MovieChat Forums > La dolce vita (1961) Discussion > Fellini is so over rated

Fellini is so over rated

Fellini is not a great film maker. He's not even a good film maker. To place him on the same level with the greats is an insult to the greats. He is completely self-indulgent. His films are pretentious, smug, and worse of all boring. He is not a visionary, but a phony. This movie is just a clear example of that.
La Dolce Vita has no plot and is exceedingly dull at a run time of 3 hours long. Gone With the Wind, the Godfather, and Titanic-- I can see as deserving of 3 hours, but this piece of triviality could have been told in 10 minutes. It's been a long time since a movie has inspired so much hatred in me for what was on the screen. I would rather be subjected to a Jennifer Lopez movie marathon, starting with Gigli than to go through another viewing of this never ending tortuous meaningless journey through Marcello's vapid existence. In fact, throw in a Ben Affleck marathon while you are at it starting with Surving Christmas and I'd still gladly take that torture then another Fellini "classic." I've tried to like Fellini and this about the fifth movie I've seen of his and I'm sorry but he is not brilliant. Fellini should take lessons from Goddard on what a cool movie is supposed to be like.


"im sorry but he's not brilliant. fellini should take lessons from goddard on what a cool movie is supposed to be like"
i'm sorry too.after all imdb users HAVE to agree that he's not brilliant.why?...because YOU have decided that he's not, and obviously they have no choice but to accept your the way it feels really "cool" to call an acclaimed movie underrated doesnt it?


I tried watching Titanic but the video machine broke (sunk I guess). The film looked absolutely dreadful. Most modern films are completely terrible but there again so are modern audiences. We get the movies we deserve.

If I am illiterate, badly read, no appreciation of quality music, theatre, architecture, fine art, literature or poetry then of course I will think Titanic is a good film. The skill of modern "culture" is to leave the modern audience secure in their ignorance. Indeed it celebrates ignorance leaving us comfortable and unchallenged. I suspect that there is something sinister in all this.

I am not religious but for simple reasons of cultural snobbery, I am slowly turning back to the catholic faith (curiously enough Fellini turned to the faith of his childhood at the end of his life). For me the alternative is that "Titanic is a classic film". I can't accept this crap.

Western culture isn't so much headed for an iceberg, it has already struck it. In that respect, I agree with this Benedict XVI that a "dictatorship of relativism" has descended upon Western civilization. In such a culture of relativism "Titanic" becomes a good or even classic film. It was voted No. 1 ahead of such films as "Casablanca" and "La Grande Illusion" in a recent British poll so it must be a "classic!".

There is something fundamentally flawed with a culture that arrives at such an outcome. Well, I have had enough and I'm looking for a lifeboat.


wow, youve just said what ive been trying to say for years thank you...
If eople nowadays took a look at the "neo" realism films of half a century ago It would destroy "crap" narrowmindedism (not sure if thats a word) today. Stay Strong Brother


Ouote: "do not watch any neo-realistic films that day or the day before, dont even think about fellini if you would liek to enjoy this film."
fellini is so not a neo-realist he is all about the fake shot in sound studios. of course some of his early works might fall into it but La strada ends his ties with the neo-realists. do you really know what a neo-realist movie style is? if you did you wouldn't really confuse fellini for one... would you?

Quote: "If eople nowadays took a look at the "neo" realism films of half a decade ago It would destroy "crap" narrowmindedism (not sure if thats a word) today."
hmmm... movies from 5 years ago that would be 2000 now I don't really know of any neo-realist movies from then but their might be one I am not sure of it. can you name them please.


In my mind yes, la dolce vita is a neo-realistic film. In the fact that, yes it is a film about " the failure to communicate " between people. But in my mind yes it about the people. If neo realism is about the people and problems with the people then i believe that this is a neo realistic film. This film is about the people yet it is about Marcello. But Marcello is you and me, everyone. Neo-Realism came about with De Sicas Ossesione (1942), more noteably The Bicycle thief (1948). The Bycicle Thief portrays personal emotion and definitely social problems and it is considered "neo". I believe this film falls under the same criteria. This film is Neo - Realistic, Realisic, Humanistic, and great.


