MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) Discussion > I HATE SO MANY THINGS ABOUT THIS SHOW


Where do I begin? Off the top of my head:

1. The first two seasons
2. Tasha Yar
3. Pulaski
4. Wesley
5. Alexander
6. Ro Laren

I couldn't stand any of those aspects of the show, and it's a shame as they infest most of it, in different eras.

By contrast, I find Trek shows like DS9 and Voyager to be much more solid and consistent.

I think TNG is overrated anyway.


1. I've been watching 1st Season. The dialogue is extremely cheesy. It's not very good.
2. She was kinda sexy even though her character seemed "forced". I guess it was Denise Crosby's acting.
3. Not even worth discussing.
4. He is to Star Trek what Jar-Jar Binks is to Star Wars. As sickening as they come.
5. He was okay. A cute little Klingon was cool to see.
6. I was on your team until you mentioned Ro Laren. I liked her. She wasn't on the show enough to make much of a difference, but I liked her grit. It's too bad she effed Picard over in the end.

DS9 is probably the best-written of all the ST series. Voyager was also great.


Haha I like the show but I can’t disagree with that list.

Season one they were so uptight. The overacting was pretty bad. You can tell they came from classical theatre.

What saved TNG from the first season? One thing and one thing only…..

Riker’s beard.


1. The first two seasons had a few of the best episodes in all ST.
2. Tasha Yar. I never liked her, too.
3. Pulaski. She was ok, Crusher is not much better. The best doctor is The Doctor, IMO.
4. Wesley... he's the wonder child and nobody likes him, but after he left in S4 the bridge felt empty. I liked him at the helm.
5. Alexander episodes were boring af. I always thought that kid was black in real life.
6. Ro Laren.. something was off with her. It's like they didn't know what to do with that character. Still more interesting than Tasha and Troi combined.


I hate Alexander episodes.
I hate holograph malfunction episodes. Just open the fucking door.
Most of the Wesley episodes shit me. Did like the Traveller one but the jumper Wesley wore in that makes me want to poke my eyes out.
Wesley should have been executed when he broke the shrubbery.



Six things are not that many to hate about a television show.

1. Seasons 1-2 are mediocre, but there are some good involving Q and the holodeck. Early seasons of The Simpsons and Seinfeld are also weak, but they are still great shows.
2. Tasha Yar: I think Tasha was sold short by Crosby deciding to leave the show. The character was never given time to develop. If she had stayed I think she would have grown as an officer, leading to scenes of her in command of the Enterprise while Picard, Riker and Data were off the ship (like Scotty and Sulu sometimes in command in TOS).
3. Pulaski: She never bothered me.
4. Wesley: Hate him. Especially how his character departed, becoming a time traveling wizard or something.
5. Alexander: Generally dislike, but I did enjoy the old west holodeck episode.
6. Ro Laren: She never bothered me.

I love TNG. At the time, I liked DS9, but preferred the complex storylines of Babylon 5. I never liked Voyager and gave up on the show after a couple of seasons. Talk about dislikes: Janeway, Chakotay, Torres, Paris, Kim. The only characters I liked were Tuvok (a well portrayed Vulcan) and The Doctor (the best character in the show).


Pulaski- The show managed to set her up to fail. I got the impression that she was the female version of McCoy, a crusty old doc who was grouchy but kindhearted underneath it all. Whether the actress couldn't pull it off or the writing was bad, Pulaski just came across as humorless and grumpy most of the time.


That's exactly how I see Pulaski as well, and it's not all that clear if it was the writing or the performance. Still, I didn't necessarily *mind* her, but I put her behind Crusher and way behind McCoy.


I don't know what it says about ME, but I liked Pulaski. I saw her as sort of an antidote to the rest of the crew's nicey-nice sweetness. At least that's the way they came across to me. Roddenberry's vision for the future was just a shade off of Disneyland.

It would be nice if the future had TNG's technology, cures for disease, no war or famine, etc. Things change but people don't. Hopefully people will become enlightened but...

... I have a feeling it will be just like a disappointed Khan said to Kirk in "Space Seed", "...Oh there is technical advancement but how little man himself has changed."


"...Oh there is technical advancement but how little man himself has changed."

And I can hear Montalban's wonderful accent in my head as he said that line.

In any case, they did the right thing about going to a different personality to replace a main character. Generally speaking, it just works better.

As with MASH (typing asterisks is a pain), replacing the inept Frank Burns with Charles - a surgeon more technically advanced than Hawkeye, and replacing fun-loving scamp Trapper with the wholesome family man B.J. made for better TV.

Pulaski was not like Crusher, which made sense.


As far as MASH, it was a great idea to replace Burns with a totally different type of character. I don't think it's fair to expect a new actor to try and copy the former actor's performance. And fans hate it anyway!

