Why didn't Anakin check Padme in for a Caesarean Section?

Anakin seems quite upset in this film. He's getting visions that Padme will die in childbirth. He's very worried about it.

His friend and mentor Chancellor Palpatine suggests he learns the dark side of the force, that he's learned how to save people from dying. Turns out that was just a big lie which Anakin seems to forgive him for for some reason even although it was the main reason for him contributing to Mace Windu's death.

Anyway I digress. Question is - Why didn't he simply check her in to have a Caesarian a few weeks before she went full term? Problem solved.


Because he's really really stupid?

He is. Even as Darth Vader, he used power instead of thinking.


There was no Caesar a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, so nobody invented the procedure.


Excellent answer.


Twins tend to be small making it risky. Padme could've died too.

She could've had an abortion. Just use a surrogate to carry future kids.


I’m confused! Didn’t the droids say she would require an operation? So, I naturally assumed a c-section. Yet, it seems she delivered them vaginally. Here we go again with the lazy writing…


OMG, you think Padme would let Anakin make medical decisions for her? Or tell her what to do in any least little thing? She knows he's an idiot!

No, she had no medical problems, her pregnancy wasn't high-risk, and if Anakin was having dreams of her dying, well. Attempts on her life were made often enough, and if he had a psychic warning, then he'd be that much more likely to save her when the moment came.


Maybe they don’t know about C sections


Maybe if he took her to a medical facility, he would have to admit that he is the father and the Jedi Order would find out, destroying his Jedi career.


Or maybe she knew he would then find out that the real father was Jesus the pool boy.