An inclination toward literal truth and pragmatism.
The representation in art or literature of objects, actions, or social conditions as they actually are, without idealization or presentation in abstract form.


any movement seeking to incorporate a modified form of realism, as in art, cinema, literature, or philosophy; a revived realism

P.S. :As for the other comment i meant a century, not a decade excuse me.

P.P.S. :And one more thing.. what does Quote: "fake shot in sound studios" have to do with non realism films.


Hmmm... Neo-realism is a movement started in the mid 1940's The Italian movie the bicycle thief (1948) is a good example. A neo-realist movie is shot on location. It about the poor as a whole not so much the individual and has communist over tones. The locations have to be were the poor lives. Many neo-realist directors liked to use amateur non-professional “actors” usually a steal worker or someone unemployed who could act a little. This was done to keep the authenticity of the movie. Another key to a neo-realist film is that society makes one do what they do that the lack of money creates crime and evil. The poor is naturally good and only because of the system he is becomes bad.

Fellini, in La strada, is where he breaks away from this movement. The main character, Zampano is a wretch of a human being and it is not because of his lack of money he has a job and is making out reasonable well. He can buy all the wine and food he wants. The only real poverty we see in the movie is at the beginning with the selling of Gelsomina. The character of Zampano is just a bad poor person with a way to make enough money for himself and Gelsomina. Society didn’t make him this way. Zampano has no redeeming characteristics He kills the fool, abuses Gelsomina, and tries to steal from the nuns after they helped him. At the end there is a transformation in Zampano and it is not from commie ideals. He shows pity on Gelsomina by giving her the trumpet. And so on if you haven’t seen la strada I recommend it. It is the best Fellini movie and the only one I can watch.

Why Fellini isn't a neo-realist. First off his pictures are not shot on location. Everything in Fellini moves after la strada is artificial. 2nd they are not about the unhappy pitiful poor and down spirited (note I said down spirited Gelsomina is very happy to be an "artist" and a traveling clown transient). 3rd he doesn't make his characters "bad" or "criminals" because of the circumstances of not having a job or because of the rich. 4th it would be very hard for me to get a commie message out of any of his movies that I have seen. His movies are about the individual not society as a whole.


There I disagree I do believe Fellini's movies are about society, everything else youve said is interesting and I would like to do more research on it, what in your mind is the difference between realism and neo realism.
and what would you classify this film as.
P.s. I updated my last post


From the movies that I have seen of Fellini’s they are about the individual’s unique experiences not a mass commentary on society. The vast majority of people in 1960 Rome were not carefree playboys like Marcello in Vita. Rome was in an economic boom, yes but that doesn’t mean everyone lived like a playboy. It is the story of Marcello no one else (same as in 8 1/2 and other fellini movies they are the story of the character and can not be insert into just anyone). In the bicycle thief the director wants you to believe that this is everyone’s story- Just take the scene at the end when the “thief” and his son vanishes into the crowd as if to say that this is just one of countless tails of the corruption of poverty or that everyone else their could tell you a sad story too.

Neo-realist as opposed to realist. The dictionary definitions are not the definitions that you want to use to describe an art movement unless you get it from a pretentious art book :)
Neo-realism comes out of Italy- it started there. Neo-realism is a rejection of escapist cinema it only really lasted until the mid-maybe the late 50’s. I know that there are movements in the states that are called American realist which are 1930’s cowboy westerns and gangster movies (John Ford movies). It is like in art when you think of modern art you don’t think of anyone contemporary you think of Duchamp and Picasso. The titles don’t necessary refer to exactly what it is- they are just the names giving to the movement.

I hope that helps I am not an expert at this and I don't claim to be one.


