MovieChat Forums > Bob Saget Discussion > Died at age 65? What was wrong with him...

Died at age 65? What was wrong with him, that is young ...

A more than affluent American male.

Here's some stats ...

.... men who had reached the age of 40 in 2014 and were in the top 10% in household income could expect to live to 88 years old. For those that were in the bottom 10%, life expectancy was just 76.

Sage was 59 in 2014, but close enough.

Bob really missed a lot of life.


Probably COVID


Or drug abuse. Comedians usually do.


The article stated police found no sign of drugs in the room or foul play.


He was vaccinated..tweeted about getting his booster in October.

So I bet his death was “sudden” and no mention of being vaccinated.


Oh Christ, cut it out, will ya?


Relevant parts...

In Figure 1 You Can See What A Cluster Bomb of Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) Looks Like in the Live Unstained Live Blood From the So-Called Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca and Janssen "Vaccines"!

Figure 1 is a Micrograph of a Carbon Cluster of Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) Viewed in the Live Unstained Human Blood with pHase Contrast Microscopy at 1500x. Note that the Red Blood Cells are Clotting in and Around the rGO Crystal in a Condition Known as Rouleau! A French Word Which Means to Chain.

Super relevant part...

Nano and Micro Graphene Tubes Cause Pathological Blood Coagulation Leading to Hypercapnia, Hypoxia and Death


Naturopathic physicians aren't recognized as medical doctors for a reason but you probably think that's a conspiracy as well.


Microscopy and stereographic samples are irrefutable, but Leftists hate facts so they attack the people who present the data instead of the data itself because... the science is irrefutable.

Here's more data from German doctors who performed autopsies and found the EXACT same thing as the microscopy reports in deceased patients who had been vaccinated:

Try dismissing that.

(lol, also another Leftist did EXACTLY what you did, attacking the team of researchers by finding anything they could to discredit them instead of actually looking at the data. It's like you guys come out of a factory pre-programmed to abandon critical thinking and go to some CCP-funded "fact check" site funded by the people pushing big pharma's nonsense. In fact, that's exactly what you did. And this is the reason why they try to discredit the science on those sites with bloggers paid to pretend to be "fact checkers":


That's what they WANT you to think, man!


It's so frustrating. They're all like "Trust the experts! Trust the experts". And the then when experts all over the world start going against the narrative the say "No not those experts".


Some "press release" pdf about a supposed livestream from some archive site is not evidence. But showing the link to some peer reviewed published studies is a little too hard apparently. So, where are those experts?


Here you go, ace, the autopsy reports even translated to English:

Watch all two hours of it. It matches the stereoscopy reports posted above.

Also, all the published studies that say the same thing have been pulled by angry Leftists:

Why not review them instead of banning/pulling them from publication?

But you want consensus? Well, 500 doctors and health professionals came together and put together an information pamphlet pointing out the EXACT same thing as the German autopsy reports, the microscopy reports, and the stereoscopic data:

It's almost like there's a concerted effort from Pfizer and co., to attack anyone who doesn't sync in with the narrative and parrot the anti-science bullcrap being spewed by disinformation agents like CNN.


All the real links were pulled by leftists you say? Oh no! They must keep those research papers next to those of the water engine and the free energy patents for sure..
Were those claimed 500 scientists part of the Trump inauguration crowd per chance?


Were those claimed 500 scientists part of the Trump inauguration crowd per chance?

LOL... Trump is pro-vaccine, those Docs aren't.


Maybe cancer, maybe he was still doing blow and got a hot shot of fentanyl, maybe something suicide, who knows. We’ll find out in time.


If you take three shots of fentanyl while looking into a mirror, Derek Chauvin appears.


65 isn´t that young.


In less than a blink, you'll think otherwise.


If I could like this comment I would!


you cant


Thank you for letting me know. Because of your baffling brilliance I will be able to sleep better at night :-)




88 is the average affluent Americans lifespan ... so if you don't think dying only having lived 74% of your life is not dying young ... maybe you better think about it and take good care of yourself.


Yeah its below life expectancy but so what? Below 50 is young to die. 65 is retirement age. Is it lower than you expect? Yes but that doesn´t mean its "young".

I believe in taking care of myself but people don´t always die because of health reasons.


> Yeah its below life expectancy but so what?

Kind of like your IQ.


Well despite my "low IQ", I can take comfort in knowing I don´t use child-like ad hominem when someone disagrees with me.


