MovieChat Forums > Edward Scissorhands (1990) Discussion > Very good movie but not GREAT, one flaw ...

Very good movie but not GREAT, one flaw I cannot forgive.

I could not give this movie a perfect ten for ONE reason. That total jerk portrayed by Michael G Hall died a horrible death at the hands of Edward. I have a BIG problem with this. Yes he was an A hole BUT I do not think death was appropriate. Some people DO deserve to die. The joker in BATMAN check, the villains of ROBOCOP check, Emperor Palpatine in Return of the Jedi check. However this guy did NOT rise up to that level, he was just a jerk and in my opinion a non fatal defeat would have been more appropriate. I am fine with him being publicly shamed and humiliated, disowned by his father, even ending up in jail but not actual DEATH.


Yeah that was shocking but I thought about this and to me it was the same impulse as pushing someone away. I think Edward meant to push the guy away because he was relentless with his bullying, even when he was threatened by Kym. The underlying moral is never mess with a dude who has sharp weapons in his hands!


How is this a flaw of the film?

The ending was tragic. Edward had to remain a condemned outcast forever and what better way than for him to be perceived as a murderer. No one is saying that he deserved to die anymore than the scientist who created Edward deserved to die, or all the various innocent, and much more likeable, characters in Tim Burton's other films like the two 'Batman' movies and 'Mars Attacks!' deserved to die. Sometimes good people (although I think it would be a stretch to seriously call Jim 'good') die in films.


He may not have deserved death--though, if you watch the movie, you can see from the beginning how possessive and jealous he is, and jumps at any chance to hit Edward, push him, belittle him, then gets more and more violent. You can see the intent to kill Edward when he comes up to the loft--this is not just an 'I'm gonna whup yo' ass cuz you honin' in on my gal' kinda thing--he intends to KILL Edward! He even throws Kim to the floor twice because she gets in the way and tries to defend Edward--he hurts Kim, makes her bleed, and when Edward sees this, and that Jim is also intent on killing him, he stabs him and pushes him out the window in SELF DEFENSE!



i was always surprised this was a family movie until i saw the entire thing, you got to admit it looks overall like a horror, another thing i remember was vincent price so late in his career. when edward was in the room after the haircut (ofcourse a movie titled scissorhands needs to have haircut scene) with barkin it looked like a screen mixed with a black&white fella, too bad the people around never got to know he didn't mean anybody harm, like when he had actually saved the kid. i had only seen a glance of this before and saw his creator fall to the ground before him, so i always thought he killed him, looking at it now that wasn't the case ofcourse, but, spoiler, he did after all end up killing someone before the movie was over.

take you for a swing around the christmas tree,
since in this ballroom you dropped in,
received a gift pyjamas with night hat,
as the clock strike twelve some may take a night cap,
rednecks behaving all night catering serving fruits around,
long line of pickup trucks and streak of cars outside,
i'm just lucky in the old ballroom you dropped on by,
one last dance before the christmas tree gets thrown out.


As this was a personal work by Burton, I've always assumed that the character represented those kids who would bully him in high school. So yes, if so, he "deserved" to die.

"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."


Yes, Edward killed Jim. But the only reason Edward did so was because Jim was trying to kill him and Kim first, NOT because of personal revenge. He (Jim) was demonstrating an imminent intent to kill them. It was not because he was abusive/controlling/jealous/possessive/selfish. Only because he was immediately posing an intent to kill Edward. He ruined Edward's reputation by setting him to look responsible for that home invasion. That woman Joyce lied about Edward trying to rape her. And now the people would think Edward was a murderer, which was the final straw. He would have to live forever as an outcast, just as he was before. He was forced to give up Kim, because of the circumstances. So Kim staged Edward's death, along with Jim's, so the townspeople would leave him alone, and the police would not arrest him. And she couldn't stay with him either, because then that would expose him as being still alive.


If memory serves, Jim was on the verge of killing Edward by beating him to death and Edward had enough of it. Plus Jim slapped Kim and that is the REAL way to piss Edward off. Self-defense plus rage from a social outcast led to violence. That's one of the tragedies of the story. Of course Edward didn't have to kill him, he had just had enough of the bullying and mistreatment from people who couldn't accept him and things got violent. I recall Roger Ebert had a major gripe with the death of Jim as well, saying that the writing was bad because violence was used to resolve the issue. I respect Ebert, but violence was used to resolve the issue because he was bullied and beaten and wanted it to end. We're talking about a guy who was manufactured, grew up alone and did not have any social skills. He naturally had a good heart and when he ventures out into the world the "normal" people destroy him. A person like Jim would definitely push him to his limits.


Some punk fires a gun at me, they better put me down because I am killing yo ass.

Armchair Critic Law 38:

If a film has a plot twist, overanalyse.


My sentiments exactly. Jim was there with murder on his mind. He went out of his way to come into Edward's home armed with a gun, and attempted to kill him. Why feel sorry for him?


I agree, his death was over the top. Bottom line, Edward was in love with Winona Ryder's character and he would have done anything for her. The boyfriend hit her and that was the final straw in Edward's eyes, still not justifiable though, but it didn't look like the boyfriend was going to stop unless Edward killed him and he couldn't exactly just throw him out because he had scissors for hands, but at the same time Edward could have just told her to go and take the boyfriend with her and maybe they both would have left. The boyfriend wasn't interested in Edward, the boyfriend was obsessed with Winona Ryder's character and Edward was just in the way.

I hate this movie for a different reason, so i no longer watch this film. But what you said was interesting and you make a good point, i personally never really thought much about that scene until i read your post.


Not only did Jim deserve to die, but I relish it immensely when he does. High schools are teeming with scum like that who grow up to work on Wall Street, and if only there were a few more scissor-handed men around to purge them...

Honestly, if you think Jim didn't deserve what he got, you most likely also think serial rapists need soothing, healing therapy instead of to be hanged by the neck. There's 50 million jerks like that; one or two dead ain't a flipping Greek tragedy.
