MovieChat Forums > Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo (1967) Discussion > So THIS is better than CITIZEN KANE?

So THIS is better than CITIZEN KANE?

CIIZEN KANE, widely regarded as the best film ever made, rates an 8.5 and THIS rates a 9.0. Not saying it's a bad film but BETTER than CITIZEN KANE? Not to anyone who actually knows ANYTHING about movies.

Why bother to have a rating system when it comes up with ridiculous ratings like this?


Yes. And if you choose any clasification (movies from the '40s; drama movies; political movies; movies about rise and fall) I can still name you at least one movie that's better. It just hasn't aged well. T.G.T.B.A.T.U. has, even with the bad dubbing.


Blah, that is the least of controversies on IMDB. Look what Escape Plan was rated as :O
So this got half a mark more than Kane, because it is more entertaining. I will now tear at my clothes while falling on my knees, crying Why, Oh Why? at the top of my voice.


How can anyone like broccoli? I HATE broccoli! Anyone who likes it is stupid.


You must be GAY!! Broccoli rules!


My question would be "So this is better than C'era una volta il west?".
That would be a much reasonable comparison. Also, C'era una volta il west is the better movie. That movie is a masterpiece.


Do you know anything about movies? If so...

You'd realize that film is a matter of opinion to each person that experiences it.

Some people may think Grapes Of Wrath is the best film of all time, others may think Howard The Duck is.

I'm from Paris... TEXAS


It was a rhetorical question. Of course it isn't.


Well I watched Citizen Kane once and while I can appreciate that its a classic movie it is not likely I will watch it again

This on the other hand I watched when I was 10, 16, 20,25,30 and every time I discovered something new and great.


Well there you go. I have watched Kane at least 15 times and could easily watch it another 15 times. I even think that if every film ever made were destroyed EXCEPT Citizen Kane it would be okay because almost everything you need to know about movies is in Citizen Kane.

But if this film turns you on (One viewing was enough for me) go and enjoy.


Well there you go. I have watched GBU countless times and always enjoy it. But if Citizen Kane turns you on have at it


You do know that among critics Citizen Kane has ranked as the best film ever made for at least the last forty years. That is, until this year, when Vertigo topped the list (Kane was second), so it does appear that I am in good company. That is not to detract from your enjoyment of The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, but to suggest that, perhaps, Kane deserves another look.


Yea sure I know, but for entertainment value after repeated viewings its GBU all the way. If I want entertainment from Welles I'll pop in Touch of Evil, The Lady from Shanghai or Journey Into Fear, not Citizen Kane.


Two different opinions and I do like all the films you cite but, for me, Citizen Kane is the one I prefer.


but prefer doesn't mean is better. You might prefer CK, but you find entertainment and joy in CK that a lot of people that voted this movie higher don't.


The concensus among film historians and critics (You know, the people who study the art of film) is that Citizen Kane is better than GBU since it has ranked as the best film of all time for sixty years, only surpassed this year by Vertigo (It ranked number two). As for "alot of people that voted this movie higher", when I look for a film recommendation, I read the critics or reference the film historians. Of course, I do have my own opinion and my opinion is that Citizen Kane is the best film ever made.


Oh my god, you are right, how could I be so blind, the top consensus......

You are talking about a handful of film snobs basically, we are talking about the Vox populi. You will never convince Us


Have you read any of the film criticism of those so-called film snobs? Because unless you have, how can you make such a judgement? I think the collective knowledge of almost a hundred years of film study trumps the Vox populi. By the way, have you ever seen Network? It did not paint a pretty picture of the vox populi.


Network, long time ago once, probably won't go out of my way to watch it again.



well what is the best song ever made? the best piece of music?

You could say something classical. something beautiful, something moving. Yet most of the world doesn't care. when you have Jazz and Blues and rock and Metal and pop, well...
take the Beatles, did they make the best music in the world? no probably not, they made pop songs, Yet how many people love them to this day? how much did people really truly enjoyed their songs?


The concensus among film historians and critics (You know, the people who study the art of film) is that Citizen Kane is better than GBU since it has ranked as the best film of all time for sixty years, only surpassed this year by Vertigo (It ranked number two). As for "alot of people that voted this movie higher", when I look for a film recommendation, I read the critics or reference the film historians. Of course, I do have my own opinion and my opinion is that Citizen Kane is the best film ever made.

I wonder if you'd be quite so hot for judging Citizen Kane the best movie ever if a bunch of film historians and critics didn't also agree. Me, I'll like what *I* like and I like TGtBatU a lot more than I liked CK. Nobody needs to hold my hand on critiquing a film.

CK was boring and had nothing on even the raw power of Wells' radio broadcast of "War of the Worlds," let alone the violent fun of this flick. So what if it's technically brilliant? I also found it mechanical and soulless.

