MovieChat Forums > KCurmudgeon

KCurmudgeon (264)


The Sopranos without guns They have some amazing burn medicine in Westeros A "Masterpiece" of "wouldn't it be cool if..." writing Bodies don’t rot in L.A.? A whole new level of stupid Just one novel or all 3? The amazing dis- and re-appearing martial skills Wow this was bad, but... What ever happened to... MAKE SOMETHING NEW FFS! View all posts >


You do know that the whole "alpha/beta" thing derived from wolf packs has been proven to be total BS, right? In my many decades of experience, men prove themselves by their actions, not by going around claiming to be "alphas" most of whom in reality are just insecure bullies and *holes. Dems need to forcefully jettison their loony left wing. I'm sure you're being sarcastic, but the reality is I know a poll worker in Missouri who said more than one husband insisted on being in the voting booth with his wife and she had to sign a certificate stating she was incompetent and needed help to vote. Very true story. As Keely would say: "She's mad fit!" Totally agree! I caught about 5 minutes of it and it looks like bad videogame CGI from the 2000s. Just awful. Forget Maddow read this... That might not have been 100% of suburban families, but it was a LOT of suburban families in the '50s and '60s - speaking as someone who grew up then. BBT was talking about the original Indiana Jones i.e. Raiders of the Lost Ark, and they're 100% correct; Indy is superfluous to the plot and outcome. Here's a just couple, but I'm sure you'll cry "biased media" <shrug> According to Melon Husk though free speech is completely free, so even if it criticizes him, it's free speech, right? I mean he seems OK with reinstating accounts of neo-Nazis and their ilk, so.... Yeah except it's NOT free speech. It's Elon-approved speech. There are many examples. View all replies >