MovieChat Forums > Jane Eyre (1996) Discussion > Which actor is the best Rochestor?

Which actor is the best Rochestor?

I have been obsessed with this story for god knows how long, I'm halfway through the book - Finally have it as it was bought as a present :0)I own the '96 version and intend to see the others. Who would you say is the best Rochestor: Timothy Dalton, Orson Welles or William Hurt?

Yes I know in the book Rochestor is supposed to be dark-haired and a little cruel to Jane but I thought Hurt played his part really well
'Meet the new boss...Same as the old Boss'


You forgot (and how can you forget) Ciaran Hinds.
Ciaran is just yummy. I'm beside myself. I am in complete lust.
I can't help myself watching it over and over again, fast forwarding the parts where he's not in the scenes. I've got it down to an (almost)art form.
He's unbelievable. I need to take a cold shower after watching him as Rochester. Ciaran, no question.
Timothy Dalton, William Hurt: I don't think so. Although I haven't seen Orson Welles, I'll have to remedy that.
Although, I do think Alan Rickman would work as Rochester. He could give Ciaran a run for his money.


I''m sorry, but none of these guys can even gold a candle to Toby Stephens's performance in the latest version. I still give Orson Welles a look in, but Toby dwarfs them all. He really is Rochester, if you guys didn't watch him then I'm afraid you missed something spectacular.

I'm England, that's all - Laurence Olivier


Honestly? William Hurt is one of my favorites! The other is Jammes Barbour who played him on Broadway. I've only saw clips from the actual show but his voice is amazing! Here are sound clips:


Thanks, that was reasonably impressive. But seriously, you need to see Stephens Rochester, his Rochester took the country by storm and has overtaken Darcy.

This is crap, I've been licking this carpet for three hours and I still don't feel like a lesbian!





I love all of these versions but if i had to chose then it would have to be Orson Wells he just captured the character of Rochestor so well.



I don't have a good experience with JE films, but my favorite Rochester was Timothy Dalton. Not only did he act cruel as well as charming, but I enjoyed his playfullness. I didn't at all enjoy Jayston's performance, though. I'm looking forward to the new BBC version, though.

"Where have all the good vampire movies gone?"



IMHO - Michael Jayston! His acting - both with words, voice and body - is truly amazing and wonderful. Second is... hmmmm... I have to say Patrick Allen is currently on second place for me. (1972 BBC Radio 4 Serial


I totally agree. Michael Jayston is so charismatic and he has something very special. And that voice!


Toby Stephens is the best Rochester!



Toby Stephens with Ruth Wilson as Jane in the 2006 version.


Fassbender's portrayal in Fuck-anaga's version definitely channels Dalton's earlier work
