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Trump Says He Doesn't Know About Project 2025?

My one word response to Trump saying he knows nothing about Project 2025:

BULLSHIT. Of course he knows about it.
The only act Trump is good at is playing stupid. That's his best act.
Trouble is, no one believes it.


I'm sure you're okay with the government being dominated by leftists.

The government needs an enema. A big one. Badly.


Everyone should know about Project 2025 and how it will literally turn this country into a dictatorship.

The recent Supreme Court decision elevating the president above the law is the final warning.

Hope enough people take heed and vote to keep Trump out of office -- no matter who he's running against.

Once we lose democracy. It's over. There is no "waiting until next elecction for someone better."


Snopes all but admitted their "reporting" is one sided.


Examples? I frequently ask people for examples of Snopes' inaccurate reporting and no one will follow through.


It's right in the link.


Then why can't you point to a single sentence or paragraph in the link that is inaccurate?


Because I wasted 5 minutes reading it once and won't read it again.

It was toward the end of the article when they said they didn't get any confirmation one way or the other.

One of their tricks is to label something either true or false incorrectly, but if you read the article, they kind of are more accurate, but the "true" or "false" doesn't fit the reporting. Since most people who check snopes just look at the true or false, that's misleading.


I asked for examples of Snopes' inaccurate reporting. Instead you are evasive by claiming "it's right in the link". You can just admit that you don't know and you made it all up then.

You're claiming that the proof that Snopes is one sided, is that they "didn't get any confirmation one way or the other"? How does this make them one sided?

This is not one of their "true or false" articles. It is labeled, "What's Project 2025? Unpacking the Pro-Trump Plan to Overhaul US Government". In other words it appears to be a synopsis of Project 2025.

It seems that you are one of those who just looks at Snopes' true/false label. But this time you didn't look at anything at all. The article does not even contain the word "confirmation" as you suggest it does.


Snopes is mis/dis-information and propaganda.

They recently backpedaled on a couple of their own lies because the establishment wants to replace Biden.

P-2025 has nothing to do with Trump, it is being used to undermine Agenda-47 and the establishment is trying to smear Trump with it since they also have an agenda to replace him.


You are not an American citizen so why do you worship a 34 times convicted felon? I don't get it but your stupidity and gullibility is astounding. Where were you born? Your constant refusal to answer proves that your not an American. You are a huge pussy and it shows so I don't expect any intelligent reply from you. Retard!


Whenever someone bitches about Snopes, I ask them for an example. They never follow through.

Which lies did Snopes backpedal on?

Many of Trump's associates are involved with Project 2025. The fact that trump is trying to distance himself from 2025 indicates he knows all about it. Why do you think 2025 is a smear campaign?

The Supreme Court recently undermined Trump's anti-gun agenda with their reversal of his gun grab. Are you going to criticize the court for this?


The fact that trump is trying to distance himself from 2025 indicates he knows all about it.

He's trying to distance himself because he has nothing to do with it.

The Supreme Court recently undermined Trump's anti-gun agenda with their reversal of his gun grab.

That was a DS gun grab.

The ATF/DOJ wrote those laws and there was nothing anyone could do about it, but thanks to Trump's justices, the SC recently overturned the Chevron deference doctrine that will hold that federal courts may not defer to an agency’s interpretation of an ambiguous statute.

We the people will be able to hold any agency accountable for their fabricated interpretations of the law including any ATF-gun grabs.

You are so fixated on Trump, that you can't discern or deduce anything and you're certainly not keeping up with anything else.

Once again, seek help.


Anyone who says "DS this or DS that" is irrelevant.

Why do you keep on calling Trump a doormat? Did they also force Trump to go on TV and brag about how he was going to ban bump stocks?

The ATF are the presidents' bitches. They don't make new regulations without the president's blessing.


The ATF are the presidents' bitches.

Only when the DS is in control and the president is part/member of the DS.

Did they also force Trump to go on TV and brag about how he was going to ban bump stocks?

Yes, he had to read their script, otherwise, they would have tried to impeach him and 25th him.


So, a doormat.


