The worst film ever?

I'm afraid I have to disagree with many of the other posters here. I saw the first half an hour of this film and switched it off. It is surely one of the worst films of all time. I think giving a bunch of teenagers a camcorder and an editing desk would result in something more watchable. It was so dull. I think that Blake Edwards couldnt direct for toffee. Aspects of the same dullness can be seen in the supposedly seminal Pink Panther offerings. This film just seemed utterly utterly dull!



I've only managed to watch the first half hour or so of the movie so far, and am struggling to get too much out of it. Just some very awkward guy wandering from room to room, obviously not enjoying himself. I wasn't laughing. I was just feeling sorry for him.

I'll give it another go maybe in a month or two. It is always dangerous watching movies which have a big reputation. Now that my expectations have been lowered a bit, I may be pleasantly surprised next time.


Wtf is up with this whole 'lets judge a movie after 30 mins" attitude?


So do you wait until the closing credits before you decide whether you've enjoyed watching something??

I stopped watching the movie due to other reasons (the joys of having a young family). As I said, I still want to try to watch the rest of the movie, but I haven't been enthralled by what I have seen so far.


If you think that this is the worst film ever I would say you probably haven't seen a lot of films.


How can we keep birdie num nums like hjr2000 off of IMDb?


This is hilarious

A thread I started 10 years ago is still getting comments.

Classic 😂


Yoe are not alone. I found it outstandingly unfunny!
