How old are you?
Just curious - I'm 34 and I remember me watching this as a child ...
I'm 23 and though I lived in the UK (Lancaster) for the past couple of years, never heard of the show. I am from Bangalore, India and incidentally, got to watch In the Loop, which led me to The Thick of It and consequently to Yes Minister!
Absolutely brilliant show and far more sophisticated and subtle humour than most modern sitcoms!
38 and from Denmark.
Have just been rewatching it and have now moved on to Yes Prime Minister.
The DVD set I borrowed from my local library is a Danish one, I think, and they left out episode 8 of season 3. I remember watching that one way back, and am a bit PO'd at missing the show where Jim Hacker becomes PM.
Wached the series as a child with my parents, although some of it must have gone over my head. My English wasn't as good as it is now and the subtitles weren't perfect. Must have been hard translating Sir Humphrey's tirades and Bernard's long babbles.
They don't make them like this any more.
I'm 45, and enjoyed this excellent series (and it's sequel Yes, Prime Minister). It was a well crafted masterclass in comic writing.
You can't palm off a second-rater on me. You gotta remember I was in the pink!
I am 19.
The world is your lobster.
I'm 40 and first watched this around 15. It was very funny then, and it still is very funny, perhaps even funnier, but for different reasons. It never gets tired, each episode is meticulously written, and the DVD set is very cheap. What else do you want?
Never be complete.
22, started watching less than a month ago, loving it so far, and I haven't even finished Series 1!
shareI'm 27 and have been a fan of the series for a few years now.
Go to bed Frank or this is going to get ugly .
Oh dear, is it compulsory to give one's age? Oh OK, I'm 75 and from the UK and I once worked in the Civil Service. Although some bits of the programme are not quite accurate - Permanent Secretaries do not just swan in and out of Ministers' offices as and when the fancy takes them - most of it is beautifully observed. I have to say that I found YM to be funnier than YPM as in the latter Jim was himself the PM so there was no-one left to be frightened of, except the electorate every five years, but I still enjoyed it. What a shame that it can never return. Thank goodness that the BBC didn't try to update it in their recent Sitcom season.
shareI'm 60, and first saw YM when I was in my 20's. I was instantly addicted, and soon had my parents addicted as well, even though we're Canadians. Some things are just universal, and the workings of the little grey men in the back corridors is an endless goldmine of comedy, perhaps even farce. Hacker is wonderfully dim....his wife is far more savvy than he is. Sir Humphrey is so much fun when he goes into his verbal tap dance, designed to make sure his minister knows as little as possible and can do nothing to change the orderly running of his ministry. As he so correctly points out to the poor assistant who must try to keep them both happy, ministers come and go but civil servants are forever. The situation that sticks in my mind is the hospital that wins an award for its cleanliness...because it's empty. It's been built, but there's no money to staff it. In most episodes sir Humphrey's "Yes, minister" at the end end was smug and satisfied as he succeeded in keeping Hacker confused and impotent. But there was one episode where that last line was a wry acknowledgement that Hacker, with the help of the assistant, had finally out-maneuvered him on one issue at least, and it was Hacker who did the verbal tap dance. At that time we had a lot of british shows available to us...YM, Fawlty Towers, Butterflies, and shows like Spender, The Professionals, Minder, Cracker, Prime Suspect, Rumpole...all of them head and shoulders above our network programming. I miss those days.
sharei'm 60. I suppose I was about 24 when yes Minister started and i first saw it. It has worn well, I still find it very amusing.