MovieChat Forums > Sleepaway Camp (1983) Discussion > Transphobic Garbage *Spoilers

Transphobic Garbage *Spoilers

Even without the offensive transphobia this movie is terrible. It's really unfortunate that Hollywood has such a long history of attacking and demonizing trans-identified people (Psycho, The Silence of the Lambs). Being Transgendered does not make someone insane or a psychotic killer, and in real life transgendered people have an extremely high suicide rate and whenever a transgendered person is murdered (which is way too often) it's ignored by the news media. The ending of this movie isn't something to be celebrated, it's offensive and cruel.


Angela wasn't transgender, Peter was a boy and his aunt forced him into the role of being a girl, of being Angela. He was obviously massively confused, conflicted, and damaged by this psychological abuse of his guardian.

Psycho wasn't about a transgender person either. In the movie the district attorney accuses Norman of being a transvestite, to which the psychologist says:

"Not exactly. A man who dresses in woman's clothing in order to achieve a sexual change... or satisfaction... is a transvestite. But in Norman's case, he was simply doing everything possible to keep alive the illusion of his mother being alive."

They call him a schizophrenic later in the series. He's not transgender.

Neither of these psychotic killers, in Psycho or Sleepaway Camp, are transgender.


There's no such thing as transgender. Stop using this term. There are only transsexuals.


Drink a beer and take a Valium...


Oh for God's sake just shut the f@ck up!
The kids not even TRANS. It's a boy who was raised as a girl by his aunty. Not a boy who identifies as a girl and believes he was born in the wrong body like a trans person!
The movie can also be seen as an attack on gay sex/relationships causing children mental harm but you don't see the gays on here bitching and causing a fuss like you, do you, f@ckhead!


The OP here is full of crap. Serial killers are usually portrayed as straight white males 99% of the time which is obviously not true. Often times serial killers are gay or bisexual and in several cases they were transgender.


Damn! Get a life! Even if the director was transphobic or homophobic, you didn't have to watch, or since you did, forget about it and don't watch it again!

And, transphobic is the fear of trannies. No one really 'fears' them, they just don't approve of their lifestyle, like I don't personally.


What’s cruel is society encouraging these people to chop off body parts and attempt to be something they can never be. True sympathy and compassion would be to help with their mental illness.


transgenders get murdered often cuz they trick people into being gay. its a dangerous game doing that shit and nobody cares if they get murdered cuz they were asking for it. innocent people get murdered all the time and that goes on the news. people dont care about sexual degenerates who are up to no good getting got. play stupid games, win stupid prizes


The killer in this movie was not transgender. He was a boy who was made to look like a girl against his will.
