MovieChat Forums > Stalker (1980) Discussion > Who's your Stalker for the Holywood rema...

Who's your Stalker for the Holywood remake?

I couldn't get Paul Bettany out of my head the whole time I was watching the movie.





Hollywood remake?

You must be joking.....This has nothing to do with America, just like Tootsie should not be re-imagined for some angry Moscovites.

But if you're really pushing me it would have to be Woody Harrelson. The guy even looked like a young Woody to the point where it actually put me off for the first five minutes.


Absolutely nobody. A remake would be terrible.
It would become filled with west-coast zen bullsh!t with flatly failing allegorical wonder, empty hope and senseless fascination and would lose all of the original's truly meditative, naturalistic beauty. Sacrificing this to stave off the yawning of an uncaring youth-obsessed audience is, to my mind, unnecessary.
However, assuming the often baseless vanity of Hollywood 'artist' director/producer types, you could line up Stellan Skarsgaard, Hugh Jackman, Rutger Hauer, Daniel Craig or any number of others.
Of course, you could probably halt the career of any troublesome or expensive A-listers if it were financially helpful for a studio to do so. Tom Cruise is business-powerful but often too blandly hammy on screen, Liam Neeson is drifting in repetitive gun-filled thrillers, Tom Hanks can cry well but who cares? They could have their own career Waterworld and save us all from tiring facsimiles of earlier works.
Fresh casting for those early in their careers would be best, if at all.


The only positives a remake would bring is eye-candy. They would use the games as a reference and have nice CG for the anomolies and mutants, more gun battles etc.

It would go from being a road movie to action. Might be okay with skilled eyes and hands, but given the quality of recent remakes...



I hope that never happens. What J.J. Abrams is doing to Star Trek is one reason why.


Good Times, Noodle Salad


He doesn't have to look like the original actor, he should have great actings skills and charisma. Paul Bettany is a good actor, whereas I couldn't imagine Statham (as some here suggest) coming even close to the acting in the film, he's an action film actor with less facial muscles than my sphincter.
