If you cried...

When did you cry and do you often cry at films?

I cried when she said that about his glasses and a little bit when she read her weeping willow poem. The only other films I can remember crying at were Schindler's List, when he says, "I could have got more" and Steel Magnolias when she says, "I've always been ready to go first."



After I watched this movie the first time, I start crying from the moment Thomas J gets attacked by the bees until basically the end. I sob like a baby.

Other movies I cry to are Gladiator, The Patriot-not only when his sons die but also, especially also, when his daughter is begging and crying for Mel Gibson to stay. Gets me every time. Suzannes Diary for Nicholas, sobbed like a baby. Nights in Rodanthe. Numerous times throughout My Sisters Keeper. One tree hill, even though it's a show, when Keith died.
I am incredibly emotional and cry to alot. I didn't use to but I dont know, a couple years ago, all of a sudden I became super emotional. And its not pms related lol cause I'm almost 20


I got that lump in my throat when Thomas J says his infamous "Vada, would you think of me?" line. I didn't actually cry until the funeral scene and the scene afterward when Vada confesses her love for Mr. Bixler.

And this is one of the only movies that has ever made me legitimately cry.

What you /f/e/e/l/ is what you are; and what you are is {b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l.}<3


I am not a big crier, but this movie gets me every time. When she approaches the coffin, the eyeglasses part, Thomas J's parents reaction to what she is saying, and Thomas J's mother walking on the street all alone. I watch this movie once every couple of years and the whole ending sequence gets me every time.

Other movies that make me cry: (*spoilers*)


Saving Private Ryan (the mother, fearing the worse, collapsing on the porch, not knowing just how bad what they are about to tell her is going to be, him talking to Capt Miller's grave at the end, "tell me I am a good man", and him saluting the grave). It took me a long time to be able to watch this movie again. Just sad throughout the entire movie from start to finish.


The bit that gets me as some other people have said is when Vada says to Thomas J's mother 'Don't worry about Thomas J my mother will take care of him'


Oh god I am a crybaby with these kinds of films. I remember as a kid the first time I watched it, I thought he was going to come back to life because I just couldn't believe they'd kill off a kid in a movie. I rewatched it a few days ago at my friends house and I cried. I cry when her dad told her Thomas J died in her room and when she says "put his glasses on" at the funeral. It's so heartbreaking.


1. When vada sits on the top of the stairs at his funera/covers her face and cries

2. put on his glasses/parents reaction

3. getting her mood ring back from his mom/telling her hell be ok

4. her poem

great movie


I cried all those parts, as well as when Harry informed Vada.



I teared when she says the thing about his glasses too...such a sad, sad, line!

I also teared at the following movies:

Bridge to Terabithia (The one with Josh Hutcherson) (after he finds out the bad news of Leslie)when Jess runs back to his room and blocks it with a dresser and looks at his drawing of Leslie.

Old Yeller...well you know when!

A walk to Remember...I cried at several parts....

I think I teared up at Titanic......

I know I teared up at Pet Sematary...Oh my gosh...if you do not want to bawl your eyes out...never watch that movie!!! It's horrible! :(


I always always cry at this movie....yes the funeral scene and the poem scene. I also cry during Steel Magnolias...M'Lynn's speech at the cemetery is just too much, I ball like a baby. Other movies/scenes I always cry at are:

1. Stepmom when Julie Roberts and Susan Sarandon are talking about how the real mom has the kids past and Julia has their future. Julia talks about the daughter's future wedding day and she says her biggest fear is that she'll be wishing her mom were there (my mom passed 8 years ago and thus wasn't at my wedding, so this scene gets me a bit more).

2. The Notebook, when old Ally becomes lucid for a few moments and then reverts back to her usual state, old Noah gets very upset and is crying...seeing a man cry breaks my heart.

I'm sure there are other movies, but those four are guaranteed tear jerkers for when I need a good cry.