Yes, I would agree with your definition of neo-realism and I guess Fellini never quite falls into that that category although I admit to not being an expert on this period.

My understanding is that Visconti started it all with "La Obesessione" which itself is a reworking of the "The Postman Always Rings Twice" so American "film noire" seems to underpin the movement.

I know that Billy Wilder (himself a European) was not a great fan of these "realistic" films and thought that they were just badly made which is a fair comment because they are often clumsy: "The Bicycle Thieves" for example is clumsy and a very dull film. It does serve one however purpose in so much it signals the need for film makers to be in touch with their audiences something Hollywood is failing to do at the moment. Modern American cinema prefers to bury its head in the sand with Tarantino or Speilberg or Ron Howard. Where are the "red" v "blue" America films? Where is the debate? Where are the films on immigration?


Are you sure it was Visconti, I thought it was De Sica, and that it was an illegal film version of " The Postman Always Rings Twice "

And i believe the purpose of Tarantinos films as well was Ron and Steven's are to be entertaining. There were movies all over the spectrum then and there are now. Except nowadays 70% of movies are crap.



De Sica definitely did Bicycle Thieves but L'Obsessione is Visconti which I believe predated it.

I don't doubt Tarantino, Howard & Speilberg attempt to be entertaining. I think Jaws is great fun! I was simply making the point that if post-war Italian cinema has significance, it lies in its ability to confront contemporary issues. That in itself does not guarantee that the film is any good.

Modern American cinema seems incapable of confronting modern American problems: for example, the decline of your cinema, the political/religious divide, the collapse of the education system, the problem of immigration/multi-culturalism, the outsouce phenomenon, Middle-East policy.

The sad thing is that only the left (Michael Moore of course) dominate these issues. Why can't corporate America see the insanity of some of these policies? Would the Founding Fathers agree with America as it is today? There are many 'conservatives' who are unahppy with the direction the US has been taking in recent years. Where is their voice?


First Off : You were right about Visconti i looked it up today my mistake. But I was jsut pointing out that jsut because movies are "entertaing" they should be panned. But there should also be a balance between entertainment movies and cinema that challenges things. There is still cinema out there you just must look for it. The corporation is a good movie, entertaining yet challenging, Farenheit 9/11... thats all I can think of at the moment haha. Yes i do think that a time in film is needed for challenging, but Im afraid those days are over. As long as people will pay 10 bucks to go see Alien Vs. Predator they will continue making those typses of movies.


hmmm... I think a lot of movies out there challenge ideas and thought but you want political mombo-jumbo crap. who really cares about that propaganda grabage, it is so overrated- lol there I go I am such a silly American calling something overrated.



I am not demanding political 'mumbo jumbo'. That is not the prefoundity I am demanding. I regard "All the President's Men" for example, as a frivolous film which is simply propaganda in praise of a left wing "coup d'état" by the American press against a freely and democratically elected President of the USA.

A good example, I believe, of challenging cinema can be found in Capra. His "It's a Wonderful Life" is just as entertaining as "Back to the Future" (which it in part resembles) but it is a far deeper and darker film than the more modern Zemeckis film.

It challenges on a moral plane (not just psychological) but has a social dimension as well. All together a more rewarding experience.




well thats good because political propaganda movies SUCK no matter what side of the fence they are from! Some people like to be force feed their beleifs I for one am not one of them. Fellini, I am sure ate alot because he sure did make alot of Sh!t. However Fellini stayed pretty far from the political propaganda crap. The only Fellini movie with politcal over tones that I have seen is Roma -and if you seen that movie you will get my joke about eating alot :)

And I am glad you are making more sense now yes there are plenty of movies- recent movies- that challenge with out being political propaganda. it is not dead



perhaps I am still not making sense! The Frank Capra film "It's A Wonderful Life" was made in 1946 (if me memory serves me right!). I class it as an "old film" in so much as Capra was highly active before WWII as film maker and his career declined afterwards.

