MovieChat Forums > Jesus Christ Discussion > Are the up and coming COVID passports th...

Are the up and coming COVID passports the mark of the Beast?

I believe the mark will be in your wrist and without it, you can't fly or go places and will be restricted from doing things. In Revelation Chapter 13, the Devil will tempt people to get a mark either on their wrist or forehead and without it, you can't buy, sell or trade. This makes me think of the mark. I refuse to get the passport....


So let me get this straight . . . . you think that some anonymous author, writing around 2000 years ago, warning people in his vicinity of imminent persecution and hardship, was really telling people in the year 2021 to avoid getting a COVID passport?

I'm speechless.


Some people can see "the mark of the beast" anywhere.
I remember a story from years ago about an ID card with an electronic chip being introduced in a school.
And as weird as it sounds, some students saw it as "the mark of the beast" and complained.
I shit you not!
These days, nothing will surprise me.


I think the whole world has gone mad and is paranoid. I think people are less kind and more judgmental. We are also very divided and opinionated. I know a lot of people are not happy because we are all controlled right now by the government and the government and the media have too much power. Life as we know has changed drastically and not for the better either....


" the whole world has gone mad and is paranoid"

the sweet sweet sweet sweet irony


Well, the COVID vaccine contains Luciferin dissolved with 6.66 ml of distilled phosphate buffer solution, so that's a big clue.


Oh my gosh; that’s scary. Oh man...


Yeah and with the Luciferin added, it will be easy to tell who is and is not marked by virtue of the fact that the unmarked will not glow, as Luciferin is often used as a bioluminescent marker.


Coronavirus vaccine does not contain Luciferin, albeit Luciferin and Luciferase are harmless substances, and their usage in medicine is an approved method. Presenting those substances as dangerous because of the name and artificially linking them to the COVID-19 vaccine is a conspiracy theory


Shhhhhhhhhh . . . you'll ruin my gag.



Danggit! Foiled again! I'd have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for those meddling kids!


it also contains youarearetarderin


I'm a Jewish Gnostic who believes in Christ, but I am unorthodox.

The book of Revelation has cool imagery and meaning, but it's only that - a vision. It's not literally going to happen. Jesus will be coming back, but it won't be like how it's told in Revelation. Judaism and Christianity are not about predicting the future.

But in regards to the 666 mark, you could say it's already here. The 6th letter of the Hebrew alphabet is the "Vav" letter, which is W in english. "World Wide Web" or WWW is 666 technically, then. The Internet is truly a beast that you can't live without, no matter what ideology or lack of one you choose to believe in.



I'm not into seeing signs pertaining to omens or prophecies, but I can agree that the Internet and the subsequent disruption caused by Social Media and its effects on generational misanthropy, illicit business practices, perverted political agendas, and worst of all the 24/7 ability of it to distract humans from achieving more enlightenment in exchange for convenience and cold comfort is what can destroy us as a species.


I'm not a luddite; I like my iPhone and computer. Tools can be used for good or bad. But overall, I do not know. It's an "experiment" for sure. I don't know how it's going to affect us in the long run. What I do to balance it - is that I only use one social media profile: Facebook. I don't use the other social sites. I do go on this site, YouTube, Wikipedia, and random news articles, but that's it. I think Twitter and IG are very toxic to a person's psychology and mental well-being.

In "The Fifth Gospel" by Rudolf Steiner, Jesus says that humanity in it's "older" years. It's a neat quote. When a person is between 28 and 37 years old, the powers of youth fade away. You begin to get older and lose energy. That's where humanity is at in the current moment. We're not at the end just yet, but we are getting there. If Jesus is going to come back, I do not think it will be this decade or the next decade, but I believe it will be later this century or even the next century.

Before I became religious, I always wondered why people would say Jesus would come back now. After learning my Jewish history and how Israel had only become a state in 1947 (after almost 1900 years of exile), I became more open to the idea.


More like the Mark of the Commies.


Or the Cark of the Mommies.
