MovieChat Forums > Carrie (2002) Discussion > Are people really that mean?

Are people really that mean?

Are there innocent people like Carrie who get treated really bad by bimbos and jackasses and she didnt even do anything to them? Thats really cruel.

In my school people are so nice, even if you don't know how to play baseball they will still say that you are a pro.

If Carrie was at my school she woulda never gotten bullied by all those worthless bitches.


I lived it too, and I used to dream about getting back at them telekinetically, years before the book came out. My ideas were more along the lines of mild "static electricity" shocks, rather than blowing up the whole school and wrecking the town. But every once in a while I take the book out and read it just to feel nice and cozy. This should tell you what my school experiences were like.

I'm all right, I'm alllll right!




They might have been nice but they might have also been condescending to you, OP. I never did anything to the people in my schools (except move there in 4th grade) but that never stopped them from treating me like *beep* calling me names, harassing me, and in general making me feel like doo doo.

I would rather get harassed than have friends because they are being condescending to me. the harassing kids just don't like your or don't like themselves. They don't pretend. The condescending kids pretend.

You're laborers, you're supposed to be laboring! That's what you get for not having an education!!


@ the OP.Yes they are.
Back when I was in elementary all the way to middle school,I have been taunted and bullied by kids just like the way Carrie had been treated.Heck yeah,I remembered being squirted with syrup on part of my hair by two naughty pests behind me back in second grade in the cafeteria but didn't even tell on them because I was too simple back then to know they did something really awful and eventually one of them flunked fourth grade which I moved on ahead.And then in 3rd through 5th grade,the several teachers and some of the classmates have taunted and humiliated me because of my learning disabilities and slow sufficiency in everything which was like a hell for me.I wasn't willing to go to school because I didn't want any more torment from those c@#%$.
And I don't have to talk about my life in middle school.It was worse than ever.A black kid screamed at my ear purposely trying to make me deaf.The other blacks tried to trip and kick me at the school gym bleachers on the highest top of those risers because nobody wanted me to sit next to them.Also,they taunted and humiliated me on the bus and it was always after school.And the popular girls kicked me behind my seat and even lied to me about my crush wanting to hit on me like he was falling for me when I knew I was one of the most unintelligent and unattractive girls in the school.And that made a loser and an outcast.I didn't know how to get back at those bitches.One of those girls even prank called me saying that they were going to invite me to the movies.Ugh.
When I moved to Taiwan, went to an overseas Chinese high school.I had to learn Mandarin aka:Chinese for a year and suffered from the taunting from the naughty kids for 10 hours.I feel like I've suffered enough of hell that I wanted to commit suicide to myself.I moved on to eighth grade and one of the boys almost slammed my head against the table behind me while some girl was offering me to take a cookie and called me a pig in Indonesian and I hit him back.He yelled at me and said he wasn't the one who did it but I knew it was him because I recognized his voice.So one day,he decided to blow balloons and throw them at me with his saliva all over it.Besides that,I've been spitted on and bullied all the way til high school.
Based from my history in life,it caused me to suffer from major depression from the psychiatrists and psychologists.I wasn't willing to go to school not because of bullies.There were no bullies in high school because this school wasn't just an ordinary high school.It was strict vocational high school.It was because there was too much work to be done and I was too uninterested to go with my life after finding out that the guy that I had a crush on since elementary and middle school didn't return his love for me the way I thought he would.He was so hot that I couldn't forget him.It was all a prank being set by those popular girls.I was lonely and insecure all the time with nobody there to help me with my problems.Eventually,I made it through senior year with a big hand from a friend and I got my diploma.Even the doctor told me this was impossible because I would stay in high school for a long in my condition.I'm still taking anti depression pills though.


Mean People Suck. To the original poster: i wish i went to your school!!


Oh, God yeah people are that mean. I got picked on badly in grade school, so much to the point where I'd fake being sick because I was scared. Lots of name calling, groups ganging up on me and throwing rocks and pulling my hair. Then in junior high I had a boyfriend and people started spreading rumors about us, saying that we were having sex and I was pregnant. I got prank calls from guys with filthy words. Girls making fun of me and calling me an ugly slut. Then in high school, made a great group of friends but that didn't stop the teasing. I was in theater and I was an understudy of a lead role and the girl's grandmother passed away and I had to do a performace. One of the girls in the theater was pissed because she felt that they should have moved the play to a different date and that the girl I was the understudy for worked too hard for me to take over. So she wrote on the black board in back that I was a "fat bitch who should slit my writs".

I survived school, have an awesome group of friends and a wonderful boyfriend. Can't believe how stupid and petty those years were, but no one should endure bullying, it's horrific.

My boyfriend's cousin came cryiing to my house a few months ago. She got her period in gym class and they were swimming and the girls saw the blood dripping down her legs and started screaming. The gym teacher helped her get cleaned up and when she stepped out into the hall, some girl threw a tampon at her saying that she infected the water. Apparently they started texting and writing a facebook status saying not to drink the school water that it had her blood in it, the two girls that started it got expelled for harrassment.

Don't forget that a few months ago, some girl hung herself because of bullying. This is a serious issue and it's terrifying how much more serious it's becoming.


Wow, that is ridiculous, I'm really sad to hear what you went through :( but, it makes you stronger :) People can be very evil, they don't even stop to think how it effects the other person, well, What comes around goes around, Karma will come back to them.

"Out by sixteen or dead on the scene, but together forever." -Ginger Fitzgerald


No, they're meaner; even the so called adults.


Yes, kids are that mean.

When I was in elementary school I took it upon myself to take care of my sister who was two grades below me. One day she dropped all her books and papers on the floor of the bus and started crying. I helped her pick them up, gave her a hug, and gave her a kiss on the cheek to make her feel better. By the end of the day everyone said that I had "molested" my little sister. The rumors continued to spread and I even heard people talking about it in High School. They would say, "Did you know that Bobbie molested her little sister?" to people who had just met me for the first time. (On the bright side, one of the people who first started the rumor came up to me one day in High School and apologized for it.)

And that's lightweight stuff compared to what they did to my sister. She has mild cerebral palsy. She can walk (slightly stiffly) and talk (perfectly normal), she can write (but messily), and she has petit mal seizures (also called absence seizures, she just blanks out sometimes)... Otherwise she's perfectly normal and intelligent. Apparently to school children all of the above adds up to "retarded". They treated her like she was less than human. (Not in front of me mind you, I came down like a ton of bricks on anyone who did it in my line of sight but couldn't be with her 24/7...) To this day she has problems with anxiety and anger because of what they did.

If I was like Carrie I would have hunted down all the douchebags who tormented my sister and taught them exactly who the real "retards" were... and then I would have lit them on fire. Not very Christian of me but there it is.

Witty closing remarks have been replaced by massive head trauma and severe hemorrhaging.



dude there are youth killing them selves i would say yes people are that mean
