MovieChat Forums > Sleepaway Camp (1983) Discussion > Transphobic Garbage *Spoilers

Transphobic Garbage *Spoilers

Even without the offensive transphobia this movie is terrible. It's really unfortunate that Hollywood has such a long history of attacking and demonizing trans-identified people (Psycho, The Silence of the Lambs). Being Transgendered does not make someone insane or a psychotic killer, and in real life transgendered people have an extremely high suicide rate and whenever a transgendered person is murdered (which is way too often) it's ignored by the news media. The ending of this movie isn't something to be celebrated, it's offensive and cruel.


Oh cut with the rubbish. Silence of the Lambs features a very PC scene by Jodie Foster clearly saying how transsexuals aren't violent to which Anthony Hopkins replies "clever girl". They clearly tried their best not to me the movie "transphobic". The left wing media exaggerates incidences of violence against transsexuals just like they do with Black people.


blacks are usually the ones doing the violence


So what. The chick with a dick at the end was part of the twist and in terms of shock value it succeeded.


Has this trans-celebration really been going on for 8 years now?



Maybe now isn't the time for this...


Calm the hell down. I hate that type of ridiculous knee-jerk accusation.

This and other movies aren’t saying any of its characters are representing an entire race, gender, sexuality, whatever they’re portraying.

They’re saying those specific characters in those specific movies act that way. Period. It’s how stories work.

No one bitched that Hans Gruber in Die Hard was offensive because “not all Germans are immoral thieves and murderers.”

The whole point of the reveal that Angela’s brother was the killer was just to have a massive twist, something you don’t normally see in these generic, lazy slashers. The filmmakers weren’t saying, “Look, all trans are psychotic killers! Fear them!”

Basically what you’re saying is no PoC, woman, gays, trans, or whatever (basically anyone besides cis-white Christian guys) should ever be shown as a negative character. They should only be depicted as perfect, wholesome human beings.

That’s fucking boring as hell. It’s also absolute bullshit.

Every segment of the population has good, bad, and horrific people in them. And if they exist in real life, they can be depicted in films, shows, books, etc.


no, that used to be true, but now only straight white men are allowed to be villains.
