Fellini is so over rated
Fellini is not a great film maker. He's not even a good film maker. To place him on the same level with the greats is an insult to the greats. He is completely self-indulgent. His films are pretentious, smug, and worse of all boring. He is not a visionary, but a phony. This movie is just a clear example of that.
La Dolce Vita has no plot and is exceedingly dull at a run time of 3 hours long. Gone With the Wind, the Godfather, and Titanic-- I can see as deserving of 3 hours, but this piece of triviality could have been told in 10 minutes. It's been a long time since a movie has inspired so much hatred in me for what was on the screen. I would rather be subjected to a Jennifer Lopez movie marathon, starting with Gigli than to go through another viewing of this never ending tortuous meaningless journey through Marcello's vapid existence. In fact, throw in a Ben Affleck marathon while you are at it starting with Surving Christmas and I'd still gladly take that torture then another Fellini "classic." I've tried to like Fellini and this about the fifth movie I've seen of his and I'm sorry but he is not brilliant. Fellini should take lessons from Goddard on what a cool movie is supposed to be like.