years old (I was 15 now) I dont know how i survived that incident. I guess I could thank the cafeteria lady who sold them there candy and they left.

After 9th grade I went to 10th and here I got a new class were none was friendly to me at all. Not even a guy who I had been friend with on my sparetime cause here he had has friends so he had no need for an unsocial idiot like me. In 11th I got a new class with really nice people (I think) becuse in two years (I graduated and left school forever about a week or two ago) I never got to get friendly with anyone.

You know the scene when Carrie is at the prom in the original? When Freida is friendly and everything is actually working but Carrie is still walking on glass becuse she is so afriad of getting laughed at or doing something wrong? That used to be my in every single social situation... I have changed now for the better. I have friends, I have a social life and everything is working out pretty good.

But I still hate all of the bullys. Every single one of them and I havent forgotten any single one of there "Jokes"

So If anyone had the energy to read it all. YES! People can be this mean.


I grew up in a small town. I got bullied up until the 11th grade. Nobody picked me at all during my senior year. I was a shy kid and I have slight lazy eye and I got picked on a lot growing up. I had a group of friends who I'm still close to today who often stood up for me. The bullying I suffered was extreme at times. I once found a jock strap in my locker and often a group of boys would throw small rocks at me. The worst was when I was in the 11th grade.

I was taking a class with kids who were all a grade level ahead of me and one time I sat in the wrong desk and this guy who we will call Nick called me a dumb bitch just for sitting in his seat. He spent the whole class time calling me a dumb bitch and making fun of my hair which was frizzy at the time. He bullied me almost daily in that class for the whole school year. He made digusting jokes about my hair to the whole school. He graduated and I no longer had any bullies in school. My senior year was really fun. Nick did stay in town after his high school graduation and got a job working at the local mine which back in 2002 paid really well. I moved away after my high school graduation to go to college.

Nick is known as a loser around my hometown.Back in 2004 he got arrested on drug charges and was released shortly after that he ended up in jail for hitting his stepmom. His dad refused to bail him out of jail and he spent 6 months in jail. My cousin's husband worked as a guard in the county jail and he told me that Nick was a bottom of the totem inmate in jail. None of the other inmates cared to befriend him or much talk to him. My cousin said at the time most of the inmates in the jail were Mexican nationals who were in for drugs, rape and DUI's. Usually in the jail and prison systems in New Mexico US born Hispanic/Latinos are often picked on by Mexican nationals. Nick is a light skinned Hispanic/Mexican and my said that Nick was frequently called names and beaten by the other inmates. Eventually he got released from the jail and was placed on probation . The mine he worked at before refused to rehire him. He then started working with his dad's construction company but in the past few years contractors in my hometown are struggling so Nick eventually was forced to take a job at a local gas station which is now closed. In the past couple of years when I go home to visit I hear stories about how all of Nick's high school friends no longer care to hang out with him because they all have families and great jobs. Nick has been back in jail a few times. a The part in the movie where Desjardan says about how bullies and popular kids end up becoming losers sometimes happens in real life.

One of my coworkers who is a bit older than me went to a Catholic school that was attended largely by children of wealthy people. My coworker's family was more middle class and they only sent their kids to the Catholic school because in the public school in their neighborhood was known to be poorly run. My coworker graduated high school in 1995. She said she got picked on a lot because she wasn't wealthy like her classmates. My coworker went to her 10 year reunion in '05 and she said several the people who picked on her didn't show up. But she heard from other classmates that her former bullies have been married multiple times and have filed for bankruptcy.



I really wish I could have thrown one of the bullies into the wall. But mostly it was my being pulled up against the wall...

But what I really wanted to say is that I really agree on the second statement that the worst kind are those that just stood by and did nothing to help.

In my class we had this "leader" who never took part in any bullying. He just stood by and watched his friends bully me. I always thought that if he just would have said "He knock it off" they would have stopped instantly.*

*That leader became a leading member of a group whose purpose was to stop bullying a few years later at another school where I also ended up... I remember that I wanted to stand up and shout out how he never helped me when he was introduced as the one who could help you if you where bullied or lonely but I dident...

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