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How do black men like being scolded by Obama?

A black guy who talks white acts white, dresses white, and lives is rich, white neighborhood telling them how to vote - I wonder.


Younger black men can't stand him. YouTube is flooded with black men talking smack about him.

The illusion of Obama is over. He's the whitest "black man" on the planet. Did you see him dance when he was on Oprah? I can't believe he won the election with that kind of dancing. The guy had no rhythm at all. I figured that THAT was enough to sink his political aspirations at the time. Unfortunately, all people saw was a "black man" and voted based on that. He won because he was "black" that was the only reason he won. Not that John Mccain would have been better. He sucked too.

In case you are wondering, I am the whitest white man on the planet but in comparison, to Barak 'No Soul" Obama I have just as much soul as Barry White, Marvin Gaye and Stevie Wonder...


I have no problem with Obama, but how do black men and women feel about him supporting Kamala Harris who omitted her black heritage when sworn in as Senator. As much as the Dems and the MSM try to rewrite history, contemporary news accounts document she was sworn in as Indian-American with no mention of her black heritage.


Go on YouTube and look. They are roasting him- and her.


Do you have YouTube links to share?


Here's a small sample. You tube is loaded with more.


I checked the first link. I love those guys. I have been watching them for a while.

Great comment by one of them when Obama talked about “the brothers”, “I ain’t your brotha, brotha!”

They did some great commentary on Kamala. Alpha males are not interested in being led by a woman. One of them said that the only black guys who are for Kamala are gay!


Here's another one. It's airing live right now, and it's hosted by a black woman.

And yeah, those first guys are great. that's why I put them first. They also look like they could beat the living cr@p out of just about anyone they come into contact with.


Those guys are a cool bunch! Really smart and they do not take any crap. As a white person I was taken aback at the fact that not all African Americans are still on the Democrat plantation. I really should know better.

People can think for themselves. They do not need to be lectured to.


The two minute wait period for video to start was a dealbreaker


Agreed. I like her stuff, but that unnecessary two minute shit is too annoying.


Are you one of those women who believe they are inferior to men?


I am not sure if your question was directed at me, but I will answer it anyway!

No, I don’t think that I am inferior to men. It is just that men have different strengths than women. Well, alpha males do, not those beta males who cried on election night.

Women have their own strengths too. I learned from kindergarten on that boys and girls are different. No one is better, just different strengths which compliment each other.


If you don’t believe that men are better, why are you praising men who are disgusted by the idea of being lead by a woman and you seem to agree with the sentiment that any man who would accept a woman as president must be gay?


What men have I been praising who expressed “disgust” by the idea of being led by a woman? Give me some names.

I happen to agree with the men who saw her as an incompetent candidate. Biden was incompetent too. Does that mean I hate men?

In general, men just do not like to be led by women. That is the way men are hardwired. Don’t blame me. Have a talk with Mother Nature.

The older I get, the more I see that men generally fall into two categories, the alpha males and the beta males. Beta are the ones in the Harris ad who had to exclaim, “I am a real man”.

It’s been my experience that real men don’t go around exclaiming such things.
And anyway, what is the problem with men not wanting a woman as a leader when the left cannot even DEFINE what a woman IS?


Well put!


You do know that the whole "alpha/beta" thing derived from wolf packs has been proven to be total BS, right?

In my many decades of experience, men prove themselves by their actions, not by going around claiming to be "alphas" most of whom in reality are just insecure bullies and *holes.


The guy had no rhythm at all.

Are you joking? He had the coolest walk of any president I've ever seen, all of them white guys who walked like they had sticks up their asses.


Here's my full quote from my post above.

"Did you see him dance when he was on Oprah? I can't believe he won the election with that kind of dancing. The guy had no rhythm at all."

I was critical of his dancing ability. When it comes to dancing, he dances like a white man with no rhythm. I never said ANYTHING about how he walked. Don't cherry pick little snippets of dialog to suit your narrative. That's what dishonest people and dishonest news stations do.

And he was dancing like a white man with no rhythm on Ellen not Oprah- my bad. Here's the link below.

He looks like the whitest white man on the planet with that $h!tty dance.

Here's Jamie Foxx making fun of him for it.

Yeah, Obama has rhythm...


On Ellen he danced whiter than me and that's tremendous white dancing. He may have been imitating her.


Nah, he was a fraud from the get-go. He was/is a biracial half white half black man who was whiter than most white people. He was raised by his white mom and white grandparents. He had no black upbringing whatsoever. He had the right skin color and that was it.


Man, I hadn't seen that. Thanks for the cringe-burn


At least they're finally seeing him for the disgusting phony he always was. They fell for his act 10 years ago, but now that they've finally found out what his actions have said, versus his words, they now know he's all talk and never really there for "his brothers."


What are you talking about? What did he do that was so bad ffs?


Look beyond the MSM and Academia, which are auxiliaries of the Democrat Party in practice. Obama:

- Enacted hundreds of onerous regulations placed on businesses.
- Enacted environmental rules designed to destroy America’s coal industry.
- 7.8% unemployment in first four years.
- Record high food stamp enrollment.
- ISIS rose up.
- National debt went up $5.3 trillion in first four years.
- The “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor” LIE.
- Totally fudging-up the healthcare system.
- Weaponized the IRS to target conservatives; If there was no IRS scandal, as he claimed, why did Lois Lerner plead the fifth? Innocent people don't plead the fifth.
- The Benghazi fiasco.
- The "spontaneous reaction to a video" LIE.
- Fast & Furious and Eric Holder’s resignation.
- The Bowe Bergdahl farce.
- Legally allowed mentally ill men to use the women's restroom.
- Failed green investments, like Solyndra, which cost taxpayers millions of dollars.
- V.A. corruption.
- NSA domestic spying.
- The absurd $1.7 billion cash deal with Iran.
- The $800 billion non-stimulus and the non-"shovel ready" jobs it created.
- The lawless use of his Deep State minions within the FBI and his secret government wire taps which were used to try and steal the 2016 election.
- A Champion for infanticide, signed a bill that would allow babies to die on the table after a botched abortion.
- Allowing Russia to interfere in elections.
- Loretta Lynch's tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton.
- Uranium One.
- Made it legal for politicians and news media to lie to American citizens.

Need I go on?


Thanks for informing me of your side of things. Of course I have a rebuttal to each point but I don’t think you’d want or appreciate that. It’s just always good to know what the other side sees and experiences.


Barack Obama:

"You alone will condemn us if you wish... and you alone will be held responsible by me. You will bow down before me. I swear it. No matter that it takes an eternity, YOU WILL BOW DOWN BEFORE ME!"

Barack Obama is a FASCIST!


you got a credible source for that?


A quote of General Zod in Superman II (1980)


Obama looks black, talks white and drive Jew! I’m pretty sure every negro wants to be him!


I got news for you, white men don't like being ordered around by him either!


yes, but he was scolding black men.


I’m sure they didn’t appreciate too much nor being called racist a higher than usual percentage of blacks and Hispanics voted for Trump. Yeah Kamala only got like 83 or so percent of the black vote, for a Democrat that is pathetic.


"83 or so percent of the black vote" Especially bad for an occasionally black Democrat.


lol exactly, if democrats don’t get at least 90 percent of the black vote they are fucked.


He needs to shut up and go away. His time is over.


They probably think that Obama is irrelevant to them; just as many white men think Trump is irrelevant. Except for the MAGA cult members of course. They keep on eating his sh*t and asking for more
