How old are you?
Just curious - I'm 34 and I remember me watching this as a child ...
18 :D
share39 and first watched it in my early teens. Although I originally missed most of the jokes I could see even back then that it was a classy comedy.
Watched it again last week and very little had dated except references to the cold war and radical left councils.
34, UK; I came to YM through the back door, by first watching Yes Prime Minister and then catching repeats of Minister. What a great series, fantastically written and some stellar performances. It's being repeated at the moment on UKTV Gold.
"Someone has been tampering with Hank's memories."
21, The Netherlands
Darling, We're the Young Ones
Hammersmith Hardwoman #11
shareI'm fourteen, and i find this fantastic!
Bill Bailey - Hobbit:
URL link:
I'm 20, and I live in the US...grew up in Canada, where I first saw Yes Prime Minister at the age of 13 or 14.
"I like my plan better. Get up, get out, get drunk, repeat as needed."
I'm sixteen, and I probably find YM and YPM so funny because my dad's a civil servant...
Duo Maxwell: [On suffocation] Oh, this is such a lame way to die. This is so not cool!
I'm 23. Only discovered the show this year. It's amazing how funny and relevant it still is.
share41, USA....Maybe the best show ever.
share33, Spain. I agree with mitsub001-1.
share29 and I'm Turkish !!!
Yes Minister was so popular in the 80's here, Paul Eddington was invited to meet Turgut Ozal - the prime minister back then.(funny it is not written anywhere, IMDb, Wikipedia..)
I used to love the show then (even though I didn't understand the satire, I loved the acting and clash of the characters Jim Hacker and Sir Humphrey), the show was rerun several times in both the TRT (government TV) and private channels, recently the earliest episodes were shown on BBC Prime, and I'm absolutely amazed that after 27 years it IS indeed funny and fresh as it's first shown, truly a great classic!!!
26, watched it for about ten years on UK Gold.
Asps... very dangerous... you go first!share
I'm 40 years old and I live in Concho, Arizona, USA.
I recently purchased and watched all 16 episodes of "Yes, Prime Minister." One of my favorite quotes is missing from the series ("Just because we have annihilation doesn't mean we should have anarchy.") Well, it must be in "Yes, Minister."
YPM/YM is the best political/bureaucracy comedy ever made.
I'm 35, live in England, and first caught this most amazing series when it was first on, as my arents used to watch it. Like so many, I didn't appreciate all the finer nuances and subtleties a the time, but I absolutely love it now, and have even converted my wife to it!
share24, from the uk, and I first really watched the show two years ago by using bittorrents. One of the best sitcoms ever, along with Spaced, I'm Alan Partridge, People Like Us, and Arrested Development.
Arrested Development 2009
Spread the word!
38 from England
I never got into it when it was first on and it didn't help when Thatcher send it was her favourite TV show (I was a bit of leftie in my teens), however I caught a repeat on BBC4 a few years ago and got into it through that.