MovieChat Forums > Broken Arrow (1996) Discussion > Samantha Mathis ruined it.

Samantha Mathis ruined it.

Slaters acting, was so-so for an action flick. Travolta was alright, but then Mathis, pulled off probably the worst acting i've ever seen. Her acting pretty much killed the movie completely, due to the unnessisary plot between her and slater.


I feel the opposite: Mathis totally enhances the movie. How so? She's a likable and comely protagonist, pure and simple. She falls upon a questionable situation and reacts in a cautionary way. Once Hale (Slater) wins her trust and she understands the situation it's easy to root for her. Moreover, she looks great in tight ranger pants climbing a railcar, lol. So where's the problem?


"I... don't... see... any... method... at... all... sir."


IDK, people have such a stick up their ass about this movie and nit pick EVERYTHING about it lol. It's just a fun over the top 90's action flick, not the fucking Godfather. Mathis was playing an AVERAGE PERSON therefore her acting is going to seem average because that's the type of character she's playing......people just don't get it lol. This isn't Ripley or Sarah Conner, this is a character you'd meet at a grocery store. Travolta was fuckin awesome in this, could you have done better? Nope. How was Slater so so? Were you expecting an Al Pacino performance? People take this flick too seriously! Just enjoy it for what it is: popcorn escapist fun.


Well said. Although my opinion is Mathis actually pulled off her part really well.


Films like this always need some cheesecake, Samantha fulfills the role well and looks good in the ranger get up.


For me, it’s not her acting. But the character itself. Her appearance there was totally random story wise. And were there no other park rangers except her around that area?

There’s also a sense that a Park Ranger wouldn’t have been so skilled as to fight Navy Seals and decorated Air Force servicemen.

Finally - I also feel that the romance between her and Slater was contrived.


Did they even have time for romance? I don't remember anything romantic between their interactions.


The lake scene (“your hands are cold”). And at the end, she says “I still have to arrest you.” Then he says flirtingly, “I guess you better take me in then”


Oh that's lame. This whole movie feels like a first draft.


She blended perfectly well into this 5/10 movie. meh


I think she was perfectly fine in the role. I also think she was really cute. The only problem I have with her part is not her fault, because it was in the script: the way she pulls her gun on Hale at first meeting. A guy just parachutes out of a crashed plane -- i.e. this is a rescue situation -- and you're going to hold him at gunpoint? Even if you thought this was suspicious, he's not armed that you can see, he's not attacking or making threatening gestures. You have zero justification for employing lethal force. If she'd shot him, she would have gone down for murder. Manslaughter at the least.

But as I say, that was in the script, so none of this is a criticism of Samantha Mathis.


Eh I thought she was ok. Slater wasn’t any better.

Heck even Travolta when compared to Pulp Fiction and Face/Off was giving a lackluster performance.


"Eh I thought she was ok. Slater wasn’t any better. "

Slater is really bad - you can't believe anything he says, it seems like he's sarcastic from the very moment he utters his first lines. The aftermath of the boxing match he seems 100% sarcastic and talks in a very unreal, weird way, while Travolta is at least giving a believable performance.

However, this woman doesn't rise to even 1% of Slater's crappy performance. Slater was BAD, but that woman is SO MUCH WORSE. Be honest.


I gave my honest opinion, sorry you didn’t like it, dingleberry.


It's hard to not cringe every second she's on the screen. Her very first scene, she's WAY too excited and happy when she starts talking, it doesn't fit the situation at all.

Besides her annoying face, shrill voice, bad acting and horrible all-in-all performance, what bugs me more about her is the whole 'damsel in distress, but she's stronger than men, but she needs men to rescue her, but she's a strong and independent woman, but but but'-flipflopping - CONSTANT flipflopping back and forth between the weak, female victim that men have an OBLIGATION to rescue (how dare you think otherwise, you chauvinistic misogynist pig!), and the strong, independent woman that roars and does everything better than men can.

It's like.. MAKE UP YOUR MIND, movie.. at least make up your mind.


Quick: name me a good Samantha Mathis performance.




She was rather good in American Psycho playing the constantly pilled-up side-piece of Bateman.

"This is Dorsia?"
