Why do Liberal fantasy fans equate Orcs with Black humans?

Many Liberal fantasy fans are equating Orcs with Black people and there is now a trend to improve the image of Orcs in fantasy literature because of this. I think this is racist and offensive. Orcs are supposed to represent pure evil, not a race of humans. Why do Liberal fantasy fans equate an embodiment of evil with Black humans?


Everybody lives life within their own experiences. Everybody has a lens. The more people you rub elbows with (from different walks of life), the more jobs you take on, the more diverse experiences you have, the more you understand other points of view.

If you're a political person, going to rallies, trying to bring about Real Change, and so forth, and you stick to a group of friends (even a large one) within that political landscape (a.k.a., an echo chamber), your worldview will necessarily wind up with large blind-spots, and you'll only see one facet to life.

Consequently, when watching a cultural phenomenon megahit like Lord of the Rings, you'll bring your worldview in with you. Not having another worldview to contest it, you see what your brain has trained itself to see: that lens. You can't help but see dark skin as being oppressed, because it so often has been, and what wasn't intended as a race thing, you see as one.

Somebody who was super-liberal, but who also studied mythology and symbolism, would understand the history of goblins in folklore, fantasy, and myth. That person would get the symbolism of the shadowy beings and know it wasn't meant that way.

It's Freud. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. What's tricky, of course, is that sometimes it's a great, big penis, so it's not always clear who's doing a racist thing and who's not.

To the modern Leftist, I think they spend their time too steeped in Social Justice stuff and they're part of call-out culture that requires them to stay one step ahead of racist things lest they get "called out", too. I think that helps a lot.

But, let's be charitable. Let's acknowledge that a lot of black, brown, and other non-white skin tones and ethnicities, have been used in film and storytelling to be mean-spirited and cruel towards other races. We should be fighting against this. Some people are fighting harder. They might be misguided and fighting in an off-putting, or even harmful, way, but we should remember that they're trying to do better. Sometimes that means they spend too much time focusing on a tree, forget the forest, and accusing LotR of racism, foolishly.

We gently correct, point out where Tolkien talked about the races of Middle Earth, and move on...


I'm not sure why people have made this connection. It's not like the star wars prequels where the evil trade federation aliens clearly spoke with a Chinese sounding accent. I didn't see any orcs saying stuff like "Yall gun be kilt by S-dawg, nom sayn?"


It is clear that the Trade Federation spoke with a Chinese sounding accent? So clear that I have never heard that comparison before. I won't say it hasn't been postulated (though I don't see it) but I don't know that it is a popular opinion or at all "clear."


Well Google it and go to the 8000 different places where they talk about that very thing.


As I said, I hadn't heard about it and I did not deny it. However, I find it ludicrous.


they have varied Japanese accents and slant eyes.


Non-human species are likely to have any number of features. I find that not only unconvincing, but utterly idiotic. I did not detect any Asian accent in the trade federation characters.

We really need to stop trying to find things to be offended by.


its well known lol. like how Waddo is exaggerated Semitic stereotypes. this isn't some new woke "what can I find to get offended over" stuff. this has been well known since it released as kinda silly.

you are an idiot. I am sorry you are ignorant of this.


Being "well-known" does not equate with being correct. Many things are promulgated on line that have no basis in fact of logic.

This is a matter of perception. You may think it is obvious. I do not.

Ad hominem attacks are, by definition, irrelevant and logically erroneous.


hahahahhahahahahhahah after calling it "utterly idiotic" and that im just "trying o find things to be offended over"

you get triggered of ME saying idiot. and play the victim. bro your schtick is fucking sad. what a pathetic little victim.

"This is a matter of perception. You may think it is obvious. I do not. "

maybe don't call it idiotic for people with better fucking perception than you then. I disagree with a lot of people on here. you have to be the most slimy and truly pathetic person on here


I called the opinion idiotic, not you. I do not engage in ad hominem attacks, but I have no issues sharing my thoughts on opinions. They can be idiotic even if the poster is not. They can be insightful even if the poster is not.

You have no idea if your perception is better than mine. (and the reverse is also true). Your opinion is yours and mine is mine.

The you in "looking for something to be offended by" is a generic, not a specific, you. I see dozens of these posts all over the place that seem bound and determined to be offended by something in a movie or show. It is tiresome. I do apologize for not being clearer on this point.

