I'm not a luddite; I like my iPhone and computer. Tools can be used for good or bad. But overall, I do not know. It's an "experiment" for sure. I don't know how it's going to affect us in the long run. What I do to balance it - is that I only use one social media profile: Facebook. I don't use the other social sites. I do go on this site, YouTube, Wikipedia, and random news articles, but that's it. I think Twitter and IG are very toxic to a person's psychology and mental well-being.
In "The Fifth Gospel" by Rudolf Steiner, Jesus says that humanity in it's "older" years. It's a neat quote. When a person is between 28 and 37 years old, the powers of youth fade away. You begin to get older and lose energy. That's where humanity is at in the current moment. We're not at the end just yet, but we are getting there. If Jesus is going to come back, I do not think it will be this decade or the next decade, but I believe it will be later this century or even the next century.
Before I became religious, I always wondered why people would say Jesus would come back now. After learning my Jewish history and how Israel had only become a state in 1947 (after almost 1900 years of exile), I became more open to the idea.