In your head, rent free, for the rest of your life.


You are not an American citizen so why do you worship a 34 times convicted felon? I don't get it but your stupidity and gullibility is astounding. Where were you born? Your constant refusal to answer proves that you're not an American. You are a huge pussy and it shows so I don't expect any intelligent reply from you. Retard!


Why does a groomer like you continue to defend pedophiles?

Reply and bump this thread so I can continue asking you the same question.


FYI, Snopes supposed just recently admitted, after SEVEN FUCKING YEARS that Trump did NOT say that neonazis were "very fine people".

That was a big old lie, very clearly as Trump was on video, NOT sayihng it, but the media and Biden lied to the American people and snopes took SEVEN years before they admitted it was a complete lie.

That's a pretty big one. Very important.


So when Snopes claims Trump did not say nazis were very fine people, they were lying? Got a link?

Yours is typical of claims about Snopes. Claims, but no links or evidence.


Normally I am skeptical of requests for links from lefties, but this is a very recent story and I can believe that the sources your follow have ignored it.


Snopes says that "Trump never praised neo-Nazis at a Charlottesville protest". So?

Here is that link. Is it factual?

Four years ago Snopes addressed a related issue and called it a mixture of true and false.


It's factual NOW.

But for seven years they refused to call out the Left (and Biden) on a really big lie.

"Related issue"?

You asked for a lie that they backpedealed on and I gave you a HUGE one.

Now what is your response to this...

And it is worth noting, that if you look at the transcripts, that trump condemning the nazis and NOT calling them fine people was clear as day. There is NO way that anyone not retarded, or willfully blind, could be confused by that.

So, why did they not fact check the left, AT THE TIME, when it ccould have done some good for the country, and instead waited SEVEN FUCKING YEARS?

Do you realize how perfectly Trump handled that incident? What he did would have, should have been a wonderful healing and unity moment.

Instead the left sold a lie to their half of the America people.


Is Snopes required to fact check Trump all of the time? No, they are not, ever.

So where did Snopes lie? Where is the backpedaling? Waiting a long time to address an issue is not a lie.

You're like everyone else. You say Snopes lies, but are unable to provide an example. Instead you provide an example where they tell the truth.


If I recall correctly, they DID fact check it, but they were weasels and supported the lie by pretending that the issue was confused, when in reality Trump was CLEAR AS FUCK.

They pretended that it was unclear. I do not have the old post on the issue, but I do recall checking and not being surprised that they were cowardly on the issue.

You are stonewalling here. I have given you a clear example you have asked for.

if you have more detailed questions, you have enough to investigate it yourself.


Why not post a link? You're just like everyone else, they piss and moan about Snopes, but never a link to the lie.

You're the one stonewalling. I ask for a link and all I get is excuses.


I did. Now this is where, if you were a serious person you would admit it, and adjust your worldview to be more in touch with reality.


The only link I see from you is from MSN, not from Snopes. I keep asking for a link to a Snopes article that is a lie and you post something else instead.

It really is that simple. Post a link to a Snopes article that is a lie. You can't do it.


Dude. I told you I didn't save the old version of snopes before they finally admitted the truth.

You are playing dumb now. I have given your proof of Snopes "Walking back a lie".

Your choices, if you are a serious person are to

a. admit this and own it.


b. find a source that has additional information that might...somehow...defend snopes. I have not heard of anything like that, but, you could try.

Otherwise, you are just stonewalling.


What old version? Have proof any exists?

Just because Snopes said something about Trump, does not mean they walked back anything.

I will not find any source for you. You made a claim, you prove it.


I did prove it, now you are grasping at straws and stonewalling.

You want to investigate it for more details, you are welcome to do so.

Time for you to admit this and adjust your view of reality to be more in touch with reality.

Why do you think that snopes waited 7 years before they admitted that Trump did not say what the media and dems claimed he said?


I think you're imagining things again. Post the link and quote the lie.

I have no idea why Snopes posts about certain topics and not others. Snopes posts lots of information about Trump. Are you going to fault them for missing something?


I posted a link to a story reporting on the incident.

if you want to find the raw data yourself, to verify it, or just to learn more, go at it.

