MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) Discussion > The Enterprise-D Bridge has DATED BADLY

The Enterprise-D Bridge has DATED BADLY

It just looks far too brightly-lit, for one thing, and is HUGE, with a lot of empty space around. What is really bad however, is that stupid wooden structure that loops around the tactical station and the main command chairs, which doesn't fit in with what the ship is.

By comparison, the Bridges of the USS Defiant and the USS Voyager look much more utilitarian, more conservatively lit (why light the whole room when the display consoles emit their own light?) and more MODERN, and I think THEY will stand the test of time 20 years from now.


Yeah it was obviously lit for the production standards of the time. Really would make no sense to have the bridge of a starship brightly lit like that. You’d really want it dark so people’s eyes stayed adjusted to the dark for looking out into space. Of course the viewing screen would be better than reality with imaging that could enhance far beyond what people could see.

Look at how the bridges of military or cruise ships are lit at night. Or airplanes. Basically the only light comes from the screens and gauges etc…

Funny thing is the Enterprise was the only ship over lit. Clingons, Rommulens, Ferremgi, Cardassians, all had dimly lit bridges.


I'd say even Kirk's original Enterprise TOS TV bridge wasn't that brightly lit, neither.


The battle bridge was lit more realistically. Yesterdays Enterprise alternate version was dark. Ten Forward is dark. Engineering is dark.

It’s kind of funny, everything is lit logically except the main bridge. It looks like a store at the mall.

“We just lost 3 fluorescent tubes, get Geordi up here to fix it!”


What about the USS Defiant's bridge? Or USS Voyager's? I quite like their utilitarian style.


“We just lost 3 fluorescent tubes, get Geordi up here to fix it!”


I wonder if the Enterprise D was *suitably* lit (my preference) because they were proud of that 1980s decor.


It hasn't dated - it was always awful. From episode 1 we all thought it looked like a hotel lobby.


What do you think of the USS Defiant or USS Voyager bridges? I like them more, a lot more. More utilitarian, darker lighting, more representative of an interstellar organisation like Starfleet.


Didn't look anything like a hotel lobby - where are the cigarette machines and hookers?


In the captain's ready room, just off the bridge.


"It hasn't dated"

Yeah, I've heard it's still a virgin, although there is a rumor that an exocomp went down on it once.


The fool! Well, it dated both the Excelsior arboretum and the Yamato's holodeck, so you know it just makes bad romantical choices.


I don't mind the lighting. Keeping things well-lit would probably help with crew members' psyches, not to mention eye-strain. Who wants to work in a dim environment if you can have a well-lit one?

The size is unnecessary - you're right there. It would make more sense to have panels a little closer together in case you need to dash from one to the other. However, I'm not sure it "should" be too much smaller. It doesn't really matter.

You're 100% right about the tactical station, though. The worst of it is that there are panels not just at the apex of the structure, but going down it, forcing Worf to hunch horribly while using it. It's impractical on many levels, not the least of which is the fact that your tactical officer will be thrown off of his or her feet when under torpedo/phaser impacts; notably, this is one of the people you *need* in combat, and they'll be hurled from the station that lets your ship return fire.




The main problem, and the thing that dates this show more than anything else, is the carpets.

To boldly go where no man has gone before... Oh and bring the carpet fitter along will you. These alien species will be astounded!


The Generations movie 1701-D bridge is decent, ambient lighting, side consoles. Unfortunately most people never noticed the bridge change and they never brought it back for Picard Season 3.

Enterprise-E bridge is my favorite though.
