MovieChat Forums > Sleepaway Camp (1983) Discussion > Transphobic Garbage *Spoilers

Transphobic Garbage *Spoilers

Even without the offensive transphobia this movie is terrible. It's really unfortunate that Hollywood has such a long history of attacking and demonizing trans-identified people (Psycho, The Silence of the Lambs). Being Transgendered does not make someone insane or a psychotic killer, and in real life transgendered people have an extremely high suicide rate and whenever a transgendered person is murdered (which is way too often) it's ignored by the news media. The ending of this movie isn't something to be celebrated, it's offensive and cruel.


On the one hand, it is stupid to demonize gays and transgenders in movies.

But on the other hand it's bias to assume none of them are capable of such horrific acts.

Gays and lesbians bitched like crazy over THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS. And then Jeffrey Dahmer happened.


Is that all you chose to take away/see? Nowhere in the film was it stated or implied that the character of Angela is a murderer because she's a male in female clothing. If attention was paid, you'd pick up on the many issues that made that person who they are at that moment.

It's not as black & white as you make it out to be. These people (Norman Bates included) have existing issues.

We've met before, haven't we?


A film cannot be transphobic when there isn't a single transgender character in there. Angela was a boy. There was no confusion. He, Peter, was a boy and was forced to live as a girl for years because of clear and implied abuse from his aunt (hence her crazy talking) over the course of many years.

The gay scene was odd tbh, but I don't think it inherently spoke to a negative effect gay couples had on children. If anything the children looked very happy in the opening scene with the parents before they got mowed over by the powerboat.

Speaking to your other point, I don't think either Psycho or Silence of the Lambs attacked or demonized trans-identified people either. In Psycho it was Norman Bates odd relationship with his overbearing mother that caused his madness, he wasn't really 'cross-dressing' for the sake of doing it. It was to portray his own mother who died years ago.

As for Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs...he was a serial killer. You could argue that the cross-dressing part of that was put in to make him look even weirder, in which case it is showing cross-dressing in a bit of a negative light, but effectively it was a minute detail in a scene that was designed just to make him look like the crazy serial killer he is.


They weren't a transsexual though (well, at least not at first). Angela was originally Peter. Peter was a normal boy but was adopted by a woman who was insane and made him become a her. Since he was an orphan and also raised as the opposite gender, he was mentally unstable and became a killer as a way to take out her frustrations on other people.

Gerald "Coop" Cooperberg



Transphobia is a word that has just been created in the past year, so it didn't exist in 1983. to be honest, I can't see why nearly everyone has to be offended by every single thing nowadays! just watch the film and enjoy it. unless you don't like horror films, of course, then don't watch it at all :)

"I wished Her back but the dead adored Her, Even wild winds sang in chora for Her"



This is why there is a system in place for people who wish to transition. Sex hormones are VERY powerful drugs. If she was on hormones, against her will, that can be REALLY bad.


Sometimes I wonder how people like this leave their houses in the morning. Imagine something "offensive" lurking around every corner, LOL!

Check out my blog:


I don't think the film meant to imply that seeing their dad & his partner in bed together caused the kids any trauma. They were giggling the same as any kids their age would be if they saw their mom & dad in bed. Just because they were going to touch each other in their own bed later, how many kids have played "doctor"? And Angela was disturbed not just from being forced to live as the opposite sex for 8 years, but from seeing her family killed. And maybe was getting back at campers & councilors not only for mistreating her at camp, but because some of them were responsible for the fatal accident years ago.


As a serial killer, I find it offensive to the group that I identify with. Why must all serial killers be seen as 'mad?!' *sigh*


Change your name to Triggered by Trannies, please.


Actually, I saw the film in a completely different light. I was initially impressed by how progressive it was. The aunt was a woman, seemingly by birth seeing how she talks about having Ricky with a man, and she was perhaps the most disturbed indivual in the film. The picture itself tackles teenage sexuality. Throughout, Angela is fascinated by the females, and it's insinuated that she's attracted to Judy. This shows that the film makers were aware that although Peter was raised as a girl, dressing up and acting like one did not change his sexual orientation. I think he was drawn to Paul, because unlike the others Paul was a nice person, but Angela/Peter had little sexual attraction toward him. Of course, as Peter was forced to be girl, and therefore is not a transsexual (although you can argue that he was based on the sequel). That, combined with the fact he was sheltered from society, and never properly dealt with the deaths of his father and sister, made him go on a murderous rampage,

Also, I don't see how having a father who was a homosexual made any baring on how Peter grew up. I think the film makers intention of that scene, as well as the one of Peter and Angela in bed was just to show early instances of Peters budding sexuality. The kids didn't seem bothered that their dad was having relations with a man, and just treated it like a kid seeing a man and a woman in bed together. Plus, the father seemed loving enough in the opening scene.