Moreover, "talkies" were only 17 years old when it was made. It's worth pointing out that the British novelist Graham Greene (he wrote the script for "The Third Man" but wrote the novel first and then adapted the scipt - wow!) believed that the "talkie" sent movies back 10 years as an art form when they arrived in 1929.

To return to the original point: I regard Capra's "IAWL" nevertheless as superior to "Back to the Future" (1984). In my book the latter is rightly called 'modern' given that it was produced (but not directed) by Speilburg.



hmmm... I don't know where you are trying to go with this... I think it's a Wonderful life is a great film one of the all time greats infact and I too think it is an "old film" - old as in it was made almost 40 years before I was born.

well when ever there is drimatic change you always have someone who will think it will not be "good" or something will go wrong that doesnt or whatever (just look at the 1980's and what happen and what the artsy-fartsy(music/art/flim) people thought was going to happen)

No one is going to argue that It's a Wonderful Life is superior to Back To The Future and I really like BTTF alot. but I don't know what you mean by "modern." Modern with a lowercase "m" mean a lot of different things in the world of the arts- a whole different story with a capital "M" then it's deffinition is pretty well defined we alll know what Modern Art looks like. could you please elaberate


I agreed with joseph-johnston's point about Modern American cinema seems incapable of confronting modern American problems.

I see films like Precious as the closest thing to a neo-realistic film for America in the last decade or more (besides Moore and a few "doc"-films).

When America tries to present its problems it is usually through a comedic portrayal as not many associated with Hollywood care to bring that look at America anymore.



Hmmm.. Is this movie a great movie, IMHO- No it is not. Do I understand why it is a “masterpiece”- no I do not. Do I understand the movie- I think I do. And unlike most everyone else here I am going to explain why I don’t like the movie. I am not just going to say it is "bad" or say it is "good" because everyone else said it was. Does anyone really know why this movie is held up in such regard? For the life of me I have no Idea. If you can explain it I would sure like to hear it.

First off my biggest complaint is the flaws in the character of Steiner. I don’t believe Steiner. A movie should have believable characters. Steiner when we first meet him does not come across to be a pseudo-Intellectual. He is smart, witty and talented. Marcello looks up to him. He thinks Steiner has what he wants. Yes that is the plot- if you can say this movie has a plot- of the movie Marcello trying to find himself and get out of being just a "cool" playboy or whatever sure that’s a fine idea but it doesn’t work because of how Steiner is portrayed next (not to mention Mercello is not that "cool" which I think is a plus to the movie though). Steiner’s character falls to pieces at his “party.” The “party” is fill with idiots and pseudo-intellectuals. These are not the people Steiner should be hanging around with, they are worse then Marcello’s usual crowd. For some reason Marcello, at this “party,” is feeling a sense of change and wanting what Steiner has and seems to be having a good time with the morons. Yes Steiner has a family and is settled down- something that Marcello wants. However the crowd Steiner hangs doesn’t show the change in Steiner life from that of Marcello- that you could argue as a good point that what marcello wants is all lies but I see it as a bad based on how the movie was filmed and written. The story is written so when Steiner kills himself that is when Marcello goes back to trying to be the cool and carefree playboy Marcello realized by the death of his friend everything is a lie hmmm but I don't think Steiner had to kill himself for Marcello to figure that out. Marcello prehaps was just as stupid as everyone else in the movie because all Marcello had to do was hang out steiner's party to realize steiner's life wasn't that great.

The second thing I absolutely hate about this movie is the fact that it is over three hours long and it feels like six or seven when I watch it. Nothing is resolved- which is part of the plot I know but it is like watching a 25-inning baseball game that ends in a 0-0 tie where not one batter from either team reaches 2nd base. It was a sleeper for sure. Yes the meaningless off life such a bleak message. Steiner kills himself and his children because the furture is so bleak and meaningless the parties are just a mask with hiden undertones the fear of what the future holds or whatever you get out of it. But I don't really watch movies to be bored. And movie that have grimm messages should at least have a character you feel for I felt nothing for anyone in this movie. there is no empathy in this movie. There are no redeming qualities in Marcello or anyone else in this movie.

