Suggest similar Movies
I love movies like this one, the 13. Floor and so on..
Can you recommend movies that are similar to this one?
I love movies like this one, the 13. Floor and so on..
Can you recommend movies that are similar to this one?
Well if you liked the style of this film, you might like the list on the link below. These were the type of early films that influenced the look of Dark City.
What about eXistenZ? It was made in 1999.
It's been about a decade since I've viewed it, and my memory of it is very spotty. But for reasons unknown, Dark City brought the title to mind.
Streets Of Fire (1984)
Trouble In Mind (1985)
Very good trhead, posts and contribution, thanks to all, this is the point of IMDB.
Im just taking notes about all of your contributions.
Planet of the Apes alternate ending...So they have one of this too in this planet?
Streets of Fire!
Excellent rec ~
"Shake your hair girl with your ponytail"
i think the Truman Show reminds me the most of Dark City. very similar concept.
shareMiracle Mile
shareBig Momma's House.