Time to cast votes: Goblin soundtrack - great or terrible?
I loved it. I recently find out that a lot of people hate it with passion. What say ye? Yey or ney.
shareI loved it. I recently find out that a lot of people hate it with passion. What say ye? Yey or ney.
shareI love the soundtrack and listened to it by itself long before I even saw the movie. It didn't always work so great in the context of the movie, though. I dislike when the soundtrack blends in such a way that it sounds like noises within the scene itself that the characters just don't seem to hear. This was the case with the sections of music with some loud breathing sounds and whatnot. It confused me on many occassions.
I hear his theme music, he's around here somewhere...
The soundtrack was great, and whoever said a soundtrack should always stay in the beackground is just plain wrong, it's just how it usually is. Look Punch drunk love, it also overwhelmes you with having abnoxious music on top of dialouge, it's very effective.
In addition though, yeah it was a bit over the top in regards to volume.
I don't watch movies for the music so this is really hard for a soundtrack to do but this one probably ruined this movie for me.
It was past the point of just being merely awful. It was too loud and had no place in almost every part of the movie. It didn't enhance the mood of the movie at all instead it served as an annoyance.
Taste is taste and some seem to like it but on this one I can't for the life of me figure out why or how.
I say HELLS YES! Love this soundtrack.
shareI actually don't remember it within the context of the film, but I think it's excellent as a stand-alone.
"I rode into town on an ass... yo mama's ass!"
Love it! especially the main theme, one of the best ever in any horror film
"Keep away. The sow is mine"
The one scene in the beginning, when Suzie's in the cab, and she sees the girl who ran from the school, and was running through the woods, and you hear witch, witch, witch, the music was very effective in that scene.
Psycho and Halloween were better movies because of the music.
It's actually the most redeeming quality to the film. I found the film mediocre at best.
Suspiria (1977) - 5 outta 10 stars
My vote history link:http://imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=5504773