But I gave you what tyou asked for, ie proof of snopes "walking back a lie".


[–] Corbell (9977) an hour ago
But I gave you what tyou asked for, ie proof of snopes "walking back a lie".

You linked to a story about a Snopes article that says "Democrats were wrong about Trump".

Did Snopes lie? Or did other people lie when they made accusations about Trump?

How about you quote the lie that Snopes told in the link you provided.


Snopes lied in not clearly reporting the truth from the incident UNTIL now, seven years later.

That is the meat of this. That is a good example of what you asked for.

NOw you have a choice between dealing with this reality, or talking shit to hide from it.


What obligation does Snopes have, to report on any event that takes place in the world? The answer is they have no such obligation at all

They are not a government organization. It is a for profit website that carries ads.

They are under no obligation to cater to your desires.


They present themselves as fact checkers.

This carries an obligation to check facts.

They failed to do that, for seven years.

"MY DESIRES"? lol.


Which facts are they obligated to check? Who are they responsible to? Remember, this is still a free country.

A failure on their part to live up your expectations does not mean they lied when they finally posted another page on Trump.

Trump does a lot of stupid stuff, it can be hard to keep up with him and his lies.

Do you really expect fact checkers to be constantly checking Trump's claims and proclaiming that he told the truth on those rare occasions when he does tell the truth?


Your pretense that a fact checker should not have checked the facts on such an important event, is absurd.

you are stonewalling and gaslighting now.


I did not claim Snopes should have not fact checked Trump. I said they were not required to do so.

Not everything Trump says is important enough to be fact checked by Snopes or anyone else.

Just because you're questioning your own reality, does not mean I'm gaslighting you.


HIs speech on the riot wher ea woman died was important. You have talked yourself into an absurd position.

ANd the point is not that they DIDN'T fact check it, but that they lied about it. THey did NOT call out the lie of the left against Trump as they clearlly should have given their stated purpose as an oranization.


Read the Snopes link again. They did call out those who lied.




The MSN article refers to the lie that Snopes backpedaled.

You already posted the links to the Snopes lie in 2020 and the 2024 link admitting that they were wrong.

What more do you want?


No one in those links is saying that Snopes lied.


Are you that obtuse to literally expect them to say "we lied" but here is the truth after seven years.

Ranb playing stupid again.


I am not expecting Snopes to admit to lying. What I expect from you, is to post a link to a Snopes article that is clearly a lie.

No one has done this yet. If you're going to call anyone a liar, then you post proof.

Failure to post a fact check on a single event for several years is not a lie.


They lied about it and then backpedaled with the truth after seven years.


I did not see their original lie that you claim exists. Can you link to it?


Here are some key points about Project 2025...

Yes it is an introduction into authoritarianism..


The concept of a neutral civil service requires both sides to play along.

When the dems politicized the government and decided to RESIST and be UNGOVERNORABLE, they violated that tradition.

What did you expect hte reaction to be?


I guess I'll choose the dictatorship that doesn't scapegoat me.


The recent Supreme Court decision preserves democracy, or rather the federal democratic republic form of government that our Constitution guarantees. It in no way elevates the president above the law.


"The Trump campaign's goals and proposals within Project 2025 overlap. However, the former president has attempted to distance himself from the initiative. In a July 5, 2024, post on Truth Social, he wrote: "I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they're saying and some of the things they're saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them."

"In other words, it's unknown if, or to what extent, Trump's campaign is talking to leaders of the initiative. Many political analysts and the Biden administration believe Project 2025 is a good indication of Trump's vision for a second term."

Yeah, they admitted that they have no idea.


All Trump does is lie, grift, whine, bully and play golf


Seems he doesn’t knows about the US Constitution either.


I wouldn't be surprised if he knows a bit more more about it than he lets on, and he might not actually support or care about it that much. He just wants to look good in front of everybody as usual by using his alleged lack of knowledge of a political scenario to gain personal admiration.



