Pls DON'T ruin one of the BEST FILMS EVER by watching dubbed....
I've seen it in subtitles and both dubs. I think it's a good movie in any version, although it was pretty funny hearing Leonardo coming out of Tetsuo's mouth in the original dub.
shareI don't understand why people sneer at each other for the sub/dub thing. I get where the subtitles can be more accurate, dialogue-wise, but I also get that the dub makes the movie feel more seamless to a lot of people.
For me, it comes down to Hayao Miyazaki saying his favourite Porco Rosso actor is the French voice actor. That right there is proof enough (for me, anyway) that a dub actor can turn in a character-accurate performance. Everything else is just accuracy, but tone can be replicated even if the exact details haven't been.
I think it’s just weeaboos being pretentious. These are the same people who swear that anime and manga are different from animation and comics despite those words being the literal translation from English to Japanese and nothing else.
shareProbably, for the most part. I do understand that kind of general cinephile, "Oh, this is the 'real' version of the the thing, with the 'real' actor," and I get that, but I don't think it breaks the movie. I understand it more for live-action stuff because the physical actor and their voice is directly connected. So, listening to the original audio gives you the original tone and inflection, even if you don't understand the words. But with a cartoon, the actor creating the voice and the guys drawing the character are different people, so the voice artist is always putting "spin" on the design. They're likely coming to it after the fact, as it were.
I also understand how anime has a different set of tropes and conventions that are different than Western animation, but I don't think it's better. It's just flavour. It's like watching a movie from the '40s where all the sensibilities are different. But they aren't better or worse movies, they're just different in terms of tone and style.
I get what you mean, though. At least "manga" has a different sound, but "anime" is clearly just a truncated form of "animation". Osamu Tezuka, who pioneered a lot of Japanese cartooning styles, lifted the big eyes thing from Walt Disney's creations, for goodness' sake!
Osamu Tezuka, who pioneered a lot of Japanese cartooning styles, lifted the big eyes thing from Walt Disney's creations, for goodness' sake!
I don't know why. Rivalry of this sort is stupid. What's the point? Just start admitting that there's good and bad all over and... ah, I'm preaching to the choir.
Blah, blah, blah - why can't we all get along and share in the joy of art? - blah, blah, blah...