Sadly this just happens sometimes. We lost a family friend at a similar age who was also found in a hotel room. The family was on vacation and he got tired. His wife and adult daughter dropped him off at the hotel for him to rest. When they returned a few hours later he was on the floor and passed. It was a heart attack and he had just had a healthy check up.




My wife´s mum died at 70 in a similar situation. She awoke from sleep in the early morning, and 10 minutes later she was dead from a heart attack.


Sorry to hear that, that's very sad. As we get older we have to be a lot more careful that we did when you could do anything to your body. It's very hard to change patterns that our biggest corporations have brainwashed us into and are practically hardwired into us.




Actor John Heard was found dead in a motel room in Palo Alto, CA not to far from where I live after back surgery at Stanford Hospital, and before that it was Talk Show Host Pete Wilson died on the operating table at Stanford during a hip replacement that is supposed to be so routine. But I guess this is the excellent skills we get when we pay twice as much as any other country for health care and leave tens of millions of people out of the loop.


He was insured: the Co will want to know before they pay. Sorry to all his F&F who
are genuinely shocked it happened. This isn't a Robin Williams deal.


not that it totally matters, but he smoked cigars, and maybe that was a factor?


I can't speak for Pete Wilson but Heard had serious heart disease and was 71. Pay as much as you want but if you screw yourself with poor lifestyle choices no amount of money will save you. I'm guessing this is something a majority of the people need to learn the hard way.


I never heard that Heard had heart disease, though from his shape it would not surprise me. It was really sad that one of the actors in two of my favorite movies, "Chilly Scenes Of Winter" and "Mindwalk" blew up to be so unhealthy. I think there is a reason behind why such a promising career seemed to vanish.


I read an interview with Heard where he admitted he used to have a really loud/abrasive mouth on the set, and that it affected his career negatively.


Bob Saget wasn’t recovering from any surgical procedures. He was doung a comedy tour. If I had to guess, I’d say a stroke or heart attack brought on by the stress of that kind of work and travel.

John Heard was recovering from a recent surgical procedure and should not have been left to recover on his own. I remember Pete Wilson (local Bay Area news anchor and radio host) too and his death being so sudden and sad.


Yeah, Pete Wilson was a great talk show host. He was an average newscaster, but he really found his calling on the talk shows. He was smart, personable, up to date, fairly non-partisan, but to me mostly to the Left of center, but in the best way. I miss him. I no longer can even listen to KGO. Loved Gene Burns, Pete Wilson, and Gil Gross too. I still like Pat Thurston as well for a Leftie host.


Lifestyle. Some of my friends and I play competitive tennis on a regular basis. We spend hours on the court sweating while running down balls. It's funny, most guys/gals won't play singles because it really is hard work. They play a lot of doubles though, still get a decent workout. We've talked about how tennis players rarely kick the bucket early. Novotna is an exception. There are Wimbledon champions from the 1950's still alive today in their 90's. Regular cardio does work wonders.


True. When you get cardio like that you can laugh at colds and flu for the most part. I've slowed down a bit, but I used to run 5-7 miles a day and I could run in the coldest weather and not feel anything, and when I felt a cold or sore throat coming on a good night's sleep and it would be gone the next morning. Bonus is you can eat anything you want and not gain weight, but you body pretty much rejects anything too terrible.


I knew a high school wrestling coach who was an ex-Marine and highly muscular, looked like a body builder. Years later, he dropped dead from a heart attack on a tennis court at the age of 47. I wondered if he ate a lot of red meat to build muscle, and had clogged arteries.


Damn, sure sounds like the Widow-maker(left anterior descending artery) was clogged. Unfortunately the most common sign of heart disease is sudden death. I've also read that over exercising is really bad for the heart as well. Supposedly any cardio over 1 hour loses any health benefits and is more bad than good.


There's a chance that the vaccine killed him. He got his booster on 11/28/2021. If he died of heart trouble, it would be difficult to determine whether covid or the vaccine caused his heart troubles. Performing comedy in night clubs is also a high-risk environment due to prolonged exposure to large crowds.


smoke-filled rooms, I assume too. 2nd hand smoke.


Hahahahahaha .... a-hahahahaha ... you anti-vaxxers never miss a single opportunity for silliness.


he outlived betty white at least.


Actually she outlived him by 34 years.


You can be rich, but it you don't go to the right doctors, get the right tests and seek the right treatments, you can end up no better off than someone who only has limited access to doctors.
