The worst film ever?

I'm afraid I have to disagree with many of the other posters here. I saw the first half an hour of this film and switched it off. It is surely one of the worst films of all time. I think giving a bunch of teenagers a camcorder and an editing desk would result in something more watchable. It was so dull. I think that Blake Edwards couldnt direct for toffee. Aspects of the same dullness can be seen in the supposedly seminal Pink Panther offerings. This film just seemed utterly utterly dull!


You, sir, are most certainly not afraid of disagreeing with anyone. You seem to make it a point of disagreeing with everyone for the point of blurring the line between honest opinion and bear baiting. How can you offer an honest critique of the film if you watched thirty minutes of it. You must correct yourself by saying "The first thirty minutes of this film seemed utterly, utterly dull!" In addition it is most interesting that you begin by stating an obvious falsehood in order to make a useless attempt to hide that you are merely making the most of your time by disagreeing with anyone who enjoyed this film. It makes as much sense for you to say "I'm afraid I have to disagree ..." as it does for someone to say "I don't mean to upset you, but your wife is as lovely as a warthog."


I watched this film years ago with a few friends and we all agreed it was pretty dire. Yes, we watched the whole thing, and the fact that I actually remember the title really must mean it had an impact on me! Anyway, I'm suprised at the rating its got here - maybe I need to watch it again...


this film just rocks....


You don't see The Party. Thats sure. Sorry!


HJR probably thinks Schinder's list is the best war movie ever.


To each his own. Those who can't find a single thing funny in this movie are missing out, IMHO.

I guess this brand of comedy either appeals to you or it doesn't. I've always thought it was a very clever mix of subtle comedic elements, improvisation and slapstick delivered with near-perfect timing. I have seen this movie a hundred times or more in the last 20+ years (not exaggerating) and it just keeps getting better and better. The older I get the more I love it. I still giggle helplessly in the opening scene: there is so much there I almost want to describe it shot by shot (no pun intended). There's the slapstick of Hrundi's Gilgamesh's extreme overacting, taking forever to die with continued and increasingly outrageous attempts to sound the call on the bugle; but then there's the brief moment where the snipers on the hill stop shooting at the cavalry on the valley floor and, in unison no less, turn to look up and then point their rifles at the idiot blowing the bugle who just won't die. I watch this movie with a box of Kleenex because I laugh so hard tears spurt out of my eyes. Some of my favorites also in the first 15 minutes of the movie: "Got the time?" and the look on the director's face and the tone of his voice when he says "All right, lunch everybody". Hrundi's innocent and very polite question "Does that include television, sir?" when the director has just told him he'll never work in Hollywood again is priceless. Don't get me started...Hrundi's attempts to cleverly retrieve his soiled and now floating shoe in the house, his completely failed attempt to subtly excuse himself to find a restroom in the middle of Claudette's song...I could go on and on. I love this stuff, but that's me. Hrundi is one of my heroes.

I guess my point after blithering on like this is that if you don't like this movie, that's a valid point for your experience. You can say whatever you want about it and that won't change my enjoyment of it, any more than my telling you that one of your favorite movies of all time stinks would do much of anything to change your mind, either. I wouldn't bother wasting my time telling people that "Movie X Sucked Big Time" if I didn't like it. What's the point? I know others probably liked the movie I thought sucked, and I'm not arrogant enough to presume that my saying it sucked or that I hated it is going to be enough to change anybody's mind. The Party has a substantial fanbase who have always loved it. You aren't going to change our minds any more than we'd change yours. All I might say is give it another try: have a couple of beers, and commit to watching the whole thing. If you still don't like it - then at least you can say you saw the whole thing and didn't like it.


Some good comments here. Better than the usual IMDB stuff! :-)


hey HJR2000 im really gettin sick of ur pessimistic views on the movie...why cant u just leave the fans alone and do sumthin else creative? I mean I left like say 3 posts till now but u left like a gazillion to emphasize ur dumb viewpoint on the movie...noone cares...go get a life u crazy emotionally driven numbskull..u keep ranting about how bad this movie is...well guess what u know why its gr8?because it has managed to captivate u and spend ur time ranting about yea its one score up for the movie cos its held u in its power...u can either spend time to make urself miserable or make urself happy...the amount of work done is the leave us alone

You! Off my planet!


hell no, this is one of the best comedy movies ever 2 be made, i mean sellers is always gr8...and besides the movie is very funny..


Dude, the film sux like an industrial vacuum pump


Unfuqingbelievable! This thread has be going on for over a year. Does it even matter if someone thinks this movie is the worst of all time? I could care less..I own the DVD and watch it from time to time. I like it..Thats all that matters. I have seen some pretty pathetic things on IMDB but this takes the cake.


I can't believe you bought the DVD of such an awful film.


Comedy doesn't have to batter you over the head to know when the laughs have arrived. It's obviously a bit too subtle and classy for you lot, if it's crude American Pie type guffaws or Jim Carrey gooning at 90mph that you've grown up with and expect from a comedy (and hey I like them as well) you need to think again and appreciate how comedy can work on different levels. Ok so it is a bit slow in places and you need to be patient but it comes from a different time and place.


Bet you watch Neighbours,Coronation St and GMTV!


I bet I dont. Go play with your action men :-D



Most obvious trolling effort ever.

This man has eyes like a racoon.. But he has a good hat.


Dude, this is no trolling effort. This film is the most boring, badly shot unamusing waste of film ever. I cant believe you like it. I can only assume you have the taste of a dung beetle combined with the intelligence of a amoeba.

So many deluded people have replied to this thread that next time the powers that be decide to inflict this piece of trash on the airwaves i will watch it again - for as long as i can stand it.

Only, I reserve the right to switch off at any given point if I feel my boredom levels reaching critical. Unfortunately unlike many respondees here I need more stimulation to be amused than watching proverbial paint dry.


Well if don't find this film funny what do you find funny? or unfunny as the case may be!


Wow, I wasn't expecting to see a thread with this title under the page for "THE PARTY", of all films. It's just funny because I had the totally opposite reaction-I think this is one of the funniest and most inventive comedies I've ever seen. I won't go in to all the details, but Peter Sellers' brilliant performance alone is enough for me.

It's got that great Blake Edwards style-high sophisticated/slightly British/early 60s type comedy, mixed with more vulgar type comedy. Plus a really beautiful song by Henry Mancini (Sellers' reaction shots, politely listening to the singer while desperately trying to find the bathroom, are hilarious).

By the way, this may have the single best opening sequence in a film, ever.

Matt Barry


hjr2000 is the biggest loser ever!
