MovieChat Forums > Vladimir Putin Discussion > Such a shame how the Soviet Union were o...

Such a shame how the Soviet Union were our allies in WW2 and helped us eradicate evil in Europe.

All that good grace, gone.

Now the Axis powers Germany, Japan and Italy will be our allies against Russia.

Funny how it all works out.


Say whaaaat?

USSR was the other evil. Just a smaller and not THAT expansionist as Hitler but still EVIL.


The USSR was just as evil as the Nazis. They just needed help when the Nazis invaded them, so they worked with the real Allies for their own ends. After the war, the Soviets became the new bad guys overnight, grabbing up and enslaving all of Eastern Europe.

General Patton wanted to re-arm the German Wehrmacht and continue the war against the Soviets. This would likely have worked out better than what actually did occur in world history.


Like others have said, it was purely an alliance based on a common enemy and nothing more. I recall reading several articles stating that even before WWII had ended the US had already considered ways to obliterate the USSR. One of the plans proposed nuking the entire country, and it was estimated that it would take up to 300 atomic bombs to accomplish this. So yeah, the US and the USSR/Russia have never really been allies.


Go and read more history the situation was more like enemy of my enemy is my friend or Europe would not have been split after 1945 by the two factions.

Stalin was as crazy as Hitler but I bet his generals didn't want to do anything in Europe besides keeping the post WW2 split boarders...going against the allies with the US having nuclear weapons was suicide.


So they were allies then. No more history needed


Russia had a lot of fans way back after the Russian revolution. But
the whole world oligarchs and governments could not wait to topple
Russia. Many spies were sent to Russia to try to infiltrate and foment
a coup - forcing Russia to become the authoritarian state it is now.

The reason for WWII was the backers of Hitler supported him because
he was against Communism. Hitler did their bidding by killing the
more mild socialists and trade unionists in Germany and turning
the national socialists who were socialists into the Nazis whose sole
reason for existence was anti-communism and anti-trade union to
do the bidding of the German ( an some American ) industrialists.
Thus Fascism was born, and many big powerful rich Americans loved
the idea - and still do. They are called Republicans.

Russia after WWII was trying to recover, and it had to defend itself
from the West, from Generals like Curtis LeMay who wanted to continue
WWII into both Russia and China with nuclear weapons. Russia created
the buffer zone in Eastern Europe to defend the paths of attack. Look
at Ukraine and history - Germany attacked Russia through Ukraine,
because it is flat and like a doormat to the East. it goes both ways
but armies from the East attacked the West and armies from the West
attacked the East through Ukraine.

Russia's only access to the Atlantic is through the Ukrainian area in
the Sea of Azov. And of course NATO had to provoke Russia by sailing
Warships up into the Black Sea where there is no legitimate need for
them to be - and is just a military provocation as strong as Putin
putting troops on Ukraine's border.


Quit getting your history from American spy movies.
We are the ones who helped Russia, Russia did all the work, and
the Allies were hoping it would weaken Russia enough that they
could topple it, because it was all about stopping communism,
but all the Allies did was make Russia take a big buffer zone
in Eastern Europe for protection and become a tyranny to
protect itself from Western intrigue.

The West has been attacking Russia and blaming it for defending
itself since the beginning of the Cold War - started by the West,
mostly the US. The reason was that Russia was armed with
nuclear weapons, and now the history comes out, the US lied
about Russia having large numbers of nukes so the West could
jumpstart the monster that has become the Military Industrial
Complex, that sucks up all our money, and has made a state
that is going the way or Russia and China in terms of authoritarianism.

Biden, the US and the West ought to shut the hell up and stop selling
arms to Ukraine, and start negotiating in good faith with Putin,
else this is going to actually go nuclear because the sanctions
and isolation from trade and the world economy will hurt Russia,
as they have been since the end of WWII.

This is stupid foolish territory - with no payoff for the West, just
the military and the oil companies. And Americans are still not
critically listening to our BS media after Iraq and Afghanistan.
Well, not sure we really know about the American people because
the Internet is so full of fake sock-puppet trolls trying to incite


As others have pointed out, they were allied with Germany first, and they only joined the Allies because Germany invaded Russia, and they were kicking their ass.

There is also the fact that after Germany fell, Russia started annexing all the neighboring countries, while the US was still fighting Japan.


And America only joined because of Pearl Harbour.

The Soviet Union helped us beat the Nazis, Italians and Japanese.
