I kind of go more with the idea of her being a spirtual guide to Corso on his quest. She seems morally indiffferent, not particularly evil, or domineering.. very low key for the character of Satan. Also I didn't know Satan could bleed.
I agree. This clip is just to illustrate the point. Notice that during the fight Corso strikes her accidentally. She is momentarily stunned, but then recovers, and, together, they chase the assailant away.
https://ulozto.net/!LJTRXiTr9/conflictofinterest-mp4Which brings up another question, what was that bizzare incident about where she wiped her blood on his face???
Jesus Christ was baptized, so the anti-christ (Corso) has to be sanctified in someway. 'Blood is thicker than water', as they say. Here's another clip to illustrate the point.
https://ulozto.net/!7ZsWc3v7N/baptism-mp4 I think the similarities with Balkan following closely behind Corso every step of the way as Robert Deniro did with Mickey Rourke in AH is what brought to mind the idea that it is Corso who might actually be the Devil, who is being led back to find his long lost glory.
I have a simple theory. Jesus Christ is God's son, so Corso is the Devil's son. The only 'trick' is that Satan never told Corso, who, ironically, was pretty much a non-believer for most of the film. The 'book' is really just the Revelation told from Satan's point of view. It describes Corso's journey towards spiritual enlightenment, which ultimately leads him back to Heaven.
https://ulozto.net/!Gx6XTBcXT/baptismbyfire-mp4I think the most telling is that you notice that each time Satan is summoned in this film, first at the Chateau of De Martin, and when Balkan attempted his ritual, Corso shows up
Yet another of the film's many subtleties. Too subtle, IMO, for an American audience. The film was a box office disaster. Yet, I consider it the finest occult film that I've ever seen.