And as much as I love Hitchcock movies, Vertigo's one of my least favorite. I got to see it in the theater, where it should be seen, but it was too weird and obsessive and circular for me. Not my thing. Give me The Birds or Psycho, instead.

Innsmouth Free Press


This is kind of pointless. You like what you like and I like what I like. As for me I think I have seen Citizen Kane at least 25 times but all this talk makes me want to watch it again. So I think I will.


so go and watch it and don't bother here


Excuse me, but I have just as much right to post my opinion as you do, more, because mine was the original post. I suggest you get some manners before you post your rather rude and uncalled for comments.


there are quite a few movies that are a lot more interesting and "Better" than Citizen Kane, some movies are just much more interesting.

Sure Citizen Kane is great on a technical standpoint and it has really strong performances but it is not really as interesting as this one for example.

Citizen Kane is the type of movie you show college kids taking film class and then ask them to write a paper about it, analyzing it,

This movie is the kind of movie you invite your best friends home to watch and then you spend hours talking with your friends about it and about how much you enjoyed watching it and how much joy it brought you to watch it with friends close to you. It is that simple.

watching Citizen Kane It would be like reading a book about Art History of the world, which would be great, Vs reading a book like Gulliver's Travels to be amazed and entertained. Sure the art history book is Important, But you don't always want to read about art history.


Ah, but that is your opinion. I have seen Citizen Kane at least fifteen times. I find it always engrossing, always interesting and I always notice something new. I have spent hours discussing it with my friends and, obviously, I am not alone, as Kane has topped the list of the best films ever made for the last sixty years.


then shut up. What a cry baby.


I "shut up" months ago. However, I continue to get interesting and sometimes insulting (such as yours) responses. a "cry baby"? Why, for pointing out that those that consider The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly a better film than Citizen Kane hold an opinion that most definitely is not held by the critics or, for that matter, by most people who have seen both? As for "shutting up" I would suggest that you follow your own advice.


It's not up for debate.

"They Live" is clearly the best movie ever made.


I may not know anything about movies, but I know what I like, and this is much better than Citizen Kane.



Well I do know alot about movies and Citizen Kane is the better film.

Enough. Let us consider this a draw.


I'm sure you do, and that just kind of proves the point. There is no right or wrong answer when you ask how much someone likes something. Taste is variable, and any poll will reflect that, depending on the preferences of the people voting. Obviously the OP and you share the same opinion about these two films.

I happen to like Machete Kills more than Gravity. If a movie is going to be unbelievable, it shouldn't bother to take itself seriously.



kane isn't better, as much as orange isn't better than apple. and democracy is stupid by default.


It definitely is not better than Citizen Kane. Citizen Kane is better written, directed and has better acting. It is also more entertaining. Citizen Kane is a 10/10 for me. Good, Bad and Ugly was boring at times and really not exceptional. It was a 7/10 for me.


CK is a better movie for a great variety of reasons, but TGTBTU is a masterpiece in its own right.

"An image can say a thousand words, whereas a word cannot show a thousand images." - N.W.R.


You know, I regret my initial post. It is obvious that I think that Citizen Kane is the better movie. I have often said that if ALL the movies ever made were somehow mysteriously destroyed EXCEPT for Citizen Kane it would be bearable because everything you need to know about movies is IN Citizen Kane. Who cares if anyone else shares my enthusiasm? So I do regret my initial post.

Actually, it has been many years since I saw TGTB&TU. I do remember I wasn't that impressed with it at the time and, of all the types of films, westerns are by far my least favorite genre.


I love westerns myself. Orson Welles seems to have liked them well enough; supposedly he learned everything he needed to know about filmmaking before starting production on Citizen Kane by watching John Ford's Stagecoach an unhealthy number of times in a single month. Though that's a classic Hollywood western, a full world of difference from what Sergio Leone would be doing in Italy.

While I still would never say its better than Citizen Kane, it really helps to compare The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly against other westerns coming out of Italy in the early to mid-60's to see what Leone is doing so differently and so well.

It's also possible the film will just never do anything for you. Everyone has classics they don't like, especially cinephiles.

"An image can say a thousand words, whereas a word cannot show a thousand images." - N.W.R.


Usualy when I hear a strong recommendation such as yours for a film I will watch it again to see whether my initial impression was incorrect and I may rewatch The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly because so many people feel so strongly about it. I did that with Scarface (1983). However, repeated viewing of that Al Pacino Howler only confirmed that it really was a terrible movie. Sometimes things are just obvious. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly does seem to have a better reputation, at least among modern critics, so I may give it another try.


well maybe its about time for a re-watch then try Once Upon a Time in The West


I've said many times that Citizen Kane probably IS the greatest film of all time and I really respect the thing. However, I would much rather watch Once Upon a Time in the West or GBU...or Once Upon a Time in America.

"gonna throw, my raincoat in the river...gonna toss, my umbrella in the sea"...Sammy Turner.
