MovieChat Forums > Vladimir Putin Discussion > Such a shame how the Soviet Union were o...

Such a shame how the Soviet Union were our allies in WW2 and helped us eradicate evil in Europe.

All that good grace, gone.

Now the Axis powers Germany, Japan and Italy will be our allies against Russia.

Funny how it all works out.


Shit, you think them little bitches in Germany will do anything? Or Italy? Japan possibly, but I doubt it since china is on Russia’s side..


Germany already turned off the oil pipe. Italy and Japan are just talking sanctions like the rest of us at the moment.


Why did Germany accept the pipeline, or at the least halted the line a decade ago?


Dunno, just know they turned it off.


Totally, it's just frustrating way Germany even established the pipeline in the first place, and then Biden revoked sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline when entering office.

Quite frustrating indeed.


Yeah surely won’t make them mistakes again.


Germany cannot do anything because of WW2.


Sure they’ll get involved if the red army starts marching towards them again.


I don't think it was ever quite that simple, concerning the WWII relationship with the Soviet Union.
More an uneasy partnership where both parties needed the benefit of having an alliance.
But there are many more historians who can speak more confidently on this subject.


Well yeah obviously straight after there was the space race then cold war but at least it was peaceful.


Or maybe there's a bloody good reason for what Russia is doing. Won't know until the victors rewrite the history books again.


Hopefully it’s the new allies.


Hopefully there will be someone left to write something ... and not on the walls of some cave/bunker ...


The Soviet Union was an ally to Nazi Germany first!

Only after Germany invaded them, the Soviets ran to the U.S. and U.K..


Did they really?
They never ran to the US, the US only joined the war halfway through due to Pearl Harbor.


Dont forget that the USSR started out as Nazi Germany's ally. They wanted their own piece of Europe.

Then Hitler double crossed them and invaded. Our alliance with USSR was definitely a case of "the enemy of my enemy", and we never trusted them. We freakin' nuked a defeated Japan to send a message to the USSR!

WWII did not eradicate evil in Europe. One evil was replaced with another.


England and France started the war by declaring war on Germany - I swear people do not know this... Hitler plead for peace through out the entire war. However, the British Empire refused to accept peace and would only accept a surrender and complete capitulation of Germany.

That is why the Germans let the 100k British troops return home from France - a good faith offering for negotiating peace, that was not returned. I doubt any army would show mercy to the English again.


You gotta be kidding ...

Are you Argentinian??

The first act of war was Hitler invading Poland on 1st September 1939 ... with their friends, the USSR.

The Germans the proceeded to invade Netherlands, Belgium and France. Not the other way around ...


England and France declared war on Germany and started WW2 are you refuting this fact?

I am not following your logic. Maybe you are saying that because USSR and Germany invaded Poland they both declared war on England and France?


My logic is: since Germany invaded Poland THEY started the war.

France and UK declaring war to Germany was a RESULT of the first, German, act of war on one of their allies.

"SEPTEMBER 1, 1939
Germany invades Poland, initiating World War II in Europe."

"SEPTEMBER 3, 1939
Honoring their guarantee of Poland’s borders, Great Britain and France declare war on Germany. "

Is your logic that flawed that you simply don't understand chronology and the cause and effect laws?

BTW, as I was saying: although UK and France "declared war" they never actually attacked Germany, Germany attacked them on 10th of May 1940 ...


I don't understand - there is no logic, if what you say is true. Why didn't France and England declare war on USSR? USSR attacked Poland at the same time.


Nope - not at the same time, USSR invaded Poland 2 weeks later, on 17th September.


USSR held Poland for the next 50 years... According to you, Poland is a very important ally to France and Britain - so important they Bring the entire world into the most devastating war in history. Given that logic, England and France should have went to war with USSR to liberate Poland.

The logical answer is that France and England wanted a war with Germany and used any excuse to start it.


Are you that ignorant of historical events??

Again: neither France neither UK actively did anything beside declaring war. NOTHING!!!

Can you understand this? They said "hey, we are at war" and continued their usual life.

Hitler was the one that ACTUALLY INVADED all the neighboring countries, INCLUDING THE NEUTRAL ones, and attacked and occupied France and attacked UK. Can you understand this??? Hitler would have attacked and invaded France and UK even without the declaration of war ...

And after the war both UK and France were practically destroyed, they were rebuilt by the Americans, they would have had zero chance to attack the USSR and reclaim anything.

Plus: USSR was smart enough to NOT claim territories from Poland but to install puppet governments. There is no reason to defend Poland when Poland itself is ... Poland.

Gee boy, you need to read a LOT about history.


Germany was not in a position to attack unless provoked (besides Poland). A modern military requires petroleum.

Germany had essentially no local petroleum production, they were completely reliant on pre-war storage facilities and USA imports. The Germans were so desperate for oil, they were cracking coal tar in to shorter hydrocarbon chains - using insanely high pressure crackers, technology never used since.

Germany had only one option for survival - secure oil, and they failed.

France seen more damage during liberation than it did during the German invasion.

On another note. The Japanese also failed to secure adequate petroleum because the Dutch sabotaged everything in SE Asia as they left.


My man, what I posted are facts:

France and UK didn't attack Germany, Germany attacked UK and France (and the neutral countries - how did those NEUTRAL countries exactly "provoked" Germany).

Also Romania, an ally of Nazi Germany, was providing a LOT of oil:

But you didn't answer: are you Argentinian? :P


Asom, I think he’s trolling you. Stop feeding. :)


Well, i've seen a lot of idiots defending Nazis, communists, Stalin, etc.

So ... you would be surprised (maybe, lol) to hear that there are people that actually think like him.

Specially is his Argentinian :D


Let me ask you this:

If Russia invades Romania (a NATO member) and all the NATO countries would react and attack Russia leading to WW3.

Who would you say that started the WW3?? Russia? Romania? Or NATO?


I don't think there was ever 'good grace' between the US and Russia. We just had a common enemy.

The Dems team up with radical Muslims in the same way. They both hate Republicans.


USA has a long history working with Muslims in the Middle East. For example, USA funded the House of Saud's military campaign to conquer Arabia - In exchange for royalty free mineral rights. Mineral royalties eventually came, making the Saud's some of the richest people on the planet.


Yeah, Muslims are great!


That's a very egocentric way to put it. They didn't help us, we helped them. They were in it from the beginning and did most of the heavy lifting costing them over 20 million deaths. The US was a reluctant participant getting involved only at the very end after Pearl Harbor was attacked - and fortunately as a result bearing only a fraction of the human toll.


USA was involved a long time before PH. By providing armaments and support to the allies ...


Teheran and Yalta conferences were bugged by Stalin. What ever Churchill and Roosevelt said in private scared the shit out of Stalin. That made him paranoid for the rest of his life, to protect himself he killed many in his inner circle and took Jews out of positions of power.
