What will Creepy Joes America be like?
Do you think it will be better or worse?
shareIt will be a lot better when you finally stop drinking.
Let's work on you first, OK?
Then we can tackle America.
As he bumbled, mumbled, slurred and created new words, I thought this was Joe Biden's worst speech yet. And that's saying a lot.
It will be just as bad or worse than Trump. Biden's yet another rich, racist, war mongering old dinosaur put in office by lobbyists and rich degenerates masquerading as progressives. Add to that possible Dementia and a tendancy to grope and sniff the hair of other people's children.
It could only be dandy.
He has been a Politician for over 47 years. Its going to be the same ol rat race again. Back to the status quo, thats how the swamp likes it.
shareCOVID won't go anywhere. Thousands will continue to die. Crime will skyrocket, Blacks will still get shot by cops and BLM and Antifa will still riot. We just won't be reading about any of it on the news. The economy will never recover and by summer we will be in a depression which they will blame on Trump. Nobody will be able to post any dissent anywhere online because they will be immediately tagged and banned. The news will constantly be screaming about "MORNING IN AMERICA" and how wonderful Biden will be. Expect his speeches and public appearances to be minimal to avoid his insane rambling.
shareprophetic words. as they are creating a ministry of truth...
shareSadly, this is all come true.
shareHe told us a "dark winter."
sharenot so much 'Creepy' Joe as 'Lucky' Joe
What a great question. Turns out it's much much MUCH worse. Biden is, without question, the worst president of the last 100 years.