I LOVE the first season and hated the last season. Of course, by the final season the once great BMW had simply gone the way that all shows do. It just no longer had it. It could not recapture it's former glory, and it was best to end it and have it be remembered for what it once was. Season 1 had something that no other season had. Innocence. Season 2 sort of had that, but not really. They made a mistake jumping Cory, Shawn, and Topanga to high school so quickly. They should have had them be in middle school one more year, and then put them in high school in season 3. I remember how strange it felt when they changed Shawn from living just up the street to living in the poor end of town. And then they introduced Mr. Turner. I liked the character of Mr. Turner, but he had to grow on me. I felt at the time he was introduced that he was a bit too edgy for BMW in the early years. He would have been a better fit in the later seasons. Same is true for the bullies. Harley, Griff, Frankie, and Joey. Again, I liked their characters, but felt like they came in too early. They would have fit better later.
"There is no reason to bring every cotton pickin book you own into this dadburn gym!"-Fall 1987