name a worse film...

"It's not who I am underneath but what I do that defines me"

mortal kombat 2, maybe....


Mortal Kombat: Annihilation


"World Trade Center"
No disrespect to the real victims of 9/11 but this movie sucked! And what was up with that douche with the combat uniform fetish trampling the rubble and talking on his cell phone? “Can you hear me now? Good!”


Blair Witch Project is a worse film.

Book of Shadows was a much better movie in every way as it did not depend on people believing that it was real to be scary. I was one of the people who actually did more research then going to the Blair Witch site before I saw the movie, therefor I knew it wasn't real and saw the movie for what it was, a total piece of marketing dung. Book of Shadows depended only on one to believe that there were people stupid enough to believe the original was real, which was no problem for me. I know that there actually were peoplpe that stupid because of the mass appraise the original recieved. Blair Witch Project wasn't actually a movie. Book of Shadows is an actual film. There is an actual plot to the story instead of 3 morons just wandering around in the forest getting scared by noises and twigs and rocks. This is a movie for the intellectuals that hated the original (ie. Me) Those of you that don't like it are more than likely the type of people this film is portraying as those whose own belief in a false legend destroys their lives.

Don't like it? Deal with it!


The Blair Witch Project

Why are the most tolerant the easiest to offend?


bw2 was good
thunderbirds the movie was unbelievably sh*te
destroyed the credibility of the original genius of the show

white chicks was godawful as well


wow...difficult question.. It's been a while since I've seen such a terrible movie. The first comparison that I can think of is Cabin Fever.

When thinking of movies including witches, The Craft, in my opinion, did a much better job.


the craft rox!
also i loved White Chicks lol.




i liked it lol, not loved... but liked.



Space Mutiny
Overdrawn at the Memory Bank
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians


I must direct your attention to a hideous little piece of work called 'Darkhunters', made by a director of a largely forgettable name (I can't remember his name), which was about the epitome of crappiness as there gets. Don't believe me? Rent it and see. Don't buy it. You WILL regret it.

We break through the Ethereal, only to discover that reality is a dark and hideous thing


Blair Witch 1


Headless Eyes.


Moulin Rouge (not sure how to spell it, this movie sucked so hard I burned the goddamn movie. but it made me warm)


Beyond the Wall of Sleep



THX 1138 is officaly the worst movie ever made. It was the bigges piece of *beep* I have ever sat through for 20 mins. After being disgusted with the 2 dollars I spent on that *beep* I turned it off after 20 long gruling miniutes. Id rather watch the son of the f!cking mask than that sh!t



Hillside cannibals, house of the dead, boogeyman, texas chainsaw massacre: the beginning, open water, scarecrow, mr. jingles, dark harvest, the wickeds, halloween 3, candyman 3 , i always know what you did... , urbAN LEGENDS: bloody mar, final destination 3, the descent, the grudge, puppetmaster, creepshow 2, elm street 4,2 & 5, jason x, freddy vs, jason, you want more? so much





Guys guys guys, surely you're all not forgetting about a little thing called Battlefield Earth?

If a worse movie exists, I'm having trouble thinking of it. I wanna see Troll 2 though, I'm thinking its gonna be so bad its good, like Plan 9 From Outer Space

Lol I fell asleep watching The Fog, and I never do that, so in my book it sucks the big one.


date movie and cabaret


i dont think there has been a worse film lol.. this was the only movie that i ever walked out of. it was needless. there was no reason for a blair witch sequel. if u want to see some better blair witch footage see the original or Curse of the Blair Witch, a "documentary exploring the life of the Blair Witch and the three missing student filmmakers".


I don't know if we're just supposed to name horror movies but anyway, Napoleon Dynamite sucked! that has got to be THE worst movie ever. I actually liked this movie, It was kind of confusing and I couldn't help laughing at the naked orgy they saw on tape but I think this movie was pretty good, I liked how they did the whole reasearching about the movie rather then the story itself, I thought that was clever.

"Where's a barricade, goddammit I want my barricade!" Dexter Holland