You still haven't answered my question from this morning which is now yesterday morning: With all of your babble you post, I want to know who exactly you choose to vote for on November 5th?? Biden or Trump?? It's one or the other and if you choose to once again sit the election out as important as this is?? Then for the next 4 years, you don't have an opinion and no one will pay attention to you, so I'd highly suggest picking a side. I don't give a shit if you have to close your eyes, hold your breath and fucking point, JUST VOTE!!



And there you go again!! You fucking Liberal in sheep's clothing if I've ever seen it.. You can't even answer a simple question as to who you're voting for on November 5th, TWICE now and now the pieces of the puzzle are beginning to come together now.. 🙄



Shove it in your ass!! You still, STILL haven't answered a simple fucking question going on 3 days now so fuck you, you're on ignore with the rest of the 13 pinheads I have on ignore.. You spout a bunch of babble and no one knows what the fuck you even say when you post 🙄





What about The Alan Parsons Project?


They faded away in 1990. :)

The Trump family legacy will be one of failure, bankruptcy and felony convictions. How far they have fallen since Fred Trump Sr. decided to make his son a millionaire at age eight to hide money from the IRS.



Libs just say shit. It don't mean nuthin.


Why do you think he is worth that much? Trump has bankrupted several businesses, including casinos where people literally threw money at him.



Trump sought chapter bankruptcy protection for the Taj Mahal in 1991. Also for the Trump Castle, Trump Plaza and Casino and The Plaza hotel in 1992. In 2004 Trump Hotels and Resorts filed for bankruptcy.

Trump sucks. Get used to it. :)



Why do you think he is worth that much?



I'm sure he knows about it, but like most of the people who don't have anything to do with it, he's not well-versed in it. It's a red-herring. A cute, fuzzy-tailed squirrel people want stupid folk to focus on instead of Joe Biden's deterioration and who's really running the country.


Yeah... Just like Hunter's laptop. 🤣


Except that most people polled said they'd have changed their vote if they'd known about Hunter's laptop.

This is more like some far left think tank comes up with some pinko manifesto and stupid people say that it represents what all the Democrats want from Biden right down the ballots. And easily-led people say, "Duh, yup! That must be true! Uh huh!" and they all either refuse to vote Democrat or switch to Republicans.

What far left think tanks come up with have nothing to do with the Democrat platform, any more than what the Heritage Foundation comes up with.



Biden isnt deteriorating either hes just a serpent and controlled."

You're kidding, right?? The man has Subtitles now when he speaks to decipher what he says while he's drooling all over himself and his wife talking down to him like a fucking front of a small gathering at one of his Rally's if that' what you want to call it..



You have got to go down as the worst conspiracy theorist I've ever seen on this site and so much, you can't even tell people who you're voting for because you know you're voting for Biden you fucking pinhead and no amount of replies you post that are a mile long and done for a reason will change anyone's mind.. You're nuts



Look, telling us you don't vote for Luciferians or Satanists doesn't tell us one damn thing other than you're voting for Biden is what it comes down to and you know it?? 🙄



Project 2025 is the only reasonable response to the politicalization of hte civil service by the LEFT.

The idea of the NEUTRAL civil servants was shitcanned when the lefties in government started to NOT implement the policies of the elected officials when those officals were republicans. Or TRUMP.

2025 is not hte problem, it's the FIX.


Do you even know the full ins and outs of project 2025?

Funny when I mentioned it before you ignored it. Which shows you support something without even knowing what it is. That's a bad sign bud...


Do you know all the ins and outs of what lefty partisans are doing in the government now?


Nice deflection. I do know the ins and outs and and many of the things I disagree with or don't support. Now back to my original question do you know the ins and outs of project 2025? You claim to support it even though you don't know the full ins and outs of it. That's a bit concerning...


It is not a deflection, it is my point.

I do not know the complete in and out of all the damage being done by leftie partisans in the government, but I know that I support replacing them with people who are not vile commie bastards who are abusing their position to impose their ideology on a nation that does not want it.

I have not gone over the full program being pushed by the 2025 group, but what I have heard so far, sounds pretty good or at least reasonable.

I tend to not get overly focused on the details of such proposals becuase there is a huge process between PROPOSAL and POLICY.

