Dwight was right!

One thing I notice whenever I read comments about this movie is how Dwight was "Abusive." In fact, he wasn't. Yes... he had issues of his own that he needed to work out but I interpreted the physical altercations were a direct result of DiCaprio's characters lack of respect for him. Let's face it, Tobias was no angel and MOST of the things that happened to him directly resulted from his own actions.

In my opinion, Dwight was right in trying to help him correct his behavior. I got the impression that Dwight wouldn't have became such a jerk if the kid would have accepted his advice (or at least respected his opinion). Of course, Dwight is the adult and he was wrong to let it turn into a competition between the two, but "abusive"... no. He probably would have been ok if the kid had shown him a little respect.

Yes... Dwight has issues, "Doggie style or on your side.." but that isn't "abusive." Don't be so quick to file Dwight away as an abusive lunatic. Take a look at the people around him.



My opinion is shaped by my own experience - my father treated my half-brother (me and my brother share the same mum; this brother is my father's step-son) almost exactly as Dwight treated Tobias and I can tell you it is not pleasant from a young sister's POV and no doubt even worse from my brother's POV. My brother was also a rebellious teenager like Tobias and whilst I agree that children should be punished for their mistakes, and I believe that smacking is ok, I do not agree with the general self-esteem beating and downright cruelty inflicted by Dwight in this film. I also believe that these types of 'men' (those with low-self esteem and control issues) would find somebody to treat in this way whether they were a rebellious teenager needing to be taught a lesson or otherwise.


It never ceases to amaze me how much people are so ignorant in this life. I was an abused child and all it did was screw me up for many years. It took years of counseling and self-medication to stop from trying to commit suicide. It then took even more years after that to re-learn how to live in society and unlearn everything I was taught when I was younger. My grandfather abused my father, my father abused me. But you know what? Me and my brother are the ones who are breaking the chain. The cycle of abuse stops here!

This whole threads disgusts me and makes me sick.

When a child does something bad, abuse is not the answer. I knew someone recently that hits there child and it doesn't stop the kid from doing anything. It teaches him violence. Now when other kids come over his house he hits them, he does some shocking things to girls that were his age and the parents laugh it off. He was only 8 years old.

A real man sits down with his kids and family and tells him why what he did was wrong. He explains it out. Their are other ways to punish a child. It's a coward that just abuses and walks away from the problem thereby not actually solving the problem. Communication is the key to every relationship. A real family man knows how to give compassion and understanding. A real man knows redemption.

I got a 4 year old niece. Never abused. When she does something wrong we talk it out and explain why it is wrong. Something my father never did with me and my friend never does with his kids. He hits them and then they do it again, he hits them and then they laugh in his face and do it again. She might lose TV privileges or toys but she is NEVER abused. She is a well behaved happy girl with lots of love. It makes me hurt inside to think that brats like my old friend's kid will grow up preying on my niece and possibly try to harm her someday. It breaks my heart.

It's ironic how my friend's 4 year old girl and 8 year old boy are completely crazy off the wall. They swear at me, they hit me. Keep in mind they like me a lot because I am great with kids and like gaming like they do. So they do it jokingly always laughing. He hits his kids, we don't. His kids are off the wall, our 4 year old is well behaved. One day they were having a family party and the kid was pushing himself on top of a girl in front of other kids. The mother came over and kids were laughing and she just told him to get off her and walked away. She didn't pull him into the other room and talk to him and explain how it is wrong. She acted like it was no big deal. He tries to punch people in the groin all the time and grab their buts. He's an 8 year old hornball.

The worst part about it is that nothing can be done because it's not against the law to spank your kid. It's not against the law to be verbally abusive. And people go all nuts if you sound like your trying to tell him how to raise their kids. Believe me I've had arguements with him on how hitting his kids only teaches violence. But he's too ignorant to understand and too stupid to see his kids just get worse and keep doing it. It makes them angry.

It sickens me that we have people who are jerks just having kids who will be jerks as well who will be filling our jail cells. Jails are in the US are 2-4 times overflowing.

Dwight had a chance to be a great father to that kid. To be a best friend and stepfather to him. To be an understanding loving person who works on projects with him or takes him to baseball games. But inside he choose to dump his anger any chance he could because he was obviously an angry man. He was the real wimp because he couldn't manage his own anger and just liked whine and complain like a child.

Music Vid:


"Gotta love all the imdb idiots attacing Bondjames for his opinion. Its a film discussion board."-Extremism-President of the Bondjames fan club.

And what exactly makes us idiots, because we disagree with the OP? You're right it is a discussion board, and everyone can discuss films, not just posters that you agree with. Are we not allowed to express our opinions as well as your BFF Bondjames? Or, only as long as it doesn't differ from your own?



Bond james
is having conflicting feelings reagarding Dwight
He was selfish and a bully (bad) but was funny(good)
He did give Tobias a sense of direction and accepted him as a son (good thing)but the way he did it was abusive(bad)
Alo Tbey was doin alot of stupid stuff for which he needed discipline but was the discipline appropriate in light of his age, the lessons he needed to learn,
All I can say I was never happier than when he and his mom left this Dwight Biatch alone.
Dwight had some problems coz he still could not see what he had done wrong.
SO this makes a movie watcher confused about this particular character. I feel Bondjames. I get u.
if it were up to me I'd chose to speak like Humphrey Bogart, but....it isn't


The OP is probley a abusive *beep* only likes to do it doggy style. Probley idolizes Dwight.

~ Party at the Moon Tower.~


This is a pretty obvious troll, people - and nine pages worth of bites...quite the harvest. =/


hahaha by all the blogs repsonses? you must understand how stupid your blog is? he was complete *beep*! good guy?? haha sure you already heard enough reasons of how wrong you are, so wont go into! (deniro made me laugh my ass off!! 1 of my favorite movies ever!!) but my no means was he a good guy!?? you obvisouly have issue`s of your own, if you thought any of the way he treated him was ok? wasnt a great kid? i agree? but no way you can say dwight was right!! god i prey you dont have kids??? if you think he was right! and if you think it was dwight that is the reason he became succesfull, you need to do a little research? his dad and brother both successful and intelligent!! so had nothing to do with dwight? except give him a brilliant story to write about! the dick head step father he grew up with!


BondJames, he wasn't abusive? You have got to be kidding me. No, Toby wasn't an angel, but since when does that mean he deserves to be verbally abused, kicked, punched, strangled, etc.?

This is abuse and not discipline and if he was my husband, he would receive the same (if not worse) and I would have taken my child and left a long time ago.

If you don't think everything he did was abuse, what do you suppose IS abuse?





I think you need have had it very easy. Open up your eyes. People don't treat step children as good as your real children. It's kind of to be expected 50 years ago for children to get beatings. I would say that except for the last scene involving chocking, Dwight didn't beat Jack that much.

