why the Mike Yanagita scene is critical.
This comes up periodically and old responses get purged so I figured I'd re-post it so everyone will understand.
Many think the scene where Marge meets old high school friend Mike Yanagita is unnecessary. Some mention that TV broadcasts of the movie cut that scene. But it is a critical scene in the overall story. Here's why.
Mike knew Marge in high school and contacted her after he saw her on TV news broadcasts of the murders. The scene with Mike came after her first visit to the car dealership, where Jerry assured her he would know if any cars were missing, and she went away content.
After her meeting with Mike, where he told her he was successful, had been married to Linda Cooksey, etc. she spoke to another old friend from high school who basically told her everything Mike said was a lie. As she is driving away, in her car, you see the flash of realization on her face, she was being too trusting, Mike had lied to her and maybe Jerry was lying too. So that realization caused her to go back to see Jerry, to press the issue about the Tan Cierra, and ultimately resulted in Jerry fleeing the interview, the beginning of her cracking the case.
Presumably if she had not encountered Mike she would not have suspected Jerry was lying to her face and the case might not have been solved. Or at least would not have been resolved the way we see it in the movie.
It is part of the "good vs evil" theme in the whole story. Where Marge lived and worked people were straightforward and honest, when she encountered Jerry then Mike she assumed, incorrectly, that each of them were being straightforward and honest. It was an "aha" moment for Marge that influenced her investigation of the case.
..*.. TxMike ..*..