MovieChat Forums > Kamala Harris Discussion > Why is she always laughing??

Why is she always laughing??

Whenever she is asked to do anything, she laughs and doesn’t take things seriously. She treats her role as VP a joke. I can’t believe Biden and Harris won the presidential race. Just doesn’t seem likely...


Why do you think? She's a cunt.


That's not very nice and I don't think that is true at all.


A Fucking CUNT.


Cunts are powerful, amazing, and very feminine body parts. You should try harder.


Your mom said the exact same thing last night... the 'harder' part and everything.


Not surprising she found you lacking.


Well I was going easy at first...after all it was in her butt...well, you know, it is your mom....


Considering she's dead, and cremated, I must change my comment about your short comings, you are really impressive.


Why did you have to cremate her? ...I have jokes about having sex with a corpse... 'hard' to do with ashes...


Powder? I don't even know 'er!


How do you know what your mom likes?

You're a sick fuck, huh?

Got any videos of you and your mom being sick together?


A racist one at that who slept her way to the top.


Maybe she is just a happy person with a good sense of humour.


I get that same vibe
She seems like a good person


She voted against banning abortion after 5 months pregnancy. She is not a "good person".


Only a psychopath approves of late term abortions.


You realize that late term abortion is a political term and not a medical one right? Also that only about 1% of all abortions happen after 21 weeks, and that there is usually a medical reason for it. Only a psycho disregards the health and safety of the mother.


The bill she voted against still allowed for late term abortions under extreme circumstances such as when the mother's health is at risk.


Yes, I'm just saying that in the medical field they don't refer the them as late term abortions.


"...they don't refer the them [sic] as late term abortions."

First of all, so what?

Secondly, what *should* they be called if they are performed right up to the moment of birth?



Abortions are not performed at the moment of birth. That is infanticide and it's illegal. Please check on statistics of how many 3rd trimester abortions actually happen, and why they happen. They do need to be medically justified as in either the mother would not survive the pregnancy or there is a nonviable situation of the fetus, such as anencephaly.

When politicians talk about after birth abortions they are referring to cases where the family let the neonate die naturally without resuscitation and treatment.

If you honestly think that a woman gets to the point of giving birth with a healthy viable baby about to pop out of her and then decides the day before giving birth that she'd just rather kill it and not have to go through with being a parent, and that a doctor would just say sure, you are sadly mistaken. If you think that doctors will just go a kill a baby after birth, you are mistaken again.


It's unfortunate you are so ignorant. Read up on Kermit Gosnell.

God only knows how many more Kermit Gosnells are performing abortions in the US...right now, this minute. There is nothing to stop them.

Additionally, I didn't say "at" birth...I said "up to" which means birth hasn't taken place yet...not during birth.


So your argument is to point out one doctor out of thousands, who is essentially a back alley abortionist murderer who took advantage of desperate, minority, and immigrant women but extorting huge sums of money to kill their viable fetuses? He is one of the reasons why "late term" abortions should be legal so they can be done properly, and if they are not deemed medically necessary mothers can be given the support they need. Gosnell is where he should be, because he is a murderer.

When I speak of being able to terminate a pregnancy after 20 weeks, I'm talking about the fetuses who have 0 chance of survival after birth. The ones who's organs have developed outside of their bodies, their brains haven't developed, or they can't swallow at all (meaning they will not be able to breathe and will suffocate at birth). I'm talking about the women who have life threatening pregnancy complications that if the pregnancy were to continue, both the mother and the fetus would die. Imagine having one of those complications with a pregnancy that you really, really wanted and have been planning for. No doctor in your state can help you and you have to travel to the other side of the country. How is that right? If the feus dies in the womb and is not removed from the mother, that can cause blood clots and excessive bleeding and the mother could die. Although it's not illegal if the fetus is dead, D&X procedures can still take place, but if no one has practiced doing them, the mother is in danger, or they have to go to a state or country that performs those procedures.

You might not have said at birth, but American politicians have. "the mother meets with the doctor. They take care of the baby, they wrap the baby beautifully. And then the doctor and the mother determine whether or not they will execute the baby."


Well that's unfortunate if true




Because she, the fascist media and the DNC fooled a bunch of idiot pawns to vote her and Beijing Biden into power.


Take the double slug challenge


She's like that V.C. kid in "Full Metal Jacket"


I spit out my coffee reading that 🤣🤣🤣
( btw, wasn’t that the kid from platoon that laughed the hut )


Man I was positive that was FMJ... "he's laughing at you."

Thanks for the heads up




Because she knows she’s gonna be president in the near future.


She is a joke that’s why she takes her job as VP as a joke, what’s scary is how close she is to the presidency and that we are dumb enough to give someone like this that much power. She belongs in prison for inciting riots last summer


She ran for President in California in 2019 and not one single person voted for her so, she dropped out of the race. Then Biden appoints her as her VP running mate?!?! That is all a farce and a complete joke!!


It would be hilarious if it weren’t so serious. The day Republicans take the house back they need to immediately start impeachment proceedings for both of them. After that they both need to be prosecuted.


In my opinion, it always sounds like nervous laughter. She's afraid of tough questions because she isn't too bright and shouldn't be VP, so she laughs to distract and defect the situation.

She was asked about two weeks ago, when she was going to visit the southern boarder over the immigration problem. She just giggled. The Bitch hasn't been there yet.

The inmates are running they asylum. She's inept. Biden is cognitively impaired. This "leadership" is a JOKE! 🙄


I completely agree with you. 😒


She didn't earn this in any way. She was handed all of this. Of course it's not serious to her.
