MovieChat Forums > TheDemon
TheDemon (598)
Trump: 'If they win, I should get all the credit, if they lose, I shouldn't get blamed'
Explanation Please
The Gold Record
Please don't wreck it by making Series 2
They played the celebrity head game wrong
US of A
Dirty Harry Incarnate
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No such thing or entity as an anti Christ.
If I could answer that You wouldn’t understand.
Ask the poster who I originally replied to.
That had nothing to do with the election.
Eat your own crow.
Good to see you also keep a journal of old threads.
Wonderful life you have.
Are you so obsessed Jo you keep a journal of old threads to respond to?
You've done it a few times.
Bigger than Hitler and Jesus?
Born in the States, raised in Australia.
Doesn't die in Absolute Power.
A lot of celebrities rant these days. I've learned to not let it bother me because I don't care what they think.
So why does it trigger you?
You're easily triggered.
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