It IS a Left fantasy, because Conservatives are smart enough to understand that Orcs are a FANTASY RACE with no real life equivalent.
All fantasy has real life equivalents. Otherwise they would not be relatable. Does this mean "orcs=blacks"? No, unless the author intends it that way.
If there is a trend to have orcs portrayed by blacks in movies - and I'm not saying there is - then that's an artistic decision on part of the director, or whomever he places in charge of casting - and obviously problematic. Imagine making Planet of the Apes, and insisting that all of the apes should be portrayed by black actors. You don't think that would be a problem? "But they're supposed to be apes, not blacks" - no, that doesn't fly. Because obviously, in this situation, you thought the best people to play apes are blacks, and that
does make you a racist. Same thing with orcs. But then I can't say that I've noticed a trend of blacks cast as orcs. Mainly because I haven't watched many fantasy films after the Tolkien ones, where the orcs had white actors.
It's THE LEFT drawing the false equivalence based on their own negative views of black people. Remember, the Left are the ones who think Blacks are too stupid, ignorant and poor to know how to obtain photo ID?
No, that would be the
right. The left has never implied that blacks are too
stupid to obtain those IDs - that's you being a disingenuous runt - but both the left and the right knows that blacks are
less likely to possess those IDs in the first place, and likely won't bother to obtain them if the only reason is to vote. The black demographic in the US has traditionally had low voter turn-out as it is, so while voter-ID laws aren't going to
prevent blacks from voting, such laws will serve to greatly
disincentivise black people from voting.
Consider that the states that want these voter laws have
not actually had problems with voter fraud, and that these laws were proposed only after a spike in voter turnout among blacks. And as blacks are far less likely to vote Republican (WONDER WHY), they don't want blacks to vote. The only thing I'm half surprised at is that they don't simply 'fess up to this, as GOP hypocrisy is both shameless and shamefully transparent.