MovieChat Forums > Carrie (2002) Discussion > Are people really that mean?

Are people really that mean?

Are there innocent people like Carrie who get treated really bad by bimbos and jackasses and she didnt even do anything to them? Thats really cruel.

In my school people are so nice, even if you don't know how to play baseball they will still say that you are a pro.

If Carrie was at my school she woulda never gotten bullied by all those worthless bitches.


Yeah people really are that mean. I've seen it for myself...and it's not just in high school it's everywhere.


I would kick those kids asses for being like that. I mean I've seen kids make fun of others sometimes. I even have to admitt that I did it back in the day, but things like what they did to Carrie were over the line and I wouldn't put up with it.

To the person who admitted being tormented by people like this: Don't let them. Kick their asses o pay someone to do it!

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It's sad to hear that. I think all of this bullying problem would disappear if people stood up for the weaker ones. Because there's people that simply can't defend themselves, so if you can do it for them you should. No one should put up with that kind of crap. Ever.

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Yes, PEOPLE ARE MEAN!!! I was picked on right up till grade 9, until then I attended school's in smaller towns, but from gr 10-12 I moved to a city school and I eventually fit in and have happy high school memories. But those scars from 1-9 are still there, deep, and I will laways hate how mean I was treated (I was shy, dressed wrong, and like old music, and was somewhat naive, metis, and I guess somewhat chubby). Heres an example of crueltty by a note that was left in my locker in Gr 7 after I perfomed a mockery performance a popo band "YOU ARE A QUEER FREAK"...yes, people can be really mean.


I am a freshman right now and everybody there is cool. we do get fights some times but other than that school is *beep* funny and you only get picked on if you try to start *beep* with other people.


It depends on where you went to school. I went to a public school in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. We had over 500 students in our graduating class and I have to say that, even though there were cliques, there wasn't a real problem with bullying and fighting.

However, in middle school, it was a nightmare. I was short for my age and I got picked on relentlessly. My wife went to high school in Navarre Beach, Florida with like 150 kids in her class and she would tell me how mean and cruel the kids are.

People keep saying that in the remake the kids were too mean. And I say nay to that. The kids were SO mean to Carrie in the book. They went through all this trouble, killing a pig, setting her up to win prom queen, then dumping blood on her in front of the entire school. How mean and cruel is that? All the trouble they went through, all the planning just to pull a prank on "the weird girl". If anything, they downplayed the cruelty in the original.

My name in cursive


Kids can definitely be that mean. In too many schools, they have gangs who bully and harass others verbally and physically. The older they are (later teens) the worse it is sometimes because thats when the innocence of childhood leaves and bring weapons.


your comment is so untrue, people are mean to others, even when they do or
say nothing.


yup. in middle school i was JUST like this carrie. then, i moved and reinvented myself and no one knows that about me now... but seriously, the *beep* kids said and did to her... that was me. and i acted just like her cuz i had death threats from people and i was chased down the street by kids who wanted to beat me up cuz everyone hated me. i was terrified to even talk to anyone cuz i thought they were just going to be mean to me. and i missed like 1/2 the school year and almost had to repeat a grade because i didnt wanna be there. it's not an exaggeration at all. even down to the sexual *beep* (i cant believe kids that young would act like that)...1 girl would ask me if my nipples were hard etc etc


Try to imagine just how *fun* school was for a guy who really was (and still is) gay--in the South!!!

I was friends with everyone in elementary school (all the kids in the neighborhood went to the same school, located in the neighborhood, everyone was on the neighborhood swim team, etc.) but come middle school I was the outcast (6th grade was also when I realized I was attracted to other boys...coincedence that they all started hating me then?)

One previous poster said that people in shop class threw bolts at them--my own cousin threw nuts and bolts at me, while my older brother watched, at the family farm!!!


I was treated really bad in middle school and high school. I was going through the unpretty phase with braces and glasses and i was pretty shy in middle school. People mainly picked on me because my nose was a little big. It is so pathetic how shallow kids can be! I had this problem in high school too, mainly by guys saying i was ugly. :( Now i am 35 and got pretty as i got older and having a nose job helped too. :)



Kids are cruel. And kids are skeep following the leader.

Nobody would have tosed tampons at Carrie unless it was to impress Chris.

That being said, what Chris did was pretty tame to what me and some friends used to do



And where does that get us? An eye for an eye and everyone is blind.

While we can understand why Carrie went off like that, it's one thing to understand and another to cheer it on. The only real healing comes from moving past the hurt inflicted from before.


In my school even the "popular" people got bullied, everyone has bullied by some group of people..But the difference was made whether you paid them attention or not, I got really hurt in my first grades, but later on I understood how the bullying thing worked so I stopped caring and they bothered me much less, instead the ones that show they were affected were constantly picked on.

I am 72 percent sure that I love you.



I WAS pretty happy, until 3rd grade. My friends
moved away and I was tormented.

I was ignored, and was the "wierd girl" in the school.

I was tripped and shoved OFF the bus in Kindergarten.

There was this b*tch that was just stuck up and snobby
and acts like she's the greatest thing in the world.
For Example, there was this new girl in school and I
wanted to play with her, but "that girl" said, "No!
She doesn't want to play with you!" or when I had to
collect like sponges or something, I took it from her,
and she said, "this is why you don't have any friends."
The administrators didn't help either.

I got into a tussle once in 4th grade, and the kid who
started it was treated as the victim. It was awful.

And I was depressed and alone from 3rd grade until
7th grade.

And my friends moved to another High School. The girls
in my Volleyball class are mean. They yell when I don't
hit the ball and they yell at me when I try to. When we
rotate in, they volunteer me out and I accidentally hit
this girl in the face with a ball. And she told me the day
after that she would've hit me. I didn't care. I wanted to
hit her back.

I have 3 mroe years of High School. JOY.

(p.s this isn't all of it. I know there's more. I'll
update it when I remember more)


...And that is why I'm so bloody glad I dont have to spend any time with the idiots I grew up with. Lucky shot too, for me atleast. A few of them are drug addicts today, some are dead by overdose, some turned to alcohol and some random number of them today live really *beep* lives. Where some talk about a 10 year reunion. I was asked by those jackasses if I wanted to go, I replied something in the lines of: Why in the hell do I wanna spend time with you? I hated your idiocy in my teens. Now that I'm an adult I can see what losers you really where, and still are. No thanks.

So to answer the question by the op. Yes they can. Teens are the worst since their victims still cant think like an adult and get really hurt by their mean words and bullying. Some adults nowadays carry around psycological scars from their youths because of these people. What is more irritating is that this behaviour carry over to the adult life. A bully as a kid have a big tendency to carry that mindset when they get to adulthood. Whats even worse is that the idiots they have as parents turn a blind eye to their brats and think the best of them, not realising they are raising a monster...oh well..thats humanity for you oO