One of the great things about Charles was that his superior surgical skills bothered Hawkeye. Pierce was a great surgeon but his ego needed a little puncturing.
I remember one of the first surgeries that Winchester performed. He was great and he knew and boasted.

Hawkeye-"I'm not playing second scalpel to this garbanzo for the rest of the war."

So which is it Hawkeye? Do the soldiers come first or your ego?

With Pulaski and Crusher, I don't think there was any doubt that both were excellent doctors. The show tried to go in a different direction with Pulaski. But the fans rejected her. I would have liked her to stay, but I was okay with Crusher coming back.


As far as MASH, it was a great idea to replace Burns with a totally different type of character.

Yep, and they also did it with the regular army Colonel Potter replacing the far more lenient Henry Blake, and of course the family man B.J. replacing the skirt chasing Trapper.

And for at least some STNG content, I didn't care for Alexander either, but as someone up farther said, the Holodeck Old West malfunction show (Fistfull of Datas) is one of my favorites.


I don't have a negative opinion about Alexander because I never thought about him too much. He was okay, I guess.

As far as the younger cast, I remember how Wesley was hated by many fans. Remember the nickname some fans gave him? Weasely!

The character didn't bother me. But what DID bother me was Captain Picard's decision to give a kid a plum assignment on the Bridge! I thought you had to work your way up to the special jobs! I know I'd be really resentful if I was an officer in line for a Bridge position and I got beat out by a teen-ager who hadn't even attended Starfleet Academy.

The one time Wesley DID anger me was in the first episode with LT. Barclay. The guy was shy and socially inept.
Wesley kept referring to him as ,"Lt. Broccoli."

When he said that to Riker, instead of Riker smirking, he should have scolded Wesley and told him it was wrong to speak so disrespectfully about a fellow officer. I know Wesley wasn't an officer. But because of his position on the Bridge, he should have been held to a higher standard.


"As far as the younger cast, I remember how Wesley was hated by many fans. Remember the nickname some fans gave him? Weasely!"
No, I myself never heard that.

"The one time Wesley DID anger me was in the first episode with LT. Barclay. The guy was shy and socially inept. Wesley kept referring to him as ,"Lt. Broccoli.""
So did Picard himself, to Barclays' face. OK, so it was only once, but it did happen.


Pulaski was good for what she was. An older doctor who was not down for a lot of nonsense. Diana Muldaur was a good actress highly regarded by Gene Roddenberry among others. It has been said she did not like her time on TNG due to being out of the circle socially.


I never had a problem with her, and indeed I think it was a good idea to make her character a bit more acerbic compared to the more docile Crusher (most of the time!). I just saw Muldaur in the Medusan episode of Trek the other night. Great actress.


I like the old Babylon 5 as well, I'm baffled that they want to remake it now.


Except for a handful of episodes in season 1 and 2, your list is spot on!


What are your favorites from season 1-2 if you had to pick only two from each (and not including the pilot).


Season 1 I suppose would be Datalore and Conspiracy. Season two would definitely be The Measure of a Man and Q Who.


What bugs me the most is the meddling Troi, always pestering people with her psychic shit when they're busy. Not only that, but for some reason she doesn't have to wear a real uniform, just that stupid unitard, which is not flattering to her wide ass.


Sometimes Troi's empathic gifts were unintentionally hilarious. Picard would be speaking to someone on the view screen who was either angry, wanted the Enterprise to vacate the premises, refused to listen to Picard, etc.

Troi would come up with one of psychic gems. "I sense hostility Captain." lol

Or how about the classic, "I sense that they are holding something back. They are not being totally forthcoming."

Well, hell, everybody is like that. No one tells everything! Everyone holds back. Don't need to be an empath to know that!


I liked Troi's butt but the early uniforms did not flatter her form in general. The standard Star Fleet uni was the best but Marina Sirtis lost some weight so the effect was not quite eye popping. A little more curve but not as much as the first season would have been good. Her best costume was the mall store brown leather pants she wore in A Fistful of Data's. Of course that look would fit better as a pleasure girl on Risa than an officer on the Enterprise.


Disagree with everything except Tasha Yar and Wesley. I will have to agree with you on those two. Both annoying characters. Sometimes I wouldn't even watch it when one of them was on. Nothing personal against Wil Wheaton but he just comes off as so out of place on ST, so does Denise Crosby.

Ohh well, some of their episodes were still pretty good but yeah, a little bit of either one goes a long ways.


I never hated Wesley and everyone I knew at the time liked him. I didn't know until years later, when I discovered internet discussion boards, that Wesley was so hated.


I liked him.


The hatred of Wesley did show up later. I don't know why. I wonder what timeframe it started.