A lot of people and protocols stand between the 2025 people and implementation.

That is not to say that I am unwilling to discuss any individual point that you want to, just that taking anything written at THIS early date as gospel, is kind of.... optimistic, imo.


This is also ignorant. You don't want leftists pushing their agenda but are fine with right wingers doing it. Right wingers have had some damaging policies implemented as well. Yet you say nothing about it.

You probably should go over the full program. If you fully support it after that, you are not mentally well.

Yes but proposals can turn into policies. Don't forget that.

Doesn't matter. If it's pushed hard enough it can and will get implemented. Read the dotted line before you sign the contract.

And I disagree with that.


Grist, this is clearly NOT what I said,

"This is also ignorant. You don't want leftists pushing their agenda but are fine with right wingers doing it"

So, go fuck yourself until you care to respond to what I actually said.

And really, even then, fuck yourself too.


You support replacing them you said. All you care about is replacing them and have openly said it's our turn to push our agenda now. So no you are fine with an agenda so long as it's your party doing it. You said in a post it's our turn to push our agenda now.

That's your words I am using. Go fuck yourself bitch.


Listen fag.

The rules used to be for a neutral civil service.

That was the best answer for many reasons.

BUt your side shitcanned that. That was wrong of them.

So, by the new rules, when we come in, assuming we will, it would be right for us to replace the leftie hacks you have filled these agencies with, with people that will actually IMPLEMENT THE POLICIES of the elected officials.

That is my position. Would you, could you, be LESS OF A FAG, and address that honestly instead of just spewing shit from your face anus?

That question was rhetorical. I know that you cannot, because all you are is a fag and an asshole and a retard.

Go fuck yourself.


Then why did you say it is our turn to push our agenda now? That's not the sane as implementing things you are stating? Answer that bitch boy.


It is the same. We are playing by the rules YOUR side set up, and that means that if we win, we get to impliment policy, as per the agenda, you fucking retarded asshole.



You are raving.

Elections are so that the policies of government can be directed by the will of hte people.

When lefty partisans have been RESIST the elected President Trump and his policies, they were the ones being "fascist".

Purging them and replacing them with people that will carry out the will of the people's elected leaders, is the FREEDOM loving thing to do here.



Your desire for us to ignore the fact that the structure of government has been made hostile to us, and resistant to us, and to just allow our enemies to cheat while we play by the old rules,

is not fair.

And I hope we are done doing that. Time to get serious again.



Meanwhile in the real world, I want the government to NOT be hostile to me and mine.

That's pretty reasonable.

Why do you feel a need to stand up for those assholes?



How do you figure that me not wanting a government hostile to me and mine "outed me as a hypocrite"?

Try to be concise and... on point.


All your points are bang on. I appreciate you educating fools like Corbell. He won't take the education cause he is too foolish and arrogant but I appreciate you exposing him. Keep up the good work.



The MC exorcist is back with another wall of rants.👆



Go take your meds. 💊💊💊




Self medicating yourself through narcotics is not the solution.

So you stopped taking your meds, that explains the 500 walls of rants.



Are you trying to convince yourself of everything you type?

You have a condition. Seek help.


Says one imbecile to another. lmao



Are you still trying to convince yourself?



Nobody reads the BS nonsense drama.

Yes, I agree, no one wants to read all your BS rants.



Im a Truther

No, you're a parrot and a regurgitator.


I've been hearing a bit more about this project. It is a product of an alliance of conservative lobby groups.

It really doesn't seem to have anything to do with Trump. These people will be lining up outside his office if he wins, with a list of ideas and projects to try to sell to him, but it is a wish list.


Yeap, P-2025 is a government funded project being used to make Trump appear as a tyrant.

Trump's platform is Agenda 47.

Key policy areas include:

• Border security
• Law and order
• Economic policies
• Energy independence
• Parental rights
• National security
• Election integrity
• The right to life
• Confronting China
• Addressing the opioid crisis
• Protecting gun rights
• Breaking up the administrative state
• Opposing ESG and "woke" capital
• Reforming higher education
