Why didn't Anakin check Padme in for a Caesarean Section?

Anakin seems quite upset in this film. He's getting visions that Padme will die in childbirth. He's very worried about it.

His friend and mentor Chancellor Palpatine suggests he learns the dark side of the force, that he's learned how to save people from dying. Turns out that was just a big lie which Anakin seems to forgive him for for some reason even although it was the main reason for him contributing to Mace Windu's death.

Anyway I digress. Question is - Why didn't he simply check her in to have a Caesarian a few weeks before she went full term? Problem solved.


As others have said, Anakin's an idiot. She loves him, but she can acknowledge that.

Also, she has reason to be wary when Anakin has "visions" - the only other time it happened, he ended up killing a bunch of women and children!

Also, she's way too independent to do as he says. Virtually everything that happened in Ep1 was as a result of her ignoring instructions for the good of her people! And whenever Anakin tried to take charge in Ep2 she was basically like "lolno"

If Anakin took an active and visible role in her pregnancy care, he'd be rumbled. Which is why he had to scuttle around behind the scenes, and was ready to grasp the lifeline offered by Palpy.


None of it makes any sense. George Lucas had asked Lawrence Kasdan to help write the prequels and Kasdan said "no." So we're left with George clunkily writing them himself, as in "Revenge."

Even when it came to the key to the three films, where we find WHY Anakin decided to go to the Dark Side, it didn't work. The effects team, like the rest of the cast and crew, were likely reticent to offer any criticism to Lucas. But, they actually had to tell Lucas that what he had written and shot didn't work. So what you see in the movie is the reshot version. And it still doesn't work.

Also, this is supposed to be the future. They can travel beyond light speed with no problem. They have all this future technology. But they honestly can't deliver twins without the mother dying? Again, it makes no sense. And no epidural?


Also, this is supposed to be the future.

A long time ago...

Literally the opening line of the first ever Star Wars movie.


Sure, it's set in the past, but it's also set in a society that is far more technologically advanced than our own. That's certainly what johnmiller meant by "future technology."


No doubt. The point is still the same. In the Star Wars setting, they have mastered artificial gravity, anti-gravity, and faster than light travel. But somehow labor issues have proven too difficult for them to solve.

This is true and a valid point.

In any other context of forum, if this was phrased as being "supposed to be in the future" that would be one thing. But this is specifically a Star Wars discussion board. It's completely jarring to phrase it this way for a franchise that famously begins with "A long time ago."


maybe she would have died during the c-section and he actually caused a self fulfilling prophecy. Probably felt that there was no way to avoid it.
