I WAS pretty happy, until 3rd grade. My friends
moved away and I was tormented.
I was ignored, and was the "wierd girl" in the school.
I was tripped and shoved OFF the bus in Kindergarten.
There was this b*tch that was just stuck up and snobby
and acts like she's the greatest thing in the world.
For Example, there was this new girl in school and I
wanted to play with her, but "that girl" said, "No!
She doesn't want to play with you!" or when I had to
collect like sponges or something, I took it from her,
and she said, "this is why you don't have any friends."
The administrators didn't help either.
I got into a tussle once in 4th grade, and the kid who
started it was treated as the victim. It was awful.
And I was depressed and alone from 3rd grade until
7th grade.
And my friends moved to another High School. The girls
in my Volleyball class are mean. They yell when I don't
hit the ball and they yell at me when I try to. When we
rotate in, they volunteer me out and I accidentally hit
this girl in the face with a ball. And she told me the day
after that she would've hit me. I didn't care. I wanted to
hit her back.
I have 3 mroe years of High School. JOY.
(p.s this isn't all of it. I know there's more. I'll
update it when I remember more)