Mine is that there is no basis for for ascribing racist traits to fantasy or sf species just because someone can look very hard trying to find some similarity to a real world nationality, racial characteristic, cultural characteristic, or any other perception someone can produce.


"You have no idea if your perception is better than mine. (and the reverse is also true). Your opinion is yours and mine is mine."

my perception was objectively better than yours in this case. my perception was confirmed right. your fallacy from incredulity was the idiotic one.


>>>my perception was objectively better than yours in this case. my perception was confirmed right<<<

Most amusing. A statement without support. I spoke of opinions. You speak of objective facts. Unsupportable.

I see no further need of speaking to you. I have seen no evidence you actually process evidence; simply make claims and assert they are objective.

So typical


Most amusing. A statement without support.

the support is one fucking inch below your comment (now my comment). a reply I made a day ago to you. open your fucking eyes

I spoke of opinions. You speak of objective facts. Unsupportable.

cool story. and you called it idiotic to think they sounded asian. I am sorry you re trying to act as if your stupid ass opinion is valid. you can say they sound like kermit the Frog. we dont have to a accept your stupid opinions.

again mines supported. yours is irrelevant

I see no further need of speaking to you. I have seen no evidence you actually process evidence; simply make claims and assert they are objective.

since reading is hard for you hard. and you cant be bothered to look one inch below. ill report it. must be your self righteousness. maybe shut your mouth and open your eyes


The voices used for the Neimoidians were indeed Asian; Thai, to be specific. Ben Burtt, the sound designer for Episode I, has said he was looking for an exotic sound different from any of the voices used in the original trilogy




"The voices used for the Neimoidians were indeed Asian; Thai, to be specific. Ben Burtt, the sound designer for Episode I, has said he was looking for an exotic sound different from any of the voices used in the original trilogy"

I guess you know more than the PHANTOM MENACE SOUND DESIGNER.


now scurry away


Oh, I am so sorry (sarcasm) that I haven't the time to review the literally thousands of articles and posts on this issue. You might have led with this piece of information if you truly wished to discuss this rationally. All other comments have said Chinese or Japanese. So they used Thai. Big whoop. It is still idiotic to be offended by such things.

I remember "Speecy/spicy meataballa" commercials. And Italian women in black criticizing what of their number for making a spectacle of herself for smiling at a taste of pizza. Not offended in the least. And, I am Italian.

I also have Irish and English and French heritage. Basing an accent on them wouldn't offend me either.

Now, I am absolutely done with this discussion. And do not bother me with private messages as you have also done. I have had other serious, and sometimes belligerent discussions on these and other boards. No of those folks have tried to bother or intimidate, or, as you did, vacuously try to insult me. You are displaying the attitude of a petulant child, not someone who is willing to engage in a serious discussion.


who the fuck said review thousands of articles? it took one second to google "asian phantom menace". and I even did the work for you.

" You might have led with this piece of information if you truly wished to discuss this rationally"

How about this instead. Maybe next time dont claim its idiotic, just looking for offence ect before you do 5 seconds of fucking research.

"It is still idiotic to be offended by such things. "

you said they weren't doing it at all. facts dont seem to matter to you. no matter the question, whether its 1+1. the answer for you always equals "they are just offended!! damn woke people!" you couldn't man up and admit you were wrong. you had to blame others and make excuses.

the fact you cant tell the difference between a commercial where an Italian likes pizza vs say Watto, a sleazy, , money obsessed, big hooked nosed, beady eyed caricature of an Arab/jew (Semitic). he even wears what would be a yarmulkes (jewish skullcap) if it was brimless.

truly shows what an idiot you are.

". You are displaying the attitude of a petulant child, not someone who is willing to engage in a serious discussion."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ohhh the sweet irony. from the person who tried to blame others for not holding his hand, making excuses for not doing 10 seconds of research, and is now whining and crying he is "being intimidated' because someone called him retarded.

get back to fucking primary school. stay off the internet. younger the most fragile softest snowflake of the bunch


simply put:


Liberalpedia holds not credibility.


I don't get why people have to attach human characteristics to non-human species like Tolkien's Orcs and Uruk-hai. Besides, those beings were not just brown but grey, pale and even a few were ORANGE!


Because they are stupid.


Not likey


Because they’re ignorant and racist. When you’re stupid you look for simple answers like superficial qualities of skin color and gender.


Because the orcs were black?