My last compliant is the sound editing in this movie. It is some of the worse I ever have seen in a movie. People are talking when their mouths are not moving. even the italian is so off. the english dubing in godzilla movies look more believable than la dollce vita and to my knowledge their is no dubing on any of the italian.

Ok and here is were I will shock you this is what I liked… I love how in all Fellini movies he uses a great variety of characters. Most of the actors and actresses have such unique faces and expressions, which is so different from today’s Hollywood where every one has to fit a cookie-cutter cut out of what is beautiful. The music of Nino Rota is great. The only fellini movie that I have seen and liked was La Strada. La dolce Vita has a few moments but they are far and few between and can not justify me giving this movie any more then two stars out of 10.

Yes you can say I am dumb because I don’t agree that this is a great movie or that fellini is some sort of genius however I will not sink to your level and call you names if you like fellini or his movies. All I want is a reason- which doesn’t have to be a good reason it just can’t be “I think this is great and if you don’t like it your stupid” -when you make your comments.

EDIT: quote: "i'm sorry too.after all imdb users HAVE to agree that he's not brilliant.why?...because YOU have decided that he's not, and obviously they have no choice but to accept your the way it feels really "cool" to call an acclaimed movie underrated doesnt it?
I am sorry too... it seems like it is "cool' to call an acclaimed movie "cool" too. form my readings of the posts of people who think fellini is great or who liked this and other fellini movies- I think, well over half of you don't know what you are talking about. oh the "cool" "intelliectauls" think this movie is so amazing so I must too. why? they have no idea all they ever say is oh its great and if you don't like it your stupid or I feel sorry for you because your not as smart as me to get it. vitia is not a complex movie anyone can figure it out in one viewing- it is just so hard to get through that viewing. please get off your high horse and explain your thoughts not just say the things you herd someone else say


I don't think your stupid because you don't love this movie, and I don't hate you because of it. I love this movie because its real. Its life on screen, there is no set plot because whatever happens, happens. The people have real emotions and act on them. The people can be fake and pretend to be something they are not. But mostly shown in this movie, is that life does not have a happy ending. In life you are given choices and based on the decision of your choices you life is determined. I felt for the main character of this movie, deeply. The sweet life was there in front of him all along and he was to blinded by the fakeness in his life he could not see it. Symbols of everything around us appear in this movie, love, hate, death.. everything. It is an homage of life. This is why I love the movie. For me after viewing this movie I thought about things differently. What there was in this world that is " the sweet life " amd what is truly good. Upon each viewing of this true masterpiece I recieve more and more. If life were compressed into a 3 hour long segment, it would be called La Dolce Vita.

" In La Dolce Vita, everyone can see his own reflection, providing he is sincere enough first to look for it and then recognize it" ~ Federico Fellini


I am glad you got something out of this movie because I didn't. it was 3 hours of my life I will never get back. As for stiener, his fakeness (mis direction in script and character development) still completely ruiness this movie for me. The whole story is based on steiner and he is not conviceing.












Wow, everyone really *is* a critic...



I'm glad you don't like it, I'd hate to have the same taste as a douchebag.


Yes, La Dolce Vita is something of a sprawling film, perhaps even a bit of a mess, if you ask me; it lacks a cohesive structure. You know, you get the feeling that he's not absolutely sure what it is he wants to say. 'Course, I've always felt he was essentially a-a technical film maker. Granted, La Strada was a great film. Great in its use of negative energy more than anything else. But that simple cohesive core, you know, it must need to have had its leading from one thought to another. You know what I'm talking about? Like all that Juliet of the Spirits or Satyricon, I found it incredibly ... indulgent. You know, he really is. He's one of the most indulgent film makers. He really is